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Chapter 1936 The Origin Of Mo Ding

Chapter 1936 The Origin of Mo Ding

Yue Chen's ridicule did not anger Mo Ding.

The latter chuckled, then clapped his hands.

Immediately afterwards, five figures suddenly flashed around the deep valley.

Not the Celestial Clan, but the Immortal Clan.

There are five Taoist gods, four of whom are mid rank Taoist gods.

"I still have helpers."

This sudden turn of events made Zhiyu's sister, who had already been hit hard, almost fainted on the spot.

"Mo Dage, you! How could you..."

"How can you collude with the fairy clan?"

Mo Ding smiled, but took the initiative to pick up the conversation.

"I'm not from your Celestial Clan!"

"I'm not your Mo Dage at all!"


Zhiyu's frail body trembled slightly, almost losing her footing.

"Aren't you from our Sun Dynasty? How could you not be from the Sky Clan?"

She turned pale and muttered to herself, "I still remember that when you got the right hand of God, you took the initiative to find me. At that time, you also said that from then on, I shouldered the heavy responsibility of defending the Celestial Clan..."

Jiang Cheng couldn't bear to listen to her confession anymore.

And Yi Shan couldn't help sighing, and shook his head again.

As for Yue Chen, he looked disapproving.



Mo Ding laughed with his back up, like laughing at a simple little fool, so much so that his waist almost bent down.

After laughing enough, he suddenly pointed at Jiang Cheng.

"See him?"

Zhiyu didn't understand what he meant.

Mo Ding continued: "Don't you understand? I also come from that world!"

He looked at the five Taoist gods who were surrounding him again.

"As for these few, they used to belong to the same fairy mansion as me."

"Not long ago, we got in touch through Sect's special secret method."

At this point, there is no need for him to hide his identity.

After all, there is no way out to snatch the god's part this time.

If it is done, then he killed all the other people present, which is tantamount to silence.

If he loses, he will die.

Let alone Zhiyu this time, even Yuechen's eyes widened.


He looked at Mo Ding in disbelief, and then at the Taoist gods.

"Are you all from Jiangcheng's world?"

"Isn't he and Qiu Yuxuan the only ones coming from another world? How could there be six of you?"

He was a little subverted cognition.

As for Zhiyu, she was already too shocked to speak.


Mo Ding laughed again.

"Tsk tsk, your imagination is really lacking."

"To tell you the truth, a hundred thousand people came from our side this time!"

Yue Chen was finally shaken to the point of losing his footing.

He gasped.

"One hundred thousand? My God, how come there are so many?"

"When did you come here? What are you doing here?"

"I have known Mo Ding for a long time, why do you still have his aura, completely different from Jiang Cheng?"

Mo Ding has no interest in popularizing these questions.

"They're all dying. What's the point of knowing so much?"

After finishing speaking, he winked at the companions beside him.

"Do it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the war finally broke out.

Mo Ding rushed towards Yue Chen immediately.

It's not because he has a grudge against Yue Chen, but because Yue Chen looks difficult.

This person has been with Yunlu every time, and this time the latter has not shown up, which makes him feel a little uneasy.

Together with him, there was another mid rank Taoist who flanked Yuechen.

The Realms of the six Sons of God are currently Tenth Stage.

The mid rank Taoist is also equivalent to the Tenth Stage.

Two against one, the balance of strength between the two sides is seriously tilted, it shouldn't be difficult to kill Yuechen quickly.

As for the remaining three mid-rank Taoist gods and one elementary Taoist god, they entangled Jiang Cheng, Zhiyu, and Yi Shan respectively.

Mo Ding also knew that the Tenth Stage of the Son of God was not the same as the ordinary Tenth Stage.

With the 'power of heaven', they can barely fight even against the first stage of the tenth heaven.

So the primary goal of these four Taoist gods is to hold back Jiang Cheng and the others so that they cannot rescue Yuechen.

After Yue Chen was killed, they turned to fight again, and Jiang Cheng, Yi Shan and others were naturally easy to capture.

Regarding this plan, Jiang Chengdong is very optimistic.

However, he didn't express anything, he just fought with the mid-rank Taoist opposite him one after another.

With his current strength, if he used all his strength, it would take less than ten seconds for this mid rank Daoist to be reimbursed.

But now, he doesn't even bother to activate his own law of space and the power of turbidity.

Only use the spirit of Tenth Stage to deal with opponents.

Because, he didn't want to see Yuechen continue to live.

And he was also very curious, could this god's part really be taken away?

I was killed several times before, but the heart of God did not drop.

Unlike him, both Yi Shan and Zhi Yu tried their best.

Especially the younger sister, who was full of anxiety at this moment, wishing to kill the Dao God in front of her immediately, and then everyone would join hands to stop the ambitious Mo Ding.

Unfortunately, this seems to be in vain.

Although the strength of the three of them is still higher than the four Taoist gods on the opposite side, they can't get rid of the siege in a short time.

What's more, there is a Cheng brother who is seriously paddling in the team.

Ten seconds passed quickly.

The entire deep valley has long been bombarded beyond recognition, and it is not known whether it will attract the attention of the surrounding immortals.

Finally, there was a battlefield where the winner was decided.

But seeing a purple mist flash past, the head flew high.

It wasn't the expected Yuechen, but the mid-rank Taoist who flanked him with Mo Ding.

"Do not!"

"This is impossible!"

The smile on Mo Ding's face froze.

He who was fighting fiercely with Yue Chen, was retreating steadily at this time, and he was completely unable to resist the opponent's offensive.

This is indeed an extremely incredible thing.

You know, the Mo Ding of his 'soul piercing' was the first to obtain the part of a god.

Although his spirits are all Tenth Stage, but his Cultivation Base is still a bit deeper than Yuechen.

Unless Yuechen breakthrough reaches the tenth first stage of the heavenly rank, it is impossible for him to be overwhelmed.

But now, Yue Chen was fighting one against two, and he was able to fight back against one.

This is really abnormal!

"Why is it impossible?"

Yue Chen's figure had already disappeared into the void.

The special ability brought by God's left leg made him a natural assassin.

Everyone could only hear his mocking sneer, faintly appearing intermittently, like countless ghosts.

"I have already said that the head does not represent the leader."

Mo Ding's spirituality was soon traumatized.

And he finally made a major discovery.

"You actually killed Yunlu ahead of time and got her God's Left Hand!"

After being yelled at by him, Brother Cheng couldn't help but glance over there.

Isn't that right? Although Yuechen's figure is more elusive than lightning, it cannot escape his perception.

This person's left hand and left leg were really all lit up with purple awns.

The power of heaven that he mobilized was not only 40% to 50% more than that of Mo Ding, but also contained a strong mysterious toxin.

(end of this chapter)

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