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Chapter 933 Send Him A Ruin

Chapter 933 Send him a ruin

"Ginger City!"

"Lord Ginger!"

"Don't be impulsive!"

The vice-lords and Elders kneeling on the ground were in a hurry.

"Admit your mistake quickly, and strive for the tolerance of the domain owner..."

"Don't fight against the domain master!"

In the distance, those cultivators in the city watching were also extremely anxious.

They still hope that Jiang Cheng will continue to be the lord.

Gong Qing who had just chased over also exclaimed anxiously.

"Don't do that..."

However, it was too late.

A Sword Ray was Jiang Cheng's answer to them.

When the Sword Ray suddenly appeared in front of him, the envoy of the domain master finally understood how Di Yong and others were killed last time.

That was a power he couldn't resist at all.

His awareness stops here.

The full version of Jade Soul blasted away his soul sea with crushing force, and strangled his immortal soul.

At the same time, the Ice Profound Pattern of the Tenth Stage, urged by Jiang Cheng who had already reached the Emperor Realm Third Stage, also instantly submerged him.

The thirteenth-order Immortal Thousand Flowers Sword Sutra cut him countless times.

In just a split second, there was no one in front of Jiang Cheng who suddenly rushed out.

The envoy of the domain master was completely destroyed by him, and even the broken ice was turned into powder, leaving no traces in the world.

Everything is so fast.

Everyone had no time to react.

Before they could even see the battle, the battle was over.

Looking at Jiang Cheng's tall figure high in the sky, everyone was left with nothing but shock.

A majestic fourth stage middle stage master, just like that?


The audience was silent.

Brother Cheng forced the lord's mark out, and threw it back to the lord's mansion.

"I, the pit lord, have done enough, please ask another master."

After speaking, he waved to Gong Qing.

"Mr. Gong, it's time for us to leave for the next stop."

Gong Qing raised her hand with a dull expression, and was followed by a teleportation, and disappeared in place.

And everyone who stayed at the scene was still like an ice sculpture, unable to speak for a long time.

No one knew where Jiang Cheng was going.

Although many people have a terrible guess in their hearts, they still instinctively dare not believe it.

And Gong Qing, who had already arrived in Fei Xueyu, helped them confirm their guess.

Yes, Jiang Cheng's next target is Huo Chun, the domain lord of Fei Xueyu.

He originally planned to go directly to Bingyuan Valley, but to go there, he had to go through Feixueyu.

"Are you really going to do that?"

Gong Junshi's heart is broken.

Why would anyone dare to mess with this person?

"Huo Chun is the fifth stage late stage of the emperor's realm, and besides him are six other deputy domain masters of the fifth stage of the emperor's realm, and there are more than 30 elders of the fourth stage late stage of the emperor's realm."

This is completely different from the group of Di Yong and Wei Chang before.

Brother Cheng doesn't care about these things, he only cares about what he can get after winning.

"Emperor Realm Fifth Stage late stage, is there a third-order real weapon?"

"That's right, the power of the third-order real weapon is extremely terrifying, you should give up your thoughts, we can do something after we leave Feixueyu now..."

"Oh, that's a pity."

Brother Cheng looked at the second-order real weapon that he handed in not long ago.

"I plan to use this ice sword for a while longer, but I didn't expect..."

Without waiting for Gong Qing to continue persuading, he stopped her in advance.

"That domain master has made moves several times in a row. Wouldn't it be rude if I didn't say anything?"

"Also, don't the people over there agree that the Rainbow Collar is more suitable for ruins?"

"Then let them see what the ruins are first."

He looked at the huge and endless ice sculpture city in front of him.

"You just wait here, lest the city be lifted up and throw you down..."

Gong Qingxin said that my fall was only a trivial matter, but your death is a major matter.

However, at this time, Jiang Cheng had already turned into a meteor, directly hitting the center of that huge fairy city!

And the very center is where Fei Xueyu's ice eyes are located.

Huo Chun is sitting cross-legged in Bingyan and practicing. He cherishes the opportunity to practice Bingyan very much, and wishes to stay inside for the rest of his life, but he is not as interested as Lord Jiang.

The reason why I didn't do it myself last time, but gave an order casually, was also because I didn't want to waste my training time.

But at this moment, he didn't want to leave.

Like a falling meteor, Sect Leader Jiang blasted into the domain lord's mansion with his sword and men!

In an instant, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and the sky fell and the ice cracked!

Before his whole body touched the ground, he brought a devastating impact.


The ice lord's mansion collapsed in an instant, turning into countless shattered ice crystals!

And these ice crystals couldn't even fly.

Because of The next moment, Jiang Cheng officially descended.

All the shattered ice crystals shot out in all directions like countless howling lightnings!

Each piece has terrifying destructive power.

The huge land around the Domain Lord's Mansion was smashed into dilapidated ruins.

Countless cultivators flew into the sky screaming, and many of them were hit by ice crystals and suffered heavy injuries even in the middle of their flight.

However, that ice eye was not harmed in any way.

All the ice crystals were blocked by an invisible repulsive force at a distance of one foot from the ice eye, and could not advance an inch!

This is the power from the origin of ice, and Jiang Cheng can't shake it at this time.

However, Brother Cheng didn't care about this at all.

He fell all the way to the ground!

Although the Ice Realm is a hundred times more stable than the Immortal World because of its origin.

But with the Lord's Mansion as the center, the ice layer with a radius of tens of thousands of miles was still shaken and flew into the sky.

Fu smashed back to the ground at an even faster speed!

Countless cultivators in the distance witnessed this magnificent and shocking scene with their own eyes!

That is enough to leave a permanent and indelible impression in their minds.


The whole city was shaking, and countless cracks spread.

As for the original location of the domain master's mansion, there is only a huge pit left.

This city has been completely destroyed.

In the pit, that precious ice eye is still shining with six colors of light alone.

It looks funny and ridiculous!

"Who is courting death!"

No matter how tolerant people are, it is impossible to endure this moment.

What's more, Huo Chun himself is not a good-tempered person.

He could no longer shrink into the ice eyes, but directly held the thirteenth-level ice sword and killed it.

At this time, the aloof domain master was furious.

Although he hasn't been hurt in the slightest yet.

Although this kind of landform damage, for masters like them, it won't take long for them to recover.

But the majestic domain master's mansion was blasted to the sky, enough for him to become the laughing stock of the entire ice world.

This is completely slapping him crazily.

"Enemy attack!"


In the chaotic battlefield, countless cultivators roared and killed them.

As members of Fei Xueyu, they cannot tolerate such provocation and humiliation.

In the depths of the ground, Jiang Cheng is like an eternal Devil who was killed out of the abyss.

Surrounded by a pitch-black killing aura, the Ice Profound Pattern of the Tenth Stage, with the remaining 49 profound patterns, went straight to the number one target in his eyes - Huo Chun!

(end of this chapter)

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