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Chapter 331 Could It Be That He Died Inside?

Chapter 331 Could it be that he died inside?

The two Immortal Kings of the Moon Clan completely panicked.

"How dare you..."


They couldn't figure out why it happened like this.

Think back to the time 50 million years ago, when hundreds of Immortal Kings came to invite them, and they could say whatever they wanted.

And these years, wherever they go, they are treated like the emperor, how beautiful.

It's a pity that this is not based on strength.

It is based on the identity of "protected animals". When they are no longer unique and not so precious, it will be a matter of time before they are retaliated against.

At this time, there are nearly two hundred Immortal Kings in the audience, how can the two escape?

Almost in the blink of an eye, the fairy kingdom of the two was shattered!

Then there was a figure flying high, carrying the head and rushing towards the high platform.

An Immortal King's face was covered with blood and he didn't care to wipe it off. Panting heavily, he said quickly, "Master Jiang, I killed it myself!"

"There are heads to prove it!"

Brother Cheng nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, you have obtained the qualification to enter for ten consecutive sessions!"

This time, everyone in the audience became even crazier.

So there is a special prize for winning the head?

"Don't grab it!"

"Who was going to protect the Moon Clan just now?"

"Kill them too!"

In the blink of an eye, another Immortal King of the Moon Clan was also dismembered.

Immediately afterwards, the dozen or so Immortal Kings who had previously protected the Moon Clan became targets of fire.

These people have gone crazy...

Seeing that scene, Miao Yu, Ye Yang Immortal King and others were all terrified.

The battle between the two hundred Immortal Kings is really devastating. Even if the Immortal Emperor comes, they have to stay away for a while.

Blood flowed like a river in Yuexian Palace, and there was no complete brick or tile.

It's brutal!

Looking at this scene, they couldn't imagine the chilling silence in the audience just a moment ago.

At that time, these Immortal Kings were so obedient, they didn't dare to breathe wildly.

Now it's finally released.

When the battle ended, the dozen or so people who had previously protected the two Immortal Kings of the Moon Clan were also beheaded on the spot.

The huge and magnificent Moon Fairy Palace has turned into a bottomless pit, and there are no living Moon Clan people left.

Those Mysterious Immortal Golden Immortal Immortal Venerables of the Moon Clan who were dragged to the sky before were all killed.

Without the 'talisman', they were beaten back to their original shape, who would take them seriously.

Before they died, they, who were used to being superior, finally realized how weak they were.

It's just a matter of the Immortal King waving his hand casually.

Especially the two Immortal Venerables who presided over the "rewarding the good and punishing the evil" and bossed everyone around, died the worst.

No one on the scene didn't want to kill them, they were just holding back before.

In a sense, Brother Cheng also gave everyone a chance to vent their anger.

Xiaokun Wujue and others were convinced.

Head Jiang still knows how to play, he really doesn't have to do it himself to kill the two Moon Clan Immortal Kings.

There will be a bunch of people rushing to help.

According to the level of meritorious service in the battle just now, head Jiang selected another group of people to be selected.

At this point, there are only 20 places left.

He has yet to make a decision.

The reason is simple, these people are not up to the mark!

I just killed the two Immortal Kings of the Moon Clan, and pushed the Moon Immortal Palace. What about the spoils?

Well, even if it's not a trophy, the entrance fee that Miao Yu paid for herself before will have to be refunded!

He is a thrifty housekeeper!

"Well, Head Jiang, I also contributed to the battle just now, you see..."

"me too……"

This is the last quota, and there are still 150 people left, all of whom are waiting to be fed.


Brother Cheng cleared his throat, and said calmly, "The entrance fee just now..."

This remark had just begun, and a clever person immediately reacted, and quickly handed over two storage rings.

"Look at my memory, I just captured it from the Moon Clan, and I haven't opened it yet to read it!"

In fact, most of the collections of the two Immortal Kings are no longer in a different space.

But the entire Moon Immortal Palace was obviously extremely rich.

How much filial piety and looting have been made in these years, it is simply countless!

Brother Cheng took the ring with great relief: "Haha, you are very good, come in!"

The Immortal King is overjoyed!

Compared with the two rings, this chance is many times more precious.

With this example, others immediately followed suit.

"Master Jiang, I also seized 4 rings just now!"

"And me, I searched their treasure hall, and I planned to dedicate it to you!"

Soon, all the loot from Yuexian Palace belonged to Sect Leader Jiang.

He just sensed it casually, and he was elated. There are more treasures in it than he imagined.

There are tens of thousands of bottles of seventh-grade elixir alone.

After coming to Diyue Tianyu this time, the result of enlightenment to the Immortal Tree is unknown, at least he has made a lot of money now.

Soon the last candidate was determined, and a group of people stepped into the entrance.

As Brother Cheng entered, the entrance disappeared as expected.

As soon as he entered the tentacles space of the fairy tree, Brother Cheng felt a devastating force attacking him.

It felt like drowning.

No matter how powerful his immortal and demon body is, it is difficult to resist this penetration.

Then, he died simply.

On the other side, the other 270 people successfully passed through the tentacles and entered the inside of the fairy tree.

At this time, everyone has opened the Immortal Kingdom, using the power of the rules of the Immortal Kingdom to avoid the direct projection of the origin of the Immortal Tree.

It's like ordinary people can't bear the various rays directly irradiated by the sun. Only after being filtered by the atmosphere can they become absorbable sunlight.

Their fairy country serves as this protective layer.

The original power of the fairy tree filtered by the fairy kingdom is not so overbearing and violent, and can moisten things and silently improve their innate root level.

It is also for this reason that the Enlightenment Immortal Tree is called the opportunity that belongs exclusively to the Immortal King.

In it, they need to open the fairyland all the time.

And there may be a crisis at any time.

After calming down, everyone looked around and found that Brother Cheng was not there.

"Where is Master Jiang?"

"Yeah, why isn't he here?"

"Everyone who comes in from the entrance of Yuexian Palace should all fall here!"

"Could it be that the old man forgot to reserve a place for himself?"

"No, there are only 270 people here, and there is just one missing!"

Everyone searched around, especially Xiaokun Jiyun and others were extremely anxious.

Obviously came in, but suddenly felt that there was no bottom.

Because the thickest thigh is gone.

Everyone in Tianshu Pavilion also frowned and looked for it, but Miao Yu didn't look for it, but said something quietly.

"He didn't die inside, did he?"


Mingchi Wujue and the others got angry.

"That's impossible, he's so strong!"

"How can you curse the head of Jiang to die? He didn't treat you badly, did he?"

Miao Yu shook her head, the expression on her beautiful face was always calm, as if not many things could escape her control.

"I think you guys forgot one thing, he hasn't arrived at the Immortal King yet."

"People who do not reach the Immortal King come in, and without the protection of the fairy kingdom, they cannot survive at all."

"I don't want him to die either, but I hope you can recognize the facts!"

(end of this chapter)

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