Chapter 139 Three Heavenly Extracts of Cockroaches, One Day Profit of 800,000!!

“Haha, Brother Wen Qing’s joke is big.”

Nobel Prize in Biology, do you feel like I’m that piece of material? ”

Li Mu laughed.

“The facts are already in front of us.

Just by you cockroaches, as long as the value is fully developed. The implications for the future of humanity are absolutely profound.

Not to mention this earthworm.

Wait, wait for our scale to get bigger. What I just said is definitely not a lie. ”

“Okay, then I’ll wait.”

Li Mu smiled. Shift the subject.

“That said, Brother Wen Qing, I’m in a hurry to earn money now.” Where do you feel good to start? ”

“If you make money. Farming is absolutely earning. It will take time though. On your current scale. Control the number of cockroaches every day. The best thing to do is to monetize. However, as it stands, as it stands.

Selling finished cockroaches directly is definitely a blood loss. Because even if it is dried cockroaches.

The price is also tens of yuan a catty.

Therefore, we are better to sell it in a refined way.

And all my research in the past two days has been for refinement for sale. But for now.

All I could do was three fine directions. That is, ethanol extraction.

Alcohol extraction. There is also water separation. These three directions. Cockroaches inside.

There is a component called the Livestock Growth Factor Group. Capable of treating ulcers and trauma.

The kind of medication I mentioned earlier is rehabilitated new. It is to use it as the main material.

I have done a lot of experiments with white rats these two days. And compared with the new rehabilitation liquid on the market.

I used a group of animal growth factors extracted from special cockroaches after applying the wounds of white rats.

Within an hour, you can see noticeable healing. Sprouts regenerate in three hours.

Basically, it will not take more than one day to achieve the healing effect. And the rehabilitation on the market is new, so far.

It is only a step towards the regeneration of granules. It can be said that our extract.

In terms of efficacy, it is more than twice as strong as the average American cockroach. Of course, in two days, I can only carry out preliminary experiments. But in terms of the current effect.

We do not consider the efficacy of our cockroach extract.

Selling only at the market price, that’s absolutely fine.

Last night, I also asked a former classmate who was engaged in the related pharmaceutical industry.

Price of refined extract of growth factor population of American cockroach.

At more than 3,000 yuan per kilogram.


A ton of cockroaches can extract about 20 kilograms of livestock growth factors! ”

“20 kg? That is, a ton can extract a value of 60,000 out? ”

Li Mu’s spirit was shocked.

“That’s right, if we process 10 tons of cockroaches a day, that’s the revenue alone.

It can reach at least 600,000! ”

“Okay, let’s do it, just do this!”

Li Muyi, who was still a little clueless, patted his thigh. The color of surprise is overflowing.

Liu Wenqing was not in a hurry.

“In addition to the livestock growth factor group, chitin extraction. It should not be overlooked.

Because almost all the high-end cosmetics on the market now. There is one thing that can’t be bypassed, chitin.

The price of refined chitin is about 200 per kilogram. In a ton of cockroaches, about 100 kilograms of chitin can be extracted. ”

With Liu Wenqing’s words.

Li Mu was also calculating quickly.

“A kilogram of 200, a hundred kilograms is 20,000, ten tons a day, is 200,000?”


I have to say that our cockroaches are big enough. The content of various elements is also far more than that of ordinary cockroaches.

Other cockroaches have to get so many effective extract essences. At least ten times more to consume. ”

Liu Wenqing was talking, and his face was full of pride. Li Mu also nodded in surprise.

Now he can see it.

The biggest gold mine is not its own cockroaches. It’s Liu Wenqing the person.

No one has this technology and sleepless research spirit.

If you want to make money like this, you basically don’t think about it.

“The first two, I can find out the price market.”

But the last one, for the time being, can’t give you specific data. Finally this extracted substance.

It is called polysaccharide. His main effect. is able to suppress tumors.

It is generally used in anti-cancer drugs.

More than 40 million people around the world have taken the drug. But because of the difference between technical means and pharmaceutical means.

There is no exact price on the market at the moment. Because of the relevant pharmaceutical plants.

They all regard their respective drugs as secrets.

Even the use of polysaccharides has become more mysterious. Moreover, this drug is related to major diseases. To make a buy and sell transaction, it is not so simple. So, I have a bold idea. ”

As he spoke, Liu Wenqing’s face was a little excited.

“Brother Wen Qing, you say.”

“I want to leave the extracted polysaccharides. We conduct our own drug discovery.

But in terms of time.

There is no way to predict.

Because a drug is developed from experiments.

Even if it succeeds, it will require clinical trials and so on. to get approval.

And clinical trials, the subject, must be humans. ”

Li Mu listened to this.

The face couldn’t help but get serious. After several deliberations. He gritted his teeth.

“Engage! How bold people are, how productive the land is. Brother Wen Qing, you are assured of your research.

Anything is needed, and I fully cooperate. ”

“Thank you Brother Li Mu.

I just know that you and I are a character! ”

Liu Wenqing was relieved.

Very excited.

“Love to fight to win.”

Even if you lose, it’s just that one of the extracts can’t maximize its value.

Just by virtue of Brother Wen Qing’s other extracts, it has already increased the value of my cockroach by too many times.

What you can’t see is not to be said.

Just by seeing these two items, ten tons per day is 800,000! What more bikes. ”

Li Mu laughed. Liu Wenqing shook his head.

“Brother Li Mu, although I don’t want to hit you. But I still have to say.

All we have just calculated is the issue of earnings. The expenditure is not counted.

To extract these substances finely.

The investment in various equipment is also a lot of money. Add to that the cost of separation materials and the like.

10 tons of cockroaches can create profits in this regard. It’s only about 500,000 or so. ”

“That’s enough.

I’m a cockroach, nothing else. The speed of the rioters is appropriate.

The portion is not enough, let’s make up the number. Ten tons a day is not enough, we have twenty tons. Fifty tons.

One hundred tons!

Slowly the net is rising. ”

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