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Chapter 1690 Go And See If Feixianmen Has Been Destroyed

Chapter 1690 Go and see if Feixianmen has been destroyed

"Jiang Yinhuang wants to regain the Rouyue collar, so why don't we cooperate?"

"This stronghold is yours now, I'm sorry to say goodbye!"

The immortal general made it sound like he was on Jiang Cheng's side, but in fact he just got an order to retreat from above.

After quickly finishing the scene, he immediately turned around and was about to evacuate with more than 8,000 people under his command.

This time, Brother Cheng couldn't take it anymore.


"What do you mean? Complete the task or deal with the errand?"

"Is the tone so perfunctory?"

The fairy general trembled with fright, and quickly forced a smile and turned around.

"You misunderstood, we were frightened, your reputation spread far and wide, we were a little nervous..."

Jiang Cheng got impatient with such lines every time.

"Tell me honestly, where are you planning to ambush me, and tell me a specific location directly."

The fairy general didn't know about the ambush, he only knew that he was ordered to retreat towards the Yuzhang Valley.

Hearing this, weeping and crying, "How dare we ambush you? This kind of thing is absolutely impossible!"

Jiang Cheng didn't believe him at all.

"Just say it outright, can't I cooperate with your ambush plan?"

"Until your manpower is in place, I will never attack."

"When your ambush circle is formed, I promise to step into it swaggeringly. Is that okay?"

"I just don't want to pull out strongholds everywhere, it's too troublesome to run around."

This made the immortal general on the opposite side and the commanders behind him unable to complain.

Do you take yourself for a fool, or do you take us for a fool?

Do you think we will believe even one word of this kind of fairy-level speech?

"Cough, Jiang Yinhuang really likes to joke."

"Ambush or something, it's really nothing, you think too much."

"We withdrew..."

"Wait a minute!"

The fairy general was about to cry.

"what happened again?"

"At least let's fight, otherwise how can you embarrass me?"

Jiang Cheng glanced at the disciples behind him, and thought that he was so powerful that he was about to be regarded as an expert in talking, which would have a great impact on his image.

The fairy general and the commander behind him were so frightened that they shook their hands to express their rejection.

"No, no, how dare we fight you?"

Jiang Cheng said angrily: "It's not really wanting your lives, it's just a show."

"Is it really just for show?" The fairy general was still a little worried.

"I'm going to kill you, is it worth cheating? What's more, even if you are going to retreat, at least you have to fight before retreating, otherwise how can you explain to the higher-ups?"

Everyone said that the order from above was to retreat, and there was no requirement that we have to fight.

But since there is no danger of life, it doesn't hurt to cooperate.

You can delay it a little bit.

So at the next moment, they all sacrificed their weapons and origins, and Jiang Cheng also propped up the law space of his eight origin totems.

Thousands of people on the opposite side almost fell down on the spot in fright.

And the disciples of Feixianmen and the more than 30,000 immortals behind were also shocked.

"It's fighting!"

"My God, it turns out that the head of Jiang has so many original giant pillars?"

Qin Chang, Wei Miao and others were all excited.

"I have seen it clearly, and I have learned a little bit. Head Jiang will teach us how to fight on the spot. There are not many opportunities like this!"

"The head of Jiang's sect is so powerful, the other side is getting defeated every day..."

As they talked, their expressions gradually became strange.

Because of this battle, there will be no thunder but no rain.

The momentum was surprisingly large, and the sky was darkened, but no one was killed on the other side.

Although the thousands of people covered by Jiangcheng's law are not in danger of their lives, the immortal general and his staff are still trembling.

If one of them didn't cooperate well, they might die.

After playing for a full three minutes, the immortal general cautiously delivered a voice.

"Jiang Yinhuang, can, is it okay?"

Only then did Brother Cheng withdraw his hand without further ado.

"Okay, you guys withdraw."

Everyone seems to be pardoned.

While fleeing, he also yelled hard.


"We are willing to bow down!"

In a blink of an eye, those thousands of people escaped completely.

Everyone who stayed in place was about to petrify.

It wasn't because he was shocked by Brother Cheng's fighting power, nor because he was left speechless by this performance, but...

The two sides are hostile to each other, how did Sect Leader Jiang get this legion to cooperate with him in a fake fight?

This is actually harder than defeating the opponent normally, right?

Even Ji Linghan couldn't suppress the curiosity in his heart.

"Jiang Dage, is this also your former subordinate?"

Brother Cheng couldn't help but laugh.

"No, I don't know them at all."

Everyone was even more puzzled.

Then why does the other party see you like a mouse sees a cat, without even a little fighting spirit?

The immortal general on the opposite side is also a Taoist saint. Under normal circumstances, he would definitely have a bloody battle.

Shan Tai raised his neck triumphantly, "It's been said that this is the legendary domineering spirit, don't you believe it?"

"Master Jiang's domineering spirit was shocked, and the enemies bowed down one after another..."

"Thank you!"

Brother Cheng angrily interrupted his singing.

You are the bastard, and the whole family is the bastard!

"Hurry up to the next stronghold!"

"Brother is born to work hard, alas!"

While he was feeling here, Daoist Mengduan finally arrived at Rouyue collar with a group of masters from Zhuxian Palace.

Because Jiang Cheng's solo action disrupted the plan, they did not divide into five parts for the time being.

All 31 Taoist saints are listed, and there are more than 5,000 Taoist priests in each section of the Xiaomang domain, and more than 200,000 Supremes.

This is basically the gathering of all the power at the top of the Xiaomang domain.

Seen from a distance, the fairy chariot palace and flying boat mounts cover the sky and block out the sun, advancing step by step like a huge storm, which is so powerful that it is suffocating.

But such a lineup, Meng Duan, Hui Zang and others still felt that it was not enough.

In order to increase their sense of security, they have ordered all clans and clans to forcibly recruit all the immortals above Venerable to the front line.

Coming to the edge of Rouyue Territory, Daoist Meng Duan stopped.

He didn't dare to be as reckless as Brother Cheng.

Looking at the empty camp above the border, none of the 30,000 people who had been arranged here before, including Daoist Yupiao, were there.

Have they all escaped?

Or was it wiped out by the enemy?

He didn't feel any grief at all for the possible death of those 30,000 people, because that was the cannon fodder left behind to put on a show.

"Send someone to the opposite side to see the battle situation, how is Feixianmen going?"

Daoist Mengyong curled his lips.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to see a living person."

Hui Zang Dao Sheng Yin **: "I seriously suspect that they got cold feet."

The corner of Taoist Qingji's mouth twitched slightly.

"If they don't escape, all they have to do is wipe out."

"You can't say that!"

Meng Duan feigned displeasure.

"Flying Immortal Sect belongs to us after all, we have to hope for their well-being, how can we speak ill of them?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Everyone laughed.

"Yes, yes, if we wish them invincible."

"Although that is impossible at all, it is still a good wish..."

When Yin & Yang on their side got angry, several scouts who had just been sent out to investigate the enemy's situation rushed back quickly.

Everyone has a strong expression of disbelief on their faces.

(end of this chapter)

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