Chapter 394


Who was killed?


The mouths of the three opened into an O shape.

They were very confident in Jiang's ability, but originally thought that the most they could do was to destroy an ordinary fairy sect.

It would be amazing to have a Quasi Emperor.

After all, as he said just now, he has only been in the Immortal world for a few days.

Aside from the time spent rushing to Monster World, it seems that there is no time to do too many big things at all, right?

In the end, he actually destroyed the Wuji Cave!

This is the super fairy gate that can be ranked in the top ten in Immortal World. It has stood for an unknown number of years and has received the admiration of countless immortals.

It's just so unreal, isn't it?

"It's really gone?"

Brother Cheng intentionally said with a little regret: "Well, it's a pity that the three Immortal Emperors did not die. Five Quasi Emperors died, and the Immortal King Immortal Venerable should all be wiped out. In addition, the Calabash Mountain Gate was also destroyed by me. "


The three gasped.

Isn't this uprooting?

It's too tough, right?

When they fought against immortals and demons, thousands of Immortal Kings and several Quasi Emperors fought bloody battles, but in the end they only wiped out a few demon gates without Quasi Emperors.

There were hundreds of Immortal Kings and Demon Kings killed by them in those years. As for the Quasi Emperor level, only three were killed.

Just like this, it has already caused a huge earthquake in the two worlds of immortals and demons.

After all, Immortal King and Quasi Emperor both have Immortal Kingdoms, and their life-saving ability is extremely strong, so how can they be so easy to kill?

Now that the leader has just come up, the record of one person exceeds the sum of all their years.

Does this keep people alive?

"Oh, I thought the wings were finally hardened, but now I see..."

"In front of the head, you are still too young!"

Shan Tai didn't know when he took out a small notebook, and wrote vigorously: "The master just came up, and he taught us another vivid lesson, write it down."

In front of Sect Leader Jiang, he had long since turned from a cold devil back to a sycophant.

Immortal Mo stroked his beard and smiled: "Ha, some people who are chosen by heaven are destined to be beyond your reach. People must know where the limit of their own is, and they can't aim too high!"

Wei Miao took it for granted: "That's right, it's a blessing in my life to continue to follow the head and look up to him."

This made Sect Leader Jiang very comfortable.

Sure enough, it is still a familiar recipe!

He was very happy, and immediately decided to reward him!

With a swipe from the ring, he took out three eighth-level fairy artifacts and three eighth-level fairy armors, and three top-grade fairy treasures.

They are all spoils from the battle of Wuji Cave.

Originally, they planned to exchange success virtues, but now looking at the equipment of these three people, it is really shabby.

Especially Mo Chen, who is already in the Quasi Emperor middle stage, and what he uses is actually a seventh-order immortal weapon, a middle-grade immortal treasure...

When you say it, those who hear it are sad and those who see it cry!

"You have suffered all these years."

"You guys put this away first."

The eyes of the three of them immediately turned green.

That posture is like a very hungry person seeing a big meal.

No way, after Brother Cheng is gone, their treatment will drop precipitously.

There is nothing good in Immortal World, and the stay time is not long.

After coming to the Immortal world, he was besieged and killed before he could flourish.

Where can I get an eighth-order fairy weapon?

As far as these seventh-level immortal artifacts were concerned, some of them were later snatched after the battle with the immortals and demons.

In the blink of an eye, a total of nine treasures were swept over by the three of them with lightning speed.

It wasn't the first time that Sect Leader Jiang gave out prizes, and everyone didn't play politely.

Then change clothes as quickly as possible, that is called an urgency.

"Ah! Is this the taste of the best fairy treasure? It feels like the whole person has been sublimated!"

"If this old man has this eighth-level fairy blade, hey, at least he can kill a few more Immortal Kings!"

"Put on this eighth-level fairy armor, and I feel much more handsome."

Seeing the intoxicated faces of the three of them, Brother Cheng was also speechless for a while.

Afterwards, dozens of bottles of eighth-grade elixir were given to the three of them.

When the trio of long-drought and rainy days came out of the Great Hall, it was like a full-body transformation package.

Even the spirit is completely different.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Brother Cheng, they flew to the Feixianmen station in Canglong Valley.

Along the way, the three of them were also very excited.

After all, they were the ones who laid the foundation of the Feixian Gate, so there is no need to talk about their feelings.

After the group arrived, they bumped into Xiaokun Demon King and Wujue Immortal King head-on.

"Fuck, why are you here too?"

Xiaokun arched his cupped hands, and smiled: "Aren't we following Master Jiang all the time, listening to his old man's teachings every day?"

Wu Jue Immortal King also shook his long sleeves on purpose: "It's really beneficial for the old man to follow him along the way!"

Back then, those people from Wanyu in the Lower Realm were very jealous of Feixianmen. As the direct descendant of Jiangmen, their intimacy and treatment were not at the same level as other people.

Now that you have an opportunity, of course you have to show off.

Mo Chen hasn't said anything yet, Shan Tai and Wei Miao are impatient, are they here to compete for favor?

"What are you farting?"

"Will you stay away from my head?"

"Now that we are here, you can go back wherever you came from!"

"roll roll roll!"

Of course Xiaokun and Wujue won't leave.

Knowing that the head of Jiang doesn't care about this detail, he intentionally stimulated them with a hippie smile.

"Master Jiang's confidants are us now, you have to step aside."

"That's right, we came from the Immortal World with Sect Leader Jiang, and we are real people around us."

He talked about working hard, but in fact he was working hard, and Brother Cheng performed the whole process by himself.

In this way, a group of people made a lot of noise and finally came to today's Feixianmen.

Seeing the huge palace group, the three knew without guessing that it was another miracle of the head.

Well, basics, basics, they're pretty cool.

It's hard to imagine that Brother Cheng originally wanted to add some shock value.

Several disciples at the door looked up and were stunned.

Why are the three people beside Old Ancestor Jiang so familiar?

It seems that Xianxian Hall left behind the fairy stone jade statue...

Immediately, the entire Feixianmen immediately boiled.

From the head of Yuan Zhen down, all the disciples rushed out at the fastest speed.

Upon seeing these three, they all knelt down in unison.

"Unworthy junior, Yuan Zhen, the 135th head of Feixianmen, pays respects to Patriarch Mo!"

"Meet Patriarch Shan!"

"Greetings to Patriarch Wei..."

"Unexpectedly, I will be able to reunite with several ancestors!"

"What a pity to see..."

Seeing the former patriarchs, the disciples of Feixianmen seem to have found an organization after being lost for many years, that is really exciting.

The three of them hurried forward to help, feeling a lot of emotion.

After entering the main hall of Feixianmen, everyone took their seats.

The three ancestors naturally wanted to sit first, and the others respectfully accompanied the last.

As for Brother Cheng, it was a matter of course that he sat in the middle position of the head.

This shocked Yuan Shu, Yuan Mu, Leng Huahan, Gu Qingyu and all the disciples present.

You know, Mo Chen is the second place in the Jade Statue of the Hall of Sages!

In terms of status, it is second only to Ji Linghan, the 'first head of the sect'.

With him present, how could anyone else sit in that seat?

(end of this chapter)

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