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Chapter 1903 How Strong Is He?

Chapter 1903 How Strong Is He?


Perhaps because of returning to her home territory, Yueqing's confidence hardened completely.

Immediately launched a moral criticism of Brother Cheng.

"You still want to take advantage of our war with the fairy clan and take advantage of it here?"

After the idol filter was shattered, she seemed to be the leader of black fans.

Thinking back to when I worshiped Jiang Cheng before, the fantasy of my idol in my heart was to firmly stand in the camp of the Celestial Clan and fight selflessly for the Celestial Clan.

No matter how bad it is, he is also a good friend of the Tianzu, who can draw his sword to help in times of crisis.

As a result, now, Jiang Cheng completely broke her fantasy.

This strong disappointment also brought about a rebellious psychology.

"Why are you so philistine?"

"Is there a demeanor that a high-level person should have? It's simply disgusting!"

"Look at anyone like you?"

When Brother Cheng is doing business, he always makes money with kindness.

Hearing this, he just shrugged his shoulders, "An expert also wants Life, not to mention that everyone gets what they need, how good is it for a win-win situation?"

"Win for your size!"

Think about a person who was supposed to fight for the Celestial Clan selflessly, but now he has to collect money, and Yue Qingqi doesn't even fight.

"Still cooperating, my father will never agree, and I will never agree!"

Brother Cheng smiled and shook his finger.

"Trust me, he will say yes."

"You dream!"

Following King Zhenying and others, Yueqing returned to the Moon Ring Imperial City.

Their return was warmly welcomed by the Moon Shadow Emperor and other princes.

"You have worked hard. It is really amazing to be able to escape from the dragon's pool and tiger's den."

"How is the fairy clan, is there any new trend?"

The Moon Shadow Emperor lovingly rubbed his daughter's head, "Qing'er, did you encounter any danger along the way?"

Beside Own's father, Yueqing couldn't help complaining about her suffering.

"It's very dangerous. After we were discovered, hundreds of sects were dispatched from the fairy clan, and many Taoist gods came to encircle us."

"I almost thought that I would never see you again, father."


The Moon Shadow Emperor was astonished, and all the princes in the palace even exclaimed.

"Many Taoist gods, hundreds of sects besieged?"

"Then how did you come back alive?"

"You only have such a small number of people, how can the immortal clan dispatch such a strong lineup?"

Mentioning this, Yueqing closed her mouth.

If it wasn't for Brother Cheng collecting the fare, she would have mentioned Jiang Cheng's name loudly the moment she entered the door.

Then describe her as if there is nothing in the sky and nothing on the earth.

But now, she doesn't want to promote Brother Cheng.

Seeing that she was silent, King Zhenying took over the conversation.

"We can come back because one person saved us."

The senior executives of the Moon Ring Dynasty in the hall were even more surprised.

"one person?"

"who is it?"

"Do we have any help?"

"Could it be that Riyao and Xingyou Dynasty dispatched masters and happened to meet you?"

"As far as I know, Emperor Xingmiao and the others haven't been dispatched recently. Qiu Yuxuan and those god sons are also on the front line, and haven't gone deep into the opposite boundary."

King Jinying shook his head.

"It's not them, but a person you didn't expect——Jiang Cheng."

"Jiang Cheng?"

Everyone in the hall was slightly taken aback.

Since Brother Cheng didn't appear for a long time and disappeared for tens of thousands of years, many people didn't realize who it was at the first time.

But then, there was a scream.

"Magic tire!"

"The devil's fetus Jiang Cheng?"

"He is still alive and saved you?"

"How is this possible? Hundreds of sects, so many gods encircled and suppressed, how can he have such strength?"

"And isn't he a magic fetus, how could he save you?"

Faced with this overwhelming question, King Zhenying took a deep breath.

He said solemnly: "All of us underestimated Jiang Cheng, and never really understood this person."

He quickly told the story of the trip in detail.

After he finished speaking, everyone in the hall fell silent, it was almost audible.

In the end, the Moon Shadow Emperor broke the calm.

"Is Jiang Cheng so strong now? Can mid-rank Taoist gods be killed?"

He has an unbelievable look on his face, let alone other people.

The princes and palace masters in the palace all looked shocked, and some even questioned the authenticity.

"King Zhenying, you are not exaggerating, are you?"

"According to what you said, his combat strength even surpasses that of Qiu Yuxuan."

"Is it stronger than us?"

"Even if he is a magic fetus, even if he is comparable to Qiu Yuxuan, it is too exaggerated to say that he can withstand the siege of thousands of Daoist Supremes."

"I don't believe it, there must be something wrong."

Even Yueqing couldn't bear to hear these words.

"Although I hate that person, what King Zhenying said is true."

"Could it be that those enemies will deliberately cooperate so that he can't kill him?"

"Perhaps you are mistaken?"

"How could we be wrong?"

Seeing that the two sides were about to quarrel, Moon Shadow Emperor waved his hand.

"There is no need to argue, the most urgent task now is how to resist the fairy clan!"

He looked at King Zhenying, with shrewdness in his deep eyes.

"According to what you said, it is really abnormal for the fairy race to gather so many Sects and cooperate with each other this time."

"I don't know what happened to them internally."

"If the power of the fairy clan is integrated, it will be troublesome."

King Jinying nodded slowly.

"Yes, this matter still needs to be investigated."

"Jiang Cheng seems to have something to do with it over there. It would be great if we could get his help."

"How could he be willing to help us?"

Mentioning this, Moon Shadow Emperor was also very depressed.

"National Master Xingyou was very good back then, declaring him to be a devil's fetus, what a bad move!"

"It's simply stupid to push away a powerful combat force in vain!"

All the princes and masters in the hall looked around quickly, as if they were afraid that these words would be heard by the Yuehuan Guoshi and those Yuanshi.

"Yeah, it would be great if there was no prophecy about the magic fetus."

King Zhenying followed suit, and then said his own plan.

"But it's actually not difficult to ask Jiang Cheng to help."


The Moon Shadow Emperor is interested.

With so many powerful combat powers in vain, who would refuse?

"Can you convince him?"

King Zhenying shook his head, "Persuasion is impossible. Anyone who is labeled as a magic fetus will no longer have a sense of belonging to the Celestial Clan."

The princes in the palace wanted to say something, but found that they could not refute.

If they were Jiang Cheng, they might have turned against the Celestial Clan.

King Zhenying continued: "But I observed this person, but he didn't fall for the fairy clan. He gave me the feeling that he has no bias."

"He promised to cooperate with us to deal with the fairy race as long as he gives enough rewards."


Hearing these two words, all the princes in the hall jumped up.

"Are you kidding me?"

"It's only natural to deal with the immortal clan, and he still wants to be rewarded?"

"It's really whimsical for him to talk about benefits in this kind of thing."

"You tell him, don't talk about it!"

(end of this chapter)

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