Chapter 806 Rip off

"Is this your compensation?"

Brother Cheng pointed to Cangxu Great Emperor, and kept shaking his head, appearing heartbroken.

"Cangxu is the Great Emperor of the spirit world, the number one expert in the spirit world!"

"The majestic spirit world came out to greet you, and was called around. What kind of humiliation is this?"

"And they, either the Returning Immortal, or the Great Emperor!"

"Ask them, are these few fairy crystals worthy of letting them play?"

"Of course not!"

Cang Xu When the Great Emperor was said so, he felt wronged.

"That's right, don't even think about leaving with just this little thing!"

Other Returning Immortals and Quasi Emperors also clamored.


Facing the crowd of masters surrounding him, Zi Ming Great Emperor retreated a few steps, a little panicked.

He has never seen such an unconventional approach in his life.

It even got on his head.

"What do you think?"


Cangxu Great Emperor smiled and said: "It depends on your sincerity, or today is your death day!"

"Don't worry, we know you can be resurrected, and we won't give you that chance."

"Yes! If you don't hand over all your treasures, don't even think about leaving today!"

Zi Ming Great Emperor clutched his own ring tightly, trembling all over with anger.

" bandits! Shameful, hateful!"


Cang Xu sneered: "If you ask for a Tianjing Mountain, you are not a robber? You force us to bow our heads and make so many excessive demands on Jiang Senior, so you can't be hated?"

"who do you think You Are?"

"Forget it if you kill them, anyway, you can get all the treasures if you kill them."

A group of bigwigs from the spiritual world held back their anger, and decided not to consider whether they would need to revive their juniors in the future, so they decided to vent their anger first.

Hearing this, Zi Ming Immortal Emperor and the two disciples trembled all over, almost peeing in fear.

To be honest, he is not afraid of Cangxu Great Emperor and other masters in the spirit world.

If you can't beat it, you can still escape.

But Jiang Cheng is different...

Locked by the number one devil in the Six Realms, who can survive?

One is not good, and I will really explain it here today.


In desperation, he suddenly yelled: "Who said I can't be saved? I'm here to save Miao Yu, why don't you take me there!"

At this moment, he didn't dare to mention the Immortal Crystal Mountain, let alone an apology.


Brother Cheng almost spit out a mouthful of water.

He didn't intend to use this kind of coercion to make Ziyan submit, anyway, he originally planned to revive himself.

In the end, this guy was so soft-boned that he was so cowardly.

What the hell, if he is really revived, wouldn't it be an opportunity to own pretend?

He was about to say something when Jiang Han Immortal Emperor greeted him overjoyed.

"Zi Ming Great Emperor, please hurry up!"

A group of people came to a quiet small valley near the palace, and Jiang Han continued to practice magic formulas, opening one after another Restrictions Immortal Formation.

In the end, a jade bed made of clear glass and tears slowly floated up in the curling smoke.

There are also many Restrictions arrays around the jade bed, and there are countless gorgeous and precious crystal stones and spiritual plants as embellishments, which are beautifully arranged.

And in the center of the jade bed lay Miao Yu's body.

Although the delicate face was lifeless, it still exuded a thrilling beauty.

"Master Miao..."

Seeing her dead body, Jiang Han Immortal Emperor couldn't help but shed tears.

When Miao Yu founded Tianshu Pavilion, she was just a little Mysterious Immortal, and she was held together by Miao Yu, with extremely deep feelings.

"Master, can we start?"

She looked at Zi Ming Great Emperor expectantly and earnestly.

Facing the eyeing Sect Leader Jiang, Ziming Great Emperor could only nod.

"Stand back, all of you!"

"The old man is about to perform a spell, and no one who has nothing to do with him can't get close!"

"Otherwise, if something goes wrong, you can't blame this emperor!"

He adjusted his clothes and manner, and became proud again.

Brother Cheng was speechless, he took his opportunity to pretend, and still put on a show like this?

However, Jiang Han Immortal Emperor immediately flew to the distance after hearing this order, not daring to violate it at all.

Seeing her pleading eyes, Brother Cheng could only shrug his shoulders, and patiently cooperated with her.

After everyone stepped back, Ziming Great Emperor really started to use the rules of birth.

The Law Space opened, covering Miao Yu's lying body.

Afterwards, the white streamer represented by the rule of Daosheng continued to flow, and the Great Hall was soon filled with the breath of life.

Immediately afterwards, strange scenes happened frequently.

I saw innumerable white star spots spreading out on the bed of clear glass tearstone.

Around the stone bed, those spiritual plants were already lifeless, but now they came alive out of thin air.

And the vegetation in the valley also began to grow at a strange speed.

Even the water in the nearby creek began to change, from transparent to magical nectar.

If ordinary people drink it, it is easy to prolong life and youth.

The rules of life are indeed extremely mysterious, and the pale Great Emperor who didn't take it seriously at first couldn't help but let go of his clasped hands and narrowed his eyes.

The other masters in the spiritual world felt the breath of life carefully, and they were almost intoxicated.

The vast majority of people are disgusted and disgusted with the breath of life. Correspondingly, the vast majority of people also have an instinctive yearning for the breath of life.

As time went by, Miao Yu's paper-pale face gradually became more bloody.

This scene made Jianghan Immortal Emperor overjoyed.

She tightly covered her own mouth, if she was not afraid of alarming the Great Emperor Ziming and interrupting the resurrection process, she couldn't help but scream.

Brother Cheng on the side curled his lips secretly, feeling even more upset.

Brother clicked the resurrection skill button to get things done, but it turned out to be so troublesome and laborious.

Forget it, the key is that the opportunity to pretend is gone.

In addition, the great opportunity to show favor with Fairy Miao was gone.

This is simply a big loss!

Forced the king to start a deep review of his own mistakes, sum up experience and lessons, and he can no longer operate like this in the future.

And at this moment, Ziming Great Emperor suddenly stopped.

The law space is still there, but the process of resurrection has been interrupted.

Jiang Han froze for a moment, dared not say anything, could only ask with his eyes.

Seeing that Ziming Great Emperor turned around slowly, after glancing at everyone, he raised his chin triumphantly.

"Now you have seen that the resurrection of this emperor is effective."

Jiang Han hurriedly nodded desperately, hoping that he could continue.

As a result, Ziming Great Emperor smiled coldly: "But this emperor was humiliated and threatened by you just now, and now he is in a very bad state, and it is very likely that he will not be able to succeed if he continues."

As soon as this remark came out, Cang Xu and the others all frowned.

This is the prelude to rip off.

"Then what do you want?" Brother Cheng asked lightly.

A trace of resentment flashed in Ziming Great Emperor's eyes, and he shouted sharply: "This emperor needs to make an apology, and the Nine-Colored Tianjing Mountain, this emperor will get it now!"

"At the same time, this emperor still needs all your treasures, including fairy artifacts and fairy treasures, and none of them are allowed to be left behind!"

"If you don't agree, then this resurrection will be suspended, this emperor will not continue, and Miao Yu will definitely die!"

(end of this chapter)

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