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Chapter 192: People Ordered Your Name

Chapter 192: People Ordered Your Name

After ten full days, the Frost Rabbit King finally couldn't hold back anymore.

"Aren't you going to find the entrance to Immortal World?"

Although forced to surrender, her yearning for the Immortal World has not weakened, and she still hopes to become a fairy.

I follow them every day, it seems that I am getting farther and farther away from this goal.

The three-eyed tiger who had just finished playing cards glared at her.

"Are you stupid?"

"If we didn't find the entrance to Immortal World, how could we come here to suffer?"

"What an extra question!"

Frost Rabbit King was almost choked by it.

Do you have any wrong understanding of the word suffering?

"But I don't think you have any intention of looking for it."

"We have been looking for it hard, but you can't see it."

Where did you find it?

Don't you eat, drink and have fun all day long?

The demon is under the eaves, she can only be patient, and squeeze out a smile to make side remarks.

"Then when will you find it?"

The eyes of the three-eyed tiger stood up: "This kind of important secret is also something you, a girl, can inquire about? Pay attention to your identity!"

Frost Rabbit King turned pale with anger.

She vowed that when she became a fairy in the future, she would definitely blow up this shameless and hateful tiger demon!

At this moment, Jiang Cheng on the side spoke.

"Okay, okay, be quiet, my daughter is going to bed."

Ah Huang fell asleep very quickly.

After she fell asleep, Brother Cheng watched another day pass, and summoned a disciple from Xuanji Tu to improve his aptitude.

During this period of time, his priority for promotion was the second and third generation disciples.

They have been promoted from fourth-class qualifications to third-class one after another.

After all, this group of people have passed the Dao Palace Realm, and the points will be given more and more later, and they will lose if they don’t mention it earlier.

The Frost Rabbit King couldn't understand what it was doing, and there was no special effect on the surface of improving his aptitude.

And the three-eyed tiger and the mysterious tortoise king would not be kind enough to popularize science for her, lest there be an extra competitor to flatter her.

The Frost Rabbit King was astonished when he saw the humble human race in Realm appear out of thin air for the first time.

But as time goes by, it becomes a habit.

I only know that these people are the disciples of Jiang Cheng, maybe he has special Magic Treasures that can accommodate people?


Suddenly there was a loud roar ahead, which was deafening.

Given the Immortal World's solidity, it wouldn't be blown apart, but the ground trembled constantly.

The smoke and dust soared into the sky, and the surrounding flying sand turbulently spun around and around quickly.

In the center, a gigantic ape with a figure of hundreds of thousands of meters was surrounded by blood-colored light clusters and descended from the sky!

The blow just now was struck by the stone stick full of cracks and lines in its hand.

"Battle Monkey King!"

"And the hen king..."

Behind the giant ape, the beautiful and charming one is the hen king.

However, the chicken king didn't seem to be so emotional, but drooped his head, as if he was suffering.

Frost Rabbit King really counted on other demon kings to save him.

For example, the Golden Dragon King, the Tooth Rat King, and the Dog Eater King are all superpowers at the peak level of the Demon King.

But after seeing the two demon kings in front of her, she didn't show the slightest joy.

Because the leader is the Monkey King.

In terms of combat power, the Monkey King is second only to the Golden Dragon King.

But it was too belligerent, and the other demon kings were often beaten by him.

Forget it, this demon king has a bad temper, can't communicate at all, he is a complete lunatic.

Just look at the hen king behind it, and you will know that teaming up with it along the way may have suffered a lot.

"Three-eyed tiger, get out and fight!"

After appearing, the scarlet eyes of the Monkey King were only filled with violence and madness.

It seems that if you don't agree, the next moment it will beat everyone together.

As for what the three-eyed tiger did before, it didn't even mention it.

Perhaps it was because the previous fear was too deep, but the three-eyed tiger with the purple Golden Devil body couldn't help but shrink its head back.

When the previous Tiger King was still around, he was able to compete with the Monkey King.

Also because of this reason, after the old fierce tiger king's life energy was exhausted and passed away, it still came to the tiger clan several times to find the three-eyed tiger for a decisive battle.

Every time before, the Three-Eyed Tiger shut down the news and fled for refuge, and came back after the limelight passed.

I'm afraid of becoming a habit.

The Fighting Monkey King is the best among the peak monster kings, who is much stronger than the previous Sheep King and Snake King.

It's completely clueless.

"elder brother……"

"This guy appeared so arrogantly, obviously he didn't take you seriously."

"Don't give me Face, hit it hard!"

Head Jiang gave the shameless tiger a sideways look, do you think I'm stupid?

The crazy monkey in front made him displeased, but this dead tiger was even more hateful.

Actually provoked, using brother as a gunman?

"Aren't you going to pretend?"

"Then pretend it's enough..."

"Brother, I, is the Monkey King."

"So what, it's your name, not mine."

Brother Cheng curled his lips: "How dare I steal your limelight."

The three-eyed tiger's mouth was parched and his face collapsed.

Jiang Cheng didn't help, it could only count on other people.

Forget about the Frost Rabbit King, this banshee can't wait to beat it violently.

Xuan Turtle King?

Forget it, its strength is not as good as itself.

It looked at Mo Chen again with pleading eyes.

Well, this old man is gloating, let alone counting on him to help.

In the end, it could only hug Ah Huang's thigh again.

"Miss, you have to save me, that monkey outside is bad, it will even beat your father when it goes crazy..."

Brother Cheng looked at a fire, it's a good thing he didn't keep it as a spiritual pet, otherwise it would be embarrassing to take it out.

"Don't spoil the kids!"

With one kick, the three-eyed tiger was kicked in front of the Monkey King.

"Three-eyed tiger, look at how promising you are, I promise I won't kill you, what are you afraid of?"

The voice of the Monkey King is like sharp steel nails, and his low laughter is chilling.

When it really came to the point of no retreat, the Three-Eyed Tiger was willing to go all out.

"I, I'm afraid your sister is not strong enough to satisfy Lord Tiger!"

As soon as this sentence came out, the Frost Rabbit King and the Chicken King secretly gave it a thumbs up at the same time.

Brother, you are fierce!

Fighting Monkey King really has a Little Sister, but Talent is not too high, and he is still just a big demon.

This can be regarded as its reverse scale.



"You finally brought the seeds!"


The stone stick, hundreds of thousands of meters long, swung down like a pitch-black thunderbolt.

The three-eyed tiger flashed quickly, and the stone stick hit the ground.

The earth trembled, and the waves with a destructive aura annihilated countless flying sand in the void into dust and smoke out of thin air!

The heat wave transpired, forming circles of bloody lines!

Martial Dao Realm has already reached the immortal level Cheng Ge recognized it, this is the destruction of Martial Dao!

The destruction of the Monkey King, Martial Dao, is only one step away from the Immortal Rank.

No wonder the three-eyed tiger is so afraid of it.

The two Great Saint domains unfolded, and the sanctuary of the Three-Eyed Tiger quickly disintegrated.

The vast sanctuary became weaker and weaker as if it was being continuously evaporated by the scorching sun.

On the other side, the two demon kings also confronted each other at close range.

(end of this chapter)

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