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Chapter 534 I'm Going To Kill Those Who Don't Admit Defeat

Chapter 534 I'm going to kill those who don't admit defeat

It is no exaggeration to say that Shenzhou Quasi Emperor is the idol and role model in the hearts of many sword immortals behind.

Want Talent and have Talent.

Be strong and have strength.

Be proud and proud.

Such a person is born for the sword!

It is said that this master of swords has already regarded him as the biggest challenge opponent in the future.

How could such a person admit defeat?

How could such a thing as surrender be made?

And yet he just did it...

"This is impossible!"

"I do not believe!"

"This must be fake..."

Many sword cultivators lost their souls, as if the totem in their hearts had collapsed, unable to accept this kind of thing.

Xuangou Quasi Emperor's face was swollen from the beating.

Angrily, he was about to roar, when several Quasi Emperors and dozens of Immortal Kings flew out from behind.

"Master Jiang, the old man has also surrendered!"

"Master Jiang, welcome to Devil World as a guest at any time, we are looking forward to it!"

"Master Jiang, we are cheering for you outside!"

"Don't face me, I don't know them well, just kill them!"

Well, this is not only admitting defeat, but also directly supporting Brother Cheng on the opposite side.

A series of 14 Quasi Emperors and 65 Immortal Kings left the projection and chose to admit defeat.

Everyone in the audience was dumbfounded, including Cang Ji.

Brother Cheng is very powerful. He knows that he has killed two Immortal Emperors. He is confident in his strength.

But after this appearance, so many sword fairy Quasi Emperors voluntarily surrendered immediately, which he really did not expect.

Reminiscent of those who surrendered during the Ten Thousand Monsters Conference, this old Canglong couldn't help but look up at the mountain.

How extensive is our Great Emperor's network?

Why are there big names who know him everywhere?

And everyone gave him face like this?

As for the others, they are all stupid.

What exactly is going on?

The three Quasi Emperors who escaped from the speed rule before were stunned, feeling faintly that they might have done something wrong.

"Are you all crazy?"

The remaining Sword Immortal Quasi Emperors couldn't accept this kind of thing at all.

"A Quasi Emperor early stage made you so afraid?"

"Even if it's your old friend, it doesn't have to be like this?"

"I despise you who surrender!"

Outside Guizang Quasi Emperor Lingxing Quasi Emperor and Qingyun Quasi Emperor and others had fun.

"We don't need you to look down on us."

"Originally, we were not in the same way as you."

"Enjoy the hospitality of Head Jiang!"

They still remember what happened 100 million years ago.

In order to seal the Ascension Cultivator from the Lower Realm, and cut off their way of life, the two worlds of immortals and demons have come up with endless means!

From the first day they came to Immortal World, they didn't regard the above immortals as the same kind.

It was only because of the temporary inability to fight against so many Immortal Emperor Devil Emperors that they kept holding back.

"No one else wants to admit defeat?"

Brother Cheng took a look, and there were no old friends on the opposite side, so the Hongjue Immortal Sword in his hand gradually lit up.

"If not, I will kill you!"

When facing the Law of Fog and the Law of Fire before, although the two sides also fought, he didn't have any murderous intentions at that time.

Because the opponent didn't intend to kill, they just wanted to decide the outcome.

This time is different.

Who made the opponent yell as soon as they came up to either admit defeat or die?

Then I'm sorry, this is his old profession...

"Let's see what kind of tricks you are playing!"

"kill him!"

Xuangou Quasi Emperor issued an order, and the remaining 81 Quasi Emperors were full of murderous aura, and the imprints of the rules of the sword complemented each other, and the cold light was cold!

In an instant, the swords of thirty thousand sword celestial beings blared together, taking people's hearts away!

Even the projection of the rule of the sword on the opposite side trembled.

Immediately afterwards, the 81 rule marks collided with Brother Cheng's 49 rule marks!


The projections of the two rules shook violently at this moment.

A devastating aura rippling in the fighting area!

The Sword Immortals and Immortal Kings at the back even closed their eyes unconsciously, as if they would be robbed of their souls just by looking at them one more time!

Staggered branding!

Jiang Cheng felt great pressure.

This is, after all, the 81 Quasi Emperors all at once, not one after the other.

And many of the 81 people on the opposite side are Quasi Emperor late stage.

If it wasn't for the top-notch physique of the immortal and devil body, plus the supernormal skeleton made of the keel of Shiyuan, then he would be crushed in the first instant.

There is no need to wait for the Qi of the Immortal Sword to come to his body, and he will die without leaving any residue.

He had fully activated all the heroic souls, and used his own fairy soul without hesitation!

This is his other trump card now!

At this moment, the 81 Quasi Emperors on the opposite side were also shocked.

This joint blow didn't blow him into scum?

They this strike, not to mention the Quasi Emperor, even the Immortal Emperor has to stay away.

The jaws of the three Quasi Emperors outside almost dropped from shock...

At this moment, they finally understood why Cang Ji respected Jiang Junshuai so much.

Where is the combat power that Quasi Emperor can have?

If it wasn't for the fact that Rift Devil Emperor hadn't fallen, and Speedmaster hadn't been replaced, they would have regarded him as Immortal Emperor.

Immediately afterwards, they saw a huge immortal soul hovering over the audience.

That immortal soul is the face of Jiang Cheng, the only difference is that there is no 'right hand'.

It looks like it's broken.

Afterwards, Immortal Soul slapped the 81 Quasi Emperors below!

Everyone knows that this is certainly not as simple as a slap in the face.

It contains endless secret techniques of attacking and killing immortal souls!

The 81 Quasi Emperors unanimously sacrificed their own immortal souls to meet them.

However, in the next moment, more than 40 of the 81 people in the Quasi Emperor early stage fell back on the spot and almost fainted.

Their fairy souls were slapped by that invisible palm...

Like a shredded piece of paper blown by a strong wind, the fairy soul became fragile and fluttering.

Although it was not directly shattered, it had already been severely damaged.

As for the Quasi Emperor late stage, they were not that serious, but Immortal Soul was also hit hard.

Xuangou Quasi Emperor's complexion turned pale, and the originally solid imprint of rules could not be maintained and dissipated.


Brother Cheng's brand of 49 rules also collapsed at this moment.

But in the next moment, he mobilized the immortal soul, and once again urged the 49 rules of branding to attack and kill!

This time, among the 81 Quasi Emperors on the opposite side, only a handful of them could mobilize the rule brand to fight against them.

The fairy soul is back!

More than a dozen rule marks were shattered.

Jiang Cheng drove straight in, and the immortal sword, with a brand of rules that could obliterate all light, slammed heavily on Quasi Emperor, the mysterious hook who bore the brunt.


The eighth-order fairy armor split open, and blood spilled on the spot!

Xuan Hook Quasi Emperor——Fall!

Hong Juejian made a roundabout, seemingly simple, but at the same time cut through the fairy power barriers of the three Quasi Emperors!


Three Quasi Emperor late stage decapitated!

And this killing has officially begun.

Like a tiger jumping into a flock, no Quasi Emperor can stop him!

(end of this chapter)

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