Start with a blacksmith shop

Chapter 203 On the show

Seeing him triumphantly across from him, he had the urge to go over and kick him. In this state, Wang Yuesheng's curiosity about what he said about this project became more and more intense.

"Hurry up, tell me carefully what's going on with this project you're working on!"

Finally, Old Man Wang's curiosity was aroused, and his move to pull him over was finally not in vain.

It was at this time that he finally began to introduce his project to Wang Yuesheng in earnest.

"Hehehe, let me introduce it to you in detail!

First of all, the type of helicopter I am developing is a dual-rotor aircraft, but it is not a coaxial dual-rotor, so it is different from the Ka-52 Alligator.

To be more specific, it is a side-by-side twin-rotor aircraft. I think you will definitely think of the Chinook, but the Chinook is a tandem rotor aircraft. I made this trendy side-by-side aircraft.

As for the parallel helicopter, you may think of the V22 Osprey, but it is not this type of aircraft. The Osprey is a model between a helicopter and a fixed-wing aircraft.

To be precise, it should be a cross-type parallel twin-rotor helicopter, with the same layout as the old K-max. "

At this point, he paused and gave Wang Yusheng some time to react. After feeling that the other party had accepted the information, he continued.

"Going back to my development project, the aircraft I designed is a heavy-duty helicopter platform.

So in terms of size, both the body shape and the take-off weight are much larger than the old model's K-max.

In my plan, this helicopter does not use traditional energy, but uses electricity as its energy source.

Just like the model aircraft in front of you now, the power layout uses six electric motors.

The power of each motor is 480kw, the total power is 2880kw, and the motor has been specially strengthened by me.

Therefore, based on the current verification of model aircraft, the maximum take-off weight should be about 18 tons.

But model airplanes are just model airplanes after all, so in my design, the maximum takeoff weight should be more than 20 tons.

Such indicators can completely reach the data of a heavy-duty helicopter. The body will be designed according to the specific direction, so everything is being verified now.

But judging from the data obtained so far, the situation is particularly optimistic. "

He did not introduce Wang Yuesheng too deeply, because the real machine has not yet been manufactured, and everything remains on paper.

However, with the verification aircraft model around, Wang Yuesheng's view was that what he said was not empty talk.

And this is an all-electric helicopter. If successfully developed, this will be the world's first electric-powered heavy-duty helicopter.

Wang Yuesheng couldn't help but feel a little excited when he thought of this. If it can be realized, then this helicopter under development will fill a gap, and it will be a gap in the world.

Thinking of this, he was gradually convinced, and slowly accepted Li Zhenhua's statement. Following the other party's thinking, the Thunderbolt did not need to upgrade anymore.

Looking at Wang Yuesheng who was deep in thought, he also raised hopes of persuading him. Just when he was about to continue questioning, he heard the other party speaking.

"Little Li, I admit that your idea is very good, and the performance of the aircraft model is also very good now.

But you have to know that the path you choose now is not that easy.

There may also be no way to get through at all. Do you know all this? "

Seeing Wang Yuesheng speaking to him solemnly, his expression also became serious.

Of course he understood what the other party said. There is currently no fully electric helicopter that can be used in the world.

Some are just all-electric helicopters like large drones with a pod in the middle, and they only have a range of 35 kilometers, and the speed is not very fast.

And if his aircraft is fully developed, it can be said to bring helicopters to a whole new realm.

The impact is foreseeable and will definitely have a great impact on certain fields.

"Of course I know this, but I have confidence in myself that this road will definitely work.

The Thunderbolt does not need to be upgraded again, just make full use of its utility as a medium-sized armed helicopter.

As for the rest, everything will be filled by latecomers, and I believe that the helicopter I developed is just the beginning.

After me, there will definitely be more scientific research units developing all-electric aircraft. It turns out that the most important factor that troubles this aspect is the battery.

But not long ago, I solved this problem. The energy density of the battery was ten times that of the original.

And I also believe that with the development of technology, battery energy density will continue to increase. "

He responded impassionedly to Wang Yuesheng's words. What he just said is in line with the future direction.

To say why he is so confident is like giving Wang Yuesheng another guarantee. It is entirely because he has already completed the manufacturing and basic testing of the real machine in the virtual laboratory.

It's just that he wanted to make this technology traceable in reality, so he chose to just build such a verification aircraft model.

This is where his confidence lies, and he will certainly have this attitude towards a helicopter that has already achieved success in the virtual laboratory.

After hearing his answer, Wang Yuesheng's heart, which was still wavering, was full of confidence in him. After all, he was a person who was good at creating miracles.

"Okay, then I support you. As for what I said before about asking you to develop a turboshaft engine, just pretend that I never said that.

I'm just waiting to see what surprises you will bring me in the future. I'm full of expectations now! "

Hearing Wang Yuesheng say this, he also breathed a sigh of relief, finally convincing the old man.

This time Wang Yuesheng proposed that he help develop the project, which fully demonstrated the recognition of his R\u0026D ability by the upper management of Jiuzhou.

For such an important scientific research project to involve him, it is self-evident that he attaches great importance to it.

They did not stay in the staff dormitory for long, and soon the two of them came out and walked inside the factory. Li Zhenhua led the old man towards his workshop.

But Wang Yuesheng did not go back with him. Instead, he stopped after walking for a while.

"Let's stop here today. You see, it's getting late today.

It's time for me to go back to Peiping. There are still a lot of things to do there, and I still have to report your decision.

Okay, I'm leaving, work hard and make your vision a reality as soon as possible. "

After the old man finished speaking, he waved to the side, and the security guard who followed him quickly stepped forward and led the people towards his car.

After chatting with the old man for a while, it was considered a formal report, and he reported on the project he was currently working on.

Unlike before, where I was always doing it by myself, in the future I can do it openly and ask for support.

Watching the old man's car slowly drive out of the factory, he returned to the workshop.

He did not linger in the rest room of the workshop, but changed out of his suit and put on a comfortable ERKE sportswear. He was no longer so restrictive.

Although he looked handsome in formal attire, he didn't feel comfortable.

After changing his clothes, he picked up Li Yun and returned home. He had to go back to read Jiuzhou News. He wanted to know whether today's delivery ceremony would be on the news.

When I got home, it was already close to seven o'clock. When I completed the delivery in the afternoon, it was already close to three o'clock. Then I took people to visit the production line.

After the international friends left, I chatted with Old Man Wang for such a long time. Of course, it was almost seven o'clock.

After the two came back, they didn't go to cook. Instead, they sat in front of the TV. They cuddled together and stared at the TV.

Of course, as a woman, Li Yun ordered takeout on her mobile phone before Jiuzhou News started broadcasting, including Ning Wei and six others.

‘Deng Deng Deng·Deng·Deng·Deng~’

At seven o'clock sharp, the opening song of Kyushu News started.

[Good evening, viewers, today is... Welcome to this program,

First of all, I will introduce you to the main content of today’s program. ** participated in the inauguration ceremony at the Reef Airport,


A private aircraft manufacturer in Jiuzhou completed the first batch of aircraft orders from friendly neighbors and held a delivery ceremony today.


Today's **** will take about forty-two minutes, see the detailed report below! 】

When the anchor finished introducing today's main content, the two people watching also heard what they wanted to hear.

In the middle part of the entire show, that's where they delivered the ceremony today.

"Husband, what happened today is really serious. Are you really not afraid of what will happen if you let it out like this?"

Li Yun nestled in his arms, looking up at him with a hint of admiration in her eyes.

She really admired her man to the extreme. When they first met, she just felt that he was somewhat talented.

There is some aura in mechanical aspects, but with the subsequent gradual contact,

The things to play with are becoming more and more advanced, from running on the ground to flying in the sky, from petroleum energy to new energy, and the things to play are getting bigger and bigger!

She was also afraid that one day, the person opposite would just run away and leave her behind, so she felt very much in danger!

And there is another thought in Li Yun's mind, that is, to get it,

Such a talented man was eaten by someone who was three years older than him.

Not only is he talented, but he also has money and good looks, which is on par with Mr. Reader.

Isn’t this a good deal?

"Oh, what impact can it have? I think all it can have is positive impact.

Even if this delivery ceremony is not news, some people already know everything they should know.

There is no need to hide it in Jiuzhou. In my opinion, releasing this kind of news will also help enhance our national pride. "

After explaining to Li Yun her question just now, the two of them concentrated on watching the news.

But what they didn't expect was that their company's products appeared in the first news about **.

This product is none other than the J-36 fighter jets produced by their company, with a total of twelve aircraft per squadron.

The two people, who were not very energetic at first, immediately became excited after seeing the J-36.

Li Yun's performance was particularly obvious. She sat up from his words and shook him vigorously while still talking.

"Look, look, our plane,

The J-36 went to garrison **? This is considered to be on the front line!

Do you think it is possible for it to meet **? Is there any chance that it will happen... Ah! "

Her questions came out of her mouth like a barrage of questions.

At this moment, Li Zhenhua was also a little confused. Was he stationed?

But aren't these planes given to Quancheng Air Force Base? This has been transferred from above. Damn it, it seems I really need to expand the J-36 production line.

Judging from the current situation, there will definitely be no shortage of orders in the future!

While he was thinking this, before he could rush to answer Li Yun's question, he saw what happened on TV that made him excited.

I saw twelve J-36s all landing after Shiliu Ji, and after all the planes stopped,

He walked directly towards the J-36 and stood next to the plane.

And he touched the wings of the plane with his hand, and stood next to the plane and gave a speech.

“We are at the forefront, so we must be careful.

Although the environment here is a bit difficult, I believe that everyone will be able to overcome the difficulties and obstacles.

This is an unmanned fighter jet with excellent performance. Some tasks that manned aircraft cannot complete can be left to this aircraft! "

Li Zhenhua was dumbfounded by these words. What did this mean? Encourage removal of hard steel?

But thinking about it, since no one is on the plane, there is no need to worry.

The tragedy of 81192 will never happen again.

Everyone watching the TV scene clapped their hands vigorously,

The applause lasted for a long time, and many people's hands were red from the clapping but they were still clapping.

The news also ended with applause, and the screen returned to the live broadcast room.

Although this news has passed, the inner meaning revealed to the outside is not that simple.

It was as if the whole of Kyushu had changed in an instant. It is estimated that the confrontation in the future will become an open matter.

But when he thought about the recent situation with Kyushu, he understood.

It turns out that the policy of keeping a low profile and biding time can no longer continue to deceive, so it is better to develop it head-on in all directions.

The program continued, and soon came the news about their delivery ceremony today.

The news was very simple. It only played some scenes from the delivery ceremony and the scene of the plane taking off. The announcer read the press release, and nothing more appeared.

[·····, Jiuzhou Divine Beast Aircraft Manufacturing Factory is a private enterprise. The export of this aircraft represents that Jiuzhou has entered a new international cooperation situation.

The development from the original state-owned cooperation to the private sector also means that Jiuzhou industry, especially private machinery, has reached military quality. 】

Anyway, the whole article is full of praise, as if some international orders will all be controlled by private companies in the future.

After reading this piece of news about himself, Li Zhenhua didn't feel much. Maybe it was because the boss's previous words were so powerful that he hadn't reacted yet.

After this news, he stopped listening carefully, but there was a piece of news that made him feel a little puzzled.

Has the big shopkeeper of a friendly neighbor been taken down? Jiuzhou also sent a congratulatory message to the new shopkeeper,

But in today's delivery ceremony, Ba Yang existed as a transfer station, so why didn't it have any impact at all?

After thinking about it for a while, he figured it out. The reason was that their army was very powerful. Generally speaking, it was just that Guoqing was different. Anyway, it would not affect the relationship with Kyushu.

Don’t think that there will be any rift in the relationship with Kyushu if the chief shopkeeper changes.

I think the big shopkeeper who just came down was doing the opposite before he came up.

But after coming up, it will be the same as it was before.

After reading more than 40 minutes of news, he also had some different feelings. Anyway, it gave him the feeling that Kyushu was powerful.

After the news was broadcast, it had nothing to do with him, but the subsequent impact of what was mentioned in today's news was extraordinary.

Regarding the fact that Kyushu and San completed the aircraft delivery quietly, the world police were a little bit unable to sit still.

The reason is that their energy structure still relies on oil. These countries are different from Kyushu.

Kyushu is now adjusting its domestic energy structure, shifting from the original oil-dominated one to electric power.

But oil is not only used as energy, but it can also produce some ancillary products. These products have an extremely wide area of ​​influence.

However, two of the three that received the aircraft are representatives of rich oil resources, and the other one is particularly important geographically.

Therefore, the old mold was completely passive. The incident of changing the boss that they had just arranged had not made them happy yet, and their mood was directly affected by these things.

And when I learned that *** acted as a transit station, it was like a beautiful counterattack to what had happened.

The incident of changing the boss that they caused was completely meaningless.

As it was before, it seemed like it would be the same after, it had no impact at all, except for the slightest commotion within it, nothing else was affected.

Not only this, for Luotuo and his neighbors, these two oil-rich countries, the relationship with Kyushu will definitely be closer in the future.

Their previous efforts in the eastern region seemed to have been all in vain overnight, and the situation was increasingly exceeding their expectations.

After Li Zhenhua read the news, he happily hugged the beauty and went to exercise.

Although I couldn't achieve the result of Qi Jiro, I still did it three or four times, and I didn't even wear a raincoat.

The two seemed to have reached an agreement and were looking forward to the arrival of new life.

There is no intention to take any measures at all, just let nature take its course!

After that day and the delivery ceremony, he focused on the manufacturing of Qingniu buses.

Of course, the most important thing is to hang out with Cai Xiongfei and collect his feedback on the flight model.

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