Chapter 276

The lord of Danhua City, Yu Xun, quickly rushed over like the old routine.

But what happened next was beyond everyone's expectations.

Seeing City Master Yu flying down with a large group of masters, he rushed to Jiang Cheng in three steps at a time.

"You killed Chu Chao?"

Of course Brother Cheng nodded frankly: "That's right, it's me."

Come on, let's go to war.

Don't engage in any foreplay, brother is eager to grab the limelight with own weapons to prove own's strength.

"Thank you!"

Before he could react, his hands were held by Yu Xun.

"Thank you for getting rid of one evil in Danhua City!"

The city lord looked grateful, and his posture was like meeting a savior, which was called excitement.

ah this...

Everyone else present was also dumbfounded.

What's the situation?

If one of your own is killed, it's fine if you don't take revenge, but thank your enemies?

Too outrageous, right?

Brother Cheng was also caught off guard, he was still looking forward to a big battle.

As a result, if he came here, wouldn't he have no chance to brush the shock value?

"Well, I heard that kid just now is your nephew."

He also wanted to work hard to 'remediate', reminding the other party that we have a deep hatred.

As soon as the words fell, Yu Xun immediately shouted decisively: "I don't have such a nephew!"

"Chu Chao is a dandy, he bullies the market, and the people are full of grievances. This city lord can't stand it anymore!"

"Originally, I wanted to kill relatives righteously, but I have never been ruthless!"

"It's really a great pleasure for your Excellency to kill this dog for me today!"

"On behalf of Xiancheng, the Lord of this city is grateful for your righteous deeds. I don't know your name, Gao?"

For the first time, the head of Jiang, who is not weak in talking, feels that he can't keep up with others' rhythm.

It doesn't fit the script.

Are you pretending?

Want to stabilize me first, and then take advantage of my carelessness to kill me?

"However, I also killed a thousand of your subordinates, including an Immortal Venerable."

Hearing this sentence, both Leng Huahan and Yuan Zhe wanted to cover his mouth.

Patriarch, can you say a few words less?

Regardless of whether the city lord is pretending or not, don't just pick up irritating words.

Only by stabilizing the opponent first can we find a chance to escape!

"Good kill!"

The remaining city lords were not angry when they heard that a thousand subordinates had been killed, but clapped their hands excitedly.

He laughed loudly and said, "It's a great kill!"

"This is the second thing I want to thank Your Excellency for!"

Brother Cheng and the entire audience were dumbfounded.

Dude are you out of your mind?

That Chu Yue Immortal Venerable, if I'm not mistaken, should be your wife's big brother, that is, your brother-in-law, right?

And there are 1,000 immortal guards, all of them are your subordinates.

No matter how magnanimous a person is, it is impossible to pretend that nothing happened.

Also thanks?

Have you acted a little bit before?

Few people who can become immortals are simple-minded, and many people immediately figured it out.

If Jiang Cheng could easily kill a thousand immortal guards and an Immortal Venerable, even if the city lord came up with the remaining two thousand people, he would still be sending food.

At most, it's just a little longer.

After all, that fairy sword is too fierce.

If he wanted revenge, he could only think of other ways, such as taking Jiang Cheng's defenses off.

"Your Excellency will definitely not believe it!"

Yu Xun seemed to have seen what everyone was thinking, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"Hey, I, the city lord, is only superficially beautiful, but I actually know myself through suffering."

"Ever since Chu Yue and his team settled in Danhua City a few years ago, the owner of the city has been gradually excluded by them..."


Yu Xun nodded emphatically: "Over the years, he has secretly formed cliques for personal gain and colluded with outside experts, and many of the Xianwei Army have already become his direct descendants."

"My orders are often not as useful as his words."

"It is for this reason that I have not been able to attack Chu Chao for a long time."

"If this continues, it will be a matter of time before he replaces him."

He held Sect Leader Jiang's hand again, and said earnestly, "If Your Excellency hadn't wiped them out in one fell swoop today, how could I have a chance to turn around?"

"Say, should I thank you?"


Brother Cheng twitched the corners of his mouth. Isn't this a bit of a coincidence?

"It seems that your Excellency still doesn't believe my empty words."

City Lord Yu clapped his hands, and saw the group of immortal guards from behind escort hundreds of immortals in different clothes.

"These are all Chu Yue's relatives, friends and followers!"

"If you hadn't killed the chief culprit today, I wouldn't dare to touch them easily!"

"But now..."

Those hundreds of people were terrified, struggling desperately but there was no escape, they could only desperately beg for mercy.


"My lord, we don't know!"

"Uncle, I am your nephew, you hugged me when you were young..."

Yu Xun slowly closed his eyes, and slowly lowered his right hand.

Immediately afterwards, those hundreds of people were executed on the spot, leaving no one behind!

Although the number of dead people was a little less than before, the feeling was many times more cruel and bloody. Some immortals even turned their faces away.

There is no way, it was a war just now, life and death matter.

Now it is a unilateral execution.

"Since then, the sky in Danhua City has regained clarity!"

As soon as the words fell, the tens of thousands of Immortal City residents who followed behind him waved their arms and shouted that the kill is good, the people are exterminated, and the city lord is wise...

It seems that the resentment has been accumulated for a long time.

"Sir, should you trust me now?"

Brother Cheng twitched the corner of his mouth helplessly, he didn't expect that he would run into such a thing.

Feeling killed those thousand people by himself, but instead fulfilled the city lord?

But the city lord himself is not a fuel-efficient lamp, he is cruel enough.

"It's a trivial matter, nothing to worry about."

Unable to continue pretending, he lost interest.

"No no no..."

"For me, this is a great kindness, and I have to repay it!"

"Your Excellency and I hit it off right away. I have already ordered people to prepare a banquet. Can you come to the house and talk about it?"

Yu Xun's kind invitation was taken for granted, after all, Jiang Cheng had helped him a lot, and I couldn't thank him enough.

But Leng Huahan raised his doubts again.

There is no other reason, the coincidence is too much.

Moreover, the decisive killing of this person just now does not seem like a weak city lord who will be ostracized.

He hurriedly sent a voice transmission secretly: "Old Ancestor, it's better not to go to this banquet, it may be a trap."

Brother Cheng is speechless, you are the only one who is smart?

He wished it was a trap.

Only then will there be a stage to continue pretending!

If what the city lord Yu said is true, then he will be very disappointed.

"Lead the way ahead!"

Brother Cheng waved his hand, and Yu Xun was taken aback for a moment, as if he wasn't used to the new identity of the 'guiding boy'.

But then, he smiled again.

"Please please please!"

After speaking, the group set foot on the road to the City Lord's Mansion.

The cold and cold in the rear is angry and anxious.

He exchanged glances with the three elders, Yuan Zhe, Yuan Wu and Yuan He, which meant what to do next?

"What else can I do, keep up!"

"We can't let him die here."

"Proceed with caution!"

After they all left, the immortals in Tianshu Pavilion talked again.

And Ding Rui upstairs couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "This Yu Xun is really merciless in killing people, and this matter is a bit confusing."

(end of this chapter)

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