"You...your family..."

Senju Tobirama wanted to scold.

This is not the ability of your Uchiha family. It was Feng Qi who pulled you out of the Pure Land. I developed the Reincarnation of the Dead!

But there are some things that cannot be said, especially the fact that Feng Qi can pull the dead souls from the Pure Land.

"Half, what they have done over the years has caused great losses to Konoha, and they should make compensation to Konoha!"

Senju Hashirama's eyes twitched when he heard it, but he knew that compensation was necessary.

Besides, it's just these four families. They have eaten too much over the years. Now they are cleaning up and replenishing some village assets for Konoha, which will also make it easier for little Tsunade in the future.

So, half and half is the best.

"Half is too little, 80%!"

Uchiha Izuna didn't let his brother speak. At this time, he must not let Senju Hashirama influence his brother. If his brother foolishly agreed, then his family would lose!

"Eighty percent is too much, sixty percent at most!"

Senju Tobirama glared at his brother, and he was the one to negotiate this matter!

Really, he offered half right away, his brother would have a brain twitch when he saw Uchiha Madara!

"Seventy-five percent, no need to negotiate if it's any less!"

Izuna snorted in disdain, and lowered it by another half percent.

"Sixty-five percent, no need to negotiate if it's any more!"

Senju Tobirama also locked the bottom price in an angry manner!

The two glared at each other, neither of them was convinced.

"In this case, Hashirama, you want to fight with me?"

Uchiha Madara had always wanted to have a good fight with Hashirama, and now seeing that the younger brothers of the two families were so competitive, it was just to give him and Hashirama a chance!

"If I win, listen to Tobirama. If you win, listen to Izuna. You two go and clean these up first. I'll find a place to fight with Madara!"

Hashirama Senju had been waiting. Now that the somewhat sloppy negotiations had come to a standstill, he immediately agreed to Uchiha Madara's proposal.

"Izuna, you stay here first. Let the little girl from the Senju family treat and detoxify the clan members. I'll find a place to fight with this guy!"

Uchiha Madara said hello to Izuna, then happily lifted Susanoo, turned around and flew towards the direction of the Valley of the End.

"Little Tsunade, go and see if the poison can be cured. Don't work hard on yourself. There are so many medical ninjas in the village. Ask them to come and work. If the Uchiha clan can't cure it, I may not be able to stop them!"

Hashirama Senju turned around and called Tsunade to work, and asked other ninjas from Konoha to participate, and then quickly chased after them.

They left as soon as they said they would. Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Izuna glared at each other, and both believed that the other's brother had led their eldest brother astray...

"Let me see Uchiha Shisui's situation first. Those of you who are not from the four families, come and work. Do you really think this is a place for fun?!!"

Tsunade jumped down from the roof and clapped her hands to catch Uchiha Shisui, who had lost consciousness but was still in the state of Susanoo.

Moreover, she was very satisfied with her grandfather's arrangement, and directly shouted to the ninjas who had gathered around in the later period that it was time to work.

"Try to treat it."

Izuna pinched her fingers, and the big hand of Susanoo pinched it, and directly crushed Shisui's Susanoo and disappeared.

Uchiha Shisui, who fell, was caught by Tsunade. Looking at Shisui who was quickly covered by medical ninjutsu on the spot, Izuna sighed, and it was obvious that she did not have much hope in her words.

"You won't die. Go and do whatever you want to do. What are you still standing there for? Medical ninjas and the Aburame family, follow Uchiha Fugaku in and take a look. If anyone messes up at this time, they will be dealt with like those families!"

Tsunade tilted her head and touched the enlarged slug on her shoulder. When she treated Shisui, she did not forget to make some other arrangements.

The third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen over there did not need to fight. He was controlled by Izuna's eye technique at the beginning and was directly disabled.

Shimura Danzo was almost the same.

So at this time, the ninjas need to choose whose orders to follow.

Whoever arranges is the same as choosing a team.

And they don't need to worry about it, because now only Tsunade gives orders for them to work, and the others don't care at all!

The first and second generations are too high-level and don't care about them.

The Fourth Hokage has also returned, but the current Fourth Hokage doesn't consider himself a Hokage at all. He just follows his wife and son, and only cares about revenge for his son.

Orochimaru is also nearby, but Orochimaru is holding his son, watching the fun with the family of three, and occasionally giving some suggestions...


The clan leaders of each clan are now only concerned about their own family members not getting into trouble, and no one dares to take care of other people!

"We are from the Nara clan, and we brought some medicinal herbs..."

"We are from the Yamanaka clan..."

"We are from the Akimichi clan..."

"We are from the Inuzuka clan, and we can help search..."

"We are from the Aburame clan, and we brought a team of ninjas for toxin detection..."

"We are from the Hyuga clan..."

The surrounding ninjas quickly formed small teams, almost all of which were family teams, and registered outside the Uchiha gate.

After registration, they walked in accompanied by some Uchiha ninjas, some for treatment and some for searching for the hidden location of toxins...

The Uchiha ninjas who led the way were also more or less poisoned and injured. Some medical ninjas gave treatment while walking to relieve the pain.

The Anbu and Root members who were originally besieged around Uchiha are currently special existences and cannot move. They are waiting for the results before taking any action.

Just when everything was gradually stabilizing, the ground shook again, and some civilians were already swaying and unable to stand.

The source of this tremor came from the Valley of the End...

In the Valley of the End under the night, the twisting and rolling giant trees were entangled and suppressed each other, and the area that was destroyed many years ago was once again expanding to a larger area.

Even the two statues standing opposite each other were turned into rubble and scattered when the two Impure World Reincarnations started fighting...

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