Start to live forever, live till the end of time

Chapter 696 Set off a huge turmoil in the three thousand worlds

In a mysterious area, the Nine Heavens Immortal Alliance is located there. The immortal light is so vast that it feels like you have arrived in another world.

On the blue-white sea, a woman stood alone on it. She was wearing a flowing white dress, and her skirts were fluttering, as if she could fly up and merge into the sky at any time.

The woman's long hair is spread over her shoulders like a waterfall, fluttering slightly. There is a trace of tranquility and wisdom flowing between her eyebrows, and her eyes are like bright stars, revealing extraordinary insight.

Her hands gently caressed the sea surface, and the touch evoked endless vitality. The sea water rippled on her fingertips, gently responding to her presence.

But the strangest thing is that no matter which direction you look at it, you can't seem to see its front, only the back of a fairy.

And this is the deputy leader of the Nine Heavens Immortal Alliance, Ye Qingyou!

With a flick of her finger, a curtain of water surged up on the sea surface. The traces of Chen Xun's family's past cultivation of immortality were all there, including their voices and smiles.


Suddenly, something was wrong with the water curtain. Their faces gradually disappeared and became blurred. The entire water curtain fell into the sea like a pool of stagnant water and disappeared completely.

"Chen Xun, Ximen Heiniu, was born in a small realm, has a soul age of twenty, is not on the list of Chaos Immortals, and can block the energy of the great world. Only the Chaos clan who have lasted the reincarnation of heaven and earth can do this."

"Soul age twenty..."

Ye Qingyou murmured to herself, as if thinking, and suddenly a bright and meaningful smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, "Are there any supernatural spirits in the world? And... the origin of the great world that was destroyed and lost in the small realm has not yet been found."

"Isn't it with them? The one who opens the world, Chen Xun."

Her eyes were slightly condensed, and her pupils were filled with white mist. "Meng Sheng and others are pursuing the secret of the origin and dissipation of the realm. They even dare to openly go to the Immortal Palace to explore the evil life, touching the taboo of the origin of the world. The creatures in this small realm are still alive." It’s really unsettling.”

Ye Qingyou's face was as calm as water, without any ripples, like a deep pool of water without any ripples.

At first, she just thought that the founder of the realm was Meng Sheng and others, or the Baili clan who were forcibly protected by the Datian Zen Temple. They acted according to the rules of the world, and the Nine Heavens Immortal Alliance would not interfere whether they were alive or dead.

But in the end, she didn't expect that the founder of the realm was actually a group of people who were silent on the garbage island at the edge of the world. Even the destruction of the realm never came out, which made her feel surprised.

When the origin of the small realm is destroyed, the one that will be most affected is the Dao Heart of the creator of the realm.

Their energy is deeply rooted in the realm, and they can be said to be one with the origin of the realm. If the latter is destroyed, how can the Kaitian feel it in his heart.

But Chen Xun's family seemed like nothing had happened. They seemed to have completely integrated into the world, hiding among the countless monks.

If Meng Sheng and others hadn't been in trouble, the Heaven Opener might not even have surfaced.

It was also at that time that a small number of powerful people from the Nine Heavens Immortal Alliance finally began to pay close attention to this family and launched a series of layouts and plans. There were still people from the Nine Heavens Immortal Alliance in the Immortal Prison.

Ye Qingyou and his family have also learned the secret of the Taiwei Purple Fairy Fruit, and they also know the secret of the garbage recycling plant.

From the beginning to the end, when Chen Xun and the others were refining the Void Realm, they had already received the attention of the shocking powerhouse, but before the time of harvest, their fate was under their control.

Even every spirit stone spent and every word spoken in the Star Pavilion in the Star Hub are recorded in it.

It's just that the Dark Pavilion and the Nine Heavens Immortal Alliance have no way to investigate, and the Xingshu is not under the complete control of the immortal cultivators.

And these so-called means of controlling the immortal path of the Realm Opener are just a small force under the jurisdiction of the Nine Heavens Immortal Alliance. No one knows how terrifying the internal operation of this huge immortal force is.

Ye Qingyou took action personally this time just to save the face of the billions of Chaos tribesmen, who were the most powerful tribe in the world. A skinny camel was bigger than a horse.

According to Chen Xun and Da Hei Niu's strange five-element decomposition method, they will definitely become interested in star fragments or ancient stars.

And their terrifying growth rate and soul age of twenty have finally attracted the personal attention of the deputy leader of the Nine Heavens Immortal Alliance. The time has come.

The sudden arrival of Long Huang, the abnormal behavior of Feng Ju being guided, and the war between the Tianyun Fairy Kingdom and the Chaos Clan outside the territory came from the Nine Heavens Immortal Sound Formation.

All of this was planned by her, just to silently lead them to the battlefield outside the territory.

Even if they don't go to the sky orbit, there are still countless plans to guide them there to continue to become stronger, and a pair of big hands that cover the sky will always hang over their fairyland.

The Chaos tribe was abandoned by the list of Chaos Fairy Spirits in the Three Thousand Great Worlds, and was rejected by the origin of the Three Thousand Great Worlds. The great catastrophe of immortality could not come, the immortal body was not plastic, and the realm could only be stuck at the peak of transcending tribulations.

Those ancient chaotic stars were naturally prepared for the descendants of the Canggu Saint Clan, but how could the Chaos Clan be willing to offer them to them? It would be fine if they didn't kill them.

The hatred between the two races has never dissipated, and the members of the Canggu Holy Clan have never dared to go to battlefields outside the territory.

But it is impossible for a living being in this world who is willing to become a Chaos tribe to have the ability to refine ancient stars, let alone become an immortal.

The creatures that meet the conditions now are Chen Xun and Da Hei Niu, and it just so happens that they are also the Heaven Openers of the Realm!

The cooperation between the Nine Heavens Immortal Alliance and the Chaos Clan formed naturally, and no one could see any conspiracy.

If successful, the breath of chaos will enter the body, subtly transform the origin of immortality, and imprint the mark of the Chaos clan. They will become the only immortals of the Chaos clan!

Their growth rate is too terrifying, too frightening and surprising. If they become immortals and ancestors, the destiny of the Chaos tribe will be rewritten, and they will set off great waves and face the boundless world!

At that time, the pressure on the Nine Heavens Immortal Alliance will be drastically reduced, and more grand plans will be implemented. They will single-handedly create the Chaos Immortal that makes the boundless world fearful.

Billions of creatures from the Chaos tribe will march hundreds of millions of miles under the leadership of the two immortals and invade the entire three thousand worlds. Who can take care of the Nine Heavens Immortal Alliance? There are too many blood feuds among the Chaos tribe.

Even more so, as the life span of Gu Wanjun's generation of Chaos race is cut off, their cooperation will be forever buried in the chaos and nothingness, and no one can know or know about it.

The boundless world wants to cultivate a ruthless immortal with a peaceful heart, and she, Ye Qingyou, also dares to do the same thing!

On the eve of the opening of the True Immortal Realm, a huge turmoil broke out in the three thousand worlds!

Even if the Three-Eyed Ancient Immortal Clan is resurrected and the pressure from the most powerful tribes in the boundless world is imminent, the plan will never stop. They are all pawns in her hands!

Now that the pattern of the Nine Heavens Immortal Alliance has been decided, one move can affect the whole body. The only way is to break out of its own pattern and lay out the nine worlds, and the Chaos Clan is one of them.

There is also the Great World of Nine Directions, the nine special heavens, such as the Wilderness Heaven, and the dormant remnants of the era of massacres of all races, all waiting for her call!

The other Immortal Alliances in the big world, the Jiuxiao Immortal Alliance, the Jiuyao Immortal Alliance, etc... they are still preparing and waiting for the time to move.

The hatred of countless creatures in the destroyed realm will only continue indefinitely. Only because they can see higher and further, they will know how to be forbearing and dormant. Even if they know that they will be wiped out before opening up the fairyland, they will not hesitate!

The boundless true immortal world is about to be opened, and the three thousand great worlds are about to be sublimated as a whole. The immortals are coming to this world, and they are dragged down by the origin of their respective worlds.

Even the Eternal Fairy Kingdom, which is outside the rules of the major worlds, has begun a global conscription to fight on battlefields outside the territory. The entire three thousand worlds are undergoing earth-shaking changes every day.

And because of this, the entire Three Thousand Great World has reached its weakest point. The strongest tribes in the boundless world have begun to launch shocking plans, and they have no time to worry about anything else.

However, Chen Xun and others destroyed their future as immortals and lost their souls in the chaotic void, which made her feel like there was a thorn embedded in her heart that was difficult to pull out.

These two were her focus later on, giving them too many ways to survive, and even the strange vibrations of Tongtian Bang were completely suppressed by her.

The Nine Heavens Immortal Alliance contributed to the improvement of his realm, and the journey went smoothly. No strong person came to suppress it. Unexpectedly, something went wrong in the last step.

The origin of the immortal path is extinguished, and its breath can never be traced back. It completely dissipates in the heaven and earth, and there is no longer a past or future. It is destroyed by the catastrophe of annihilation and is completely destroyed.

Even the World-Destroying Immortal Thunder could not be traced back, and they had no reason to doubt whether these two people were dead or not. The Nine Heavens Immortal Alliance's detection methods were beyond imagination.

But there is only one result: complete annihilation, and there will be no more people like that in the world.

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