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Chapter 1582 I've Been Looking Forward To You

Chapter 1582 I've been looking forward to you

When Jiang Cheng arrived at the scene, he saw a Daoist in distress with his own eyes.

But seeing this man pinching the immortal formula with his hands, he controlled the two flying shuttles to pierce the blood lake from time to time.

Although it seems like a superficial touch, but under the blessing of the raging Jieyuan power, it is still like a divine thunderbolt.

The blood lake looks like a huge living target, but it's just too tough.

In the face of such an attack, with the naked eye, there is almost no change.

Only by observing it with divine sense can I barely see the slightest bit of damage.

Brother Cheng was surprised at first.

What are you afraid of when you attack unilaterally like this?

Why so cautious?

However, the next moment, he saw a drop of blood suddenly stained on the flying shuttle of the Daoist Venerable.

An extremely small drop looks inconspicuous and meaningless.

But that Daoist's complexion changed drastically, and he hastily cut off his connection with Fei Shuo.

It's just that it's too late.

It was obvious that he was only using the immortal formula to control the envoy, but the drop of blood opened up the connection with him in an instant.

Setsuna is murderous!

The Daoist didn't have time to say anything, and fell down on the spot.

But he saw that his left arm had lost a trace of blood, its skin color was like dry bark, and its wrinkles were dry.

And the little blood lake that he had knocked out before seemed to have been supplemented, but moved forward a little bit.

Fortunately, the moment this person fell, other people around rushed over.

They all played a series of special immortal formulas in his direction, completely breaking up the drop of blood and preventing the process of the blood from escaping.

Immediately afterwards, like instinct, they rushed to take out the newly replenished position.

After a frantic attack, it was difficult to push back the newly expanded part of the blood lake.

And at this moment, the Daoist who fell just now seemed to be supplemented by some kind of magical power.

Although the left hand is still bloodless and looks too pale, the body surface has become round again, and it even feels like a Q-bomb.

Then, as if he had been revived with full blood, he joined the lineup to attack Blood Lake again.

This scene shocked Brother Cheng who was watching from the sidelines.

He found that hundreds of Taoist priests present had similar pale parts on their bodies.

Looks like they have had the same experience.

"What a fierce battle!"

This brother issued a heartfelt exclamation.

Even though he didn't really understand it.

The appearance of him and Mu Yue immediately attracted the attention of many people nearby.


Several Taoist priests turned their heads while attacking.

"Who are you?"

"Why are you here?"

Brother Cheng shrugged with a smile.

"Brother is here to help you."

He didn't know that the first group of people he met were not the head of Bayu Palace and other experts.

It is from another six sect Jingxuanzong.


The Daoist Elders of Jingxuanzong looked over one after another.

The offensive on the side of the blood lake did not stop, and his eyes swept up and down Jiang Cheng and Mu Yue.

Several people even presumptuously separated their souls for a while.

Afterwards, everyone showed expressions of astonishment and displeasure.

"Eighth Stage?"

"Is there another one that doesn't even have the power of Jieyuan, did it just drop from Yuan Immortal World?"

"Where are the two strange things coming from?"

"Help? Is it your turn to come here?"

They didn't know that Ba Yugong tricked Jiang Cheng to come here, and they heard that they were helping, so they really thought they had a strong helper.

Looking at this Realm, it is extremely disappointing.

"How did these two people get here?"

"Is this to replenish Blood Devil's vitality?"

Their current siege is to continuously consume the blood emperor's immortal power by attacking the blood lake.

Although the blood emperor usually disdains low-end blood-sucking operations, the situation is urgent now.

The power of plundering the blood of other immortals can indeed replenish the blood lake and allow him to last longer.

That Daoist priest before him followed this way.

For this reason, only some top masters from the six major sects came, and did not summon hundreds of millions of immortals from the entire Lone God Realm to overwhelm them in one fell swoop.

Jiang Cheng also didn't understand the inside story.

Still a little puzzled.

"Didn't you invite me here?"


Several Daoist over there looked up and laughed.

"Just you two trash, are you worthy of our invitation?"

"What are you talking about in your sleep?"

"You guys are not needed here, don't make trouble!"

"Aren't you going to get out soon?"

Jiang Cheng was neither angry nor annoyed, but smiled all over his face.

"Okay, that's what you said."

After finishing speaking, he took Mu Yue by the hand and turned around simply.

Anyway, the deposit was received.

Seeing that the blood emperor was beaten silently now, he felt that it didn't matter whether he stepped on it or not.

Seeing the two of them turn around and leave with interest, the Taoist priests behind were still complaining.

"How did they slip down?"

"Eighth Stage, a mere imperial realm, is inexplicable!"

"Don't talk about here, even the top is not where they should stay."

And just when Jiang Cheng's figure was about to disappear from their field of vision, a Daoist figure suddenly flashed from behind.

"Is this Jiang fellow daoist here?"

"Don't go! Don't go!"

Seeing the person chasing out, the Taoist priests of Jingxuanzong were shocked.

"Jiyu Daosheng?"

"Fuck, why did you suddenly come to our side?"

"Each sect has a position in this Demon Sealing Formation, Ba Yu Palace can't live without you!"

Even Xuanrong Daosheng, the head of Jingxuanzong, was puzzled.

"Jiyu fellow daoist, what are you doing?"

However, Taoist Jiyu didn't pay attention to them at all.

He hurriedly caught up with Jiang Cheng.

"Ginger fellow daoist, don't leave!"

"You promised us Bayu Palace to help us fight Blood Devil, how could you just leave like this?"

Even though they were far away, they were all above Dao Zun present, so of course they could hear clearly.

For a moment, no matter the head of Jingxuanzong or the Elder, they all doubted whether they were hallucinating.


These two people were really invited here?

And he was invited by the dignified Jiyu Daosheng?

What are you kidding?

We need such an Emperor Realm Eighth Stage, plus a newcomer who has just fallen from the Lone God Realm and hasn't even cultivated the power of Jieyuan to help deal with Blood Devil?

It's not enough to send supplies to Blood Devil!

However, Jiyu Daosheng doesn't care what they think.

He enthusiastically grabbed Brother Cheng's hand, like an old friend for many years.

"Ginger fellow daoist, we have been looking forward to you for a long time!"

"Please please..."

The Jingxuanzong didn't know about it, but he had already been notified that Jiang Cheng was a Daoist with 'Holy Power'.

The plan to find a way to trick him and let him and the blood emperor kill each other is the plan that Jiyu Daosheng himself came up with.

Now that the rewards have been paid and the people have come, the only thing left is the finishing touch.

What's more, the blood emperor is too powerful, and their current situation is not good.

(end of this chapter)

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