"Dad, try this. This stuff tastes pretty good. Kimimaro said there are not enough seeds of this kind. Bring me some seeds tomorrow and I'll get more seeds to plant."

At night, in the Otogakure Village, a row of barbecue grills were set up on the square of the Otogakure Village. Feng Qi brought a few skewers of meat he had grilled and put them in front of Orochimaru.

In recent years, they have spent a lot of time outside and found many plants. In addition to testing and recording, they have also selected many ingredients and condiments.

Of course, there are also various information on the topography and humanities of the Ninja World. That part was recorded by Uchiha Itachi, and it has just been taken for final sorting.

And all kinds of ingredients and condiments have also been spread from the Otogakure Village in a few years, which has greatly improved the Ninja World's pursuit of the taste of food.

The Otogakure Village was officially established for nine years. From being feared and ridiculed by those Ninja Villages at the beginning, it has now become a highly authoritative holy place in the Ninja World.

Whether nobles or commoners, ninjas or samurai, as long as they are people in the ninja world, almost all of them have enjoyed the benefits of certain research and development projects.

For the most basic food and vegetables, now all big and small countries are using the seeds developed by the Sound Village to increase production.

In the medical part, there are hundreds of major and minor diseases, and the formulas of the medicines for treatment are all developed by the Sound Village.

In the past few years when peace has been basically maintained, the population of major countries has been increasing.

The poor eat well, the rich eat well...

When you are full and warm, you think...

"Orochimaru, you eat so much by yourself, give me some."

After Feng Qi put down the skewers and ran out quickly, Senju Tobirama transformed from a ghost into a physical body and reached out to grab two skewers of barbecue.

But Orochimaru could always see him, so when he picked it up, it was snatched back...

"You, a ghost, don't need to eat."

Orochimaru looked at Senju Tobirama with disdain. He was getting more and more disgusted with this person who had been with him the most and had the most and least tacit understanding over the past few years.

It's okay to do something occasionally in the laboratory. After all, scientific research requires the release of ideas, and many experiments are completed in the collision of ideas.

But this is the skewers that Feng Qi grilled for him, and no one can grab it!

"Why don't I need it? I have a body now... Bastard Uchiha, you shamelessly follow the child and wait for a bite of food..."

Senju Tobirama was just about to have a good chat with Orochimaru about eating, but he found that Orochimaru was glaring in the other direction.

Looking over, he looked at Uchiha Izuna, who was following Feng Qi and playing with Feng Qi with a plate. He was so angry that he had no time to deal with Orochimaru for the time being.

Evil Uchiha, you have to have some face!

"Izuna, try this, it's not bad."

Feng Qi picked up two skewers of grilled vegetables, ate one himself, and handed the other to Izuna.


Izuna held the plate in one hand and ate the vegetables given by Feng Qi with the other hand, eating happily.

Although they can now control whether to materialize at will, and it doesn't matter if they don't need to eat, delicious food is also a kind of enjoyment.

Especially when Feng Qi cooks for them, it makes people happy!

"Let's go to the Uchiha clan tomorrow. I suddenly remembered that I sealed an Uchiha Obito before. It's time to find a chance to return it to the Uchiha."

Feng Qi continued to grill meat on the stove and suddenly remembered the reminder that the system gave him a few days ago.

The Uchiha clan has been in existence for ten years since he accepted the task!

[Long-term task: Save the Uchiha

Task progress: 90%

Task goal: Revitalize the reputation of the Uchiha clan in the ninja world (completed), the Uchiha clan still exists in the ninja world ten years later (completed), and the five owners of the Uchiha clan's Mangekyō Sharingan ten years later (4/5)]

The task is just one step away.

The previous 30%, 60%, and 90% rewards have been obtained. The points given are not much, which can only be regarded as the system coaxing him to play.

Now all he needs is a Mangekyō Sharingan to complete the final task reward.

Although he knows that the tasks are all given to him by the system, he must complete the tasks he chose at the beginning, otherwise it will be very embarrassing, at least it will be very embarrassing in front of the system.

Currently, there are four Uchiha clan members who have Mangekyō, namely Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Shisui, and Uchiha Itachi.

Sasuke is now a three-magatama, because there is no painful thing to stimulate, and he relies entirely on his own chakra stimulation to grow steadily.

In addition to these people, Feng Qi himself is also a Mangekyō, which was opened at the age of 10, but most of the timeThey are just used for illusion practice.

But he is not Uchiha, at least he has never publicly admitted that he is Uchiha, so he is not counted.

Uchiha Izuna also has Mangekyō Sharingan, but he is a ghost, so he cannot be counted either.

Originally, he could wait for Sasuke to open the Sharingan and then it would be completed naturally, but Uchiha Obito would have to be released sooner or later, and he couldn't take this person to the next world...

So, releasing him now to complete the number of Sharingan of the Uchiha family is also a bit of value for him to complete the task...

Task reward, guess, maybe he can get a Mangekyō Sharingan?

Probably so that he can upgrade his Mangekyō to the next level, saving the trouble of repairing it every time he uses it...

[Host: Feng Qi

World: Anime·Naruto

Identity: Young Master of Otogakure (adopted son of Orochimaru)

Combat Power: 1.034 million (Physical Strength 19,000/Chakra 15,000/Wind Power 1 million)

Attributes: Wind (Extreme), Illusion (Proficient), Life (Beginner)

Ninjutsu: Current Ninjutsu Proficiency Full

Forbidden Technique: Current Forbidden Technique Proficiency Full

Bloodline: Uchiha, Senjutsu

Pupil Technique: Mangekyō Sharingan (Illusion/Space)

Bloodline: Wood Release Sage Human Body (Life)

Bond: Raise Father (Orochimaru/father-son favorability 100), teacher (Senju Tobirama/master-disciple favorability 100), blood-related person (Uchiha Izuna/blood-related favorability 100, Senju Hashirama...Uchiha Madara...), friend (Uzumaki Naruto...Uchiha Sasuke...), subordinate (Kimimaro...)

Pet: Nine-tailed Fox (Xiaojiu), Two-tailed Matatabi, Three-tailed Isobu, Seven-tailed Shigeaki

Points: 3865505

Package: Uchiha Obito (sealed), Black Zetsu (sealed)]

After years of hard work, Feng Qi's own Wood Style was directly transformed into a life-type after fusing with the God Tree transformed by the Outer Path Demon Statue.

Wood Style can also be used normally, but after his Sage Body Mode is turned on, it is not that kind of strong attack, but the control of life.

Devour, give...

Swallowing is very simple, as long as it is energy that can be found, it can be swallowed.

It is just an ability to be given, and it can only be used for treatment for the time being.

Including body repair, chakra recovery, fairy recovery, and even limb regeneration...

Maybe he can be a group healer, but whether it is group treatment or group devouring depends on his own control...

"The one who pretended to be my brother?"

Izuna thought about it and suddenly remembered the masked Uchiha from a long time ago.

Uchiha Obito, a kid who was badly tricked by his brother.

Uzumaki Naruto's parents were killed by Uchiha Obito.

About that matter, he asked Brother Madara to make sure that in the plan made with Black Zetsu at that time, there was no item that asked Uchiha Obito to trick Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina to death.

So how to settle the matter of releasing the Nine-Tails to kill Naruto's parents, he and Brother Madara will not participate...

"It's him, and he has to go to Konoha again, let Madara take Hatake Kakashi over, and then let Naruto's family of three go, it seems there is nothing else..."

Feng Qi stared at the flipping of the skewers and began to talk about tomorrow's plan.

It probably requires some of the parties involved to be present. After he completes the task, everyone will take their own revenge.

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