"Thank you Aunt Mikoto, the food Aunt Mikoto cooks is so delicious!"

Even if Feng Qi wanted to pretend to sleep and not get up, Uchiha Mikoto still picked up the two children in one hand and took them home.

Eating the food prepared by others, Feng Qi did not forget to praise Uchiha Mikoto's cooking skills.

And he was telling the truth. So far, this is the best meal he has ever eaten!

"Of course, the food cooked by mom is the best!"

Sasuke sat on the chair next to him, supporting his face with both hands, and watched Feng Qi eat up the food with a smile.

After finishing the carefully prepared children's meal, Feng Qi was taken home by Sasuke to play, while Uchiha Mikoto went to prepare some items that the children would use.

Although the family did not lack this, she still felt that she needed to prepare a few new sets...

But her thoughts had to be interrupted because Uchiha Fugaku returned home at noon, resulting in the failure to adopt.

"Why can't we adopt Feng Qi? He has no chance of becoming a ninja. We just want Sasuke to have a companion. Why can't we do that?"

Uchiha Mikoto sat on the sofa, not understanding why this time.

Two years ago, she had mentioned that she wanted to adopt Uzumaki Naruto, but Uzumaki Naruto had a special status, so he couldn't be adopted, especially he couldn't be taken home by the Uchiha family.

She understood this matter. The Nine-Tails Jinchuriki couldn't get together with the Uchiha family.

"The Hokage's reply was because of Orochimaru. As a traitorous ninja of Konoha, his son had to be supervised by Konoha at all times. Once he moved into our Uchiha family, supervision would be very inconvenient..."

Uchiha Fugaku only said part of it.

In the morning, he went to see the Hokage. The Hokage allowed them to adopt, but they had to let the ninjas of the Anbu keep an eye on Feng Qi at all times.

In the clan territory of the Uchiha clan, the Anbu were allowed to come in at will, and they also kept an eye on the clan leader's family?

He couldn't possibly agree to such a thing, so naturally he couldn't adopt the child...

"I'll tell Sasuke later that Feng Qi will live in his own home, and he can let Sasuke go to play with him. I can also go to see the child in the name of Sasuke's request. Lord Orochimaru..."

Uchiha Mikoto was also a ninja who had been on the battlefield. Thinking of the former Konoha Sannin, she shook her head and didn't continue.

In any case, Sasuke likes to play with the child, so take care of him more.

Sasuke has always been very well-behaved and almost never makes a fuss. Even if he will inevitably experience the pain of loss in a few years, he should let them live a happier life in these few years...

"It's time for Sasuke to start some learning. He can play, but he is an Uchiha, and basic training is a must."

Uchiha Fugaku sighed. The life of their Uchiha family is not so easy, so they should think more about themselves.

However, the child can indeed be taken care of, after all, he is the son of Orochimaru.

Although Orochimaru is now a rebel ninja, Konoha only released the rebel information, and then there was no other reaction...

Who knows if he is really carrying out some special mission outside...

At noon, Feng Qi had lunch at the Uchiha family, and also experienced what Sasuke said several times, "Dad is very fierce".

This Uchiha clan leader is also like this at home...


Probably this is how it is said!

"Aunt Mikoto, thank you for your hospitality today. I'm going home and I'll come to play with Sasuke when I have time!"

After lunch, Feng Qi asked to go home when Sasuke was held in his arms and took an afternoon nap.

Looking back at Uchiha Mikoto who was standing at the door to send him out, Feng Qi waved his hand, turned around and ran through the Uchiha commercial street, then went out of the clan's clan gate, and crossed another street before returning to his home.

The adoption request submitted was rejected, which is a very normal result.

"The Uchiha family is like this now. It's useless to glare at me. It's your younger generation who have no ambition. Your brother wanted to take them away at the beginning. You Uchiha didn't follow him. I didn't hold you back!"

Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Izuna also came back. After entering the house, they looked at the child who ran to take a bath and started arguing again.

Feng Qi was playing at the Uchiha clan leader's house just now. These two ghosts went around the Uchiha family for a few rounds and saw a lot of things that should and shouldn't be seen.

Some of the senior members of the Uchiha family gathered together for a small meeting because Uchiha Mikoto brought a child home.

What they discussed at the beginning was to oppose the clan leader and his wife to adopt children from outside.

Speaking of the reasons for opposition, they naturally talked about the current situation of Uchiha again, and even talked about some old things and mentioned some of how...

Because the Uchiha family was driven out of the villageThe center of the sub-center, can only stay on the edge, and there is no real power position, which makes some Uchiha clan members feel frustrated.

In the midst of frustration, some people began to complain, questioning why the older generation of the year could not follow Uchiha Madara to leave, so that Uchiha could always be Uchiha...

There were all kinds of things, and the noise was as noisy as a vegetable market, which made Uchiha Izuna there irritable, and also made Senju Tobirama have a good look at the excitement...

"Did I tell you the reason?"

Uchiha Izuna glared at Senju Tobirama, turned around and walked into the bathroom.

He was in a bad mood now, so he might as well give the child a bath and ask him what he thought.

He naturally cared about the Uchiha clan, but no one went with his elder brother at that time, which made him angry again when he thought about it...

"Don't take a bath for too long for a child. Konoha is also sick. Since we can't find new adoptive parents for you, at least we should arrange someone to take care of your basic life at any time. If you were an ordinary baby, it would be difficult to survive until now..."

Uchiha Izunai was not satisfied with everything now. Seeing that the child took a bath for a while longer, he squatted beside him and continued to complain.

"Otherwise, find my father or my teacher to think of a way. I can always drag your brother out to talk. Even if you don't want to talk, I can drag him out and let you beat him up a few times to vent your anger first..."

Feng Qi turned on the faucet and washed off the foam on his hair and body.

Looking at Uchiha Izunai who was glaring at him, he knew that his anger would not go away in a short time, so whoever caused the anger should be asked to put it out...

"Why do you want to beat my brother?"

Izunai glared.

He said Konoha was bad, and that the Uchiha clan who stayed in Konoha were idiots, but in the eyes of the child, it was his brother who was going to be beaten.

His brother was also miserable...

"If your brother hadn't gotten together with Senju Hashirama to be friends, and hadn't proposed the dream of building a village, there wouldn't have been these things later."

Feng Qi scratched his hair, walked aside after the water washed over, and wiped it with a towel.

The root of everything started from the initial dream of building a village.

So, go beat your brother, beat him a few more times!

It's not strange to have dreams, but whose dream would be to get together with the heir of the mortal enemy family and study building a village together!

The point is, in the end, nothing was obtained...

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