In the lighthouse country at this moment, various news reports are endless.

The nuclear leakage in Florida has become a matter of great concern around the world, because it involves very deep interests.

There are even attempts to take advantage of this incident to ask the governor of Florida to step down.

In such a capital country.

Countless consortiums are also ambitious, ready to let their selected “own people” on this big stage.

The streets are filled with protesters who march out!

With a bang!

All kinds of egg tomatoes fell to the ground, and the yolk even stuck to the glass …

People frantically threw things at Floda’s governor’s office, including rotten vegetables, smelly shoes, scraping eggs, and even small rocks.

And this scene has been going on for forty-eight hours, that is, two days!

Someone in front of them was the leader of the parade, holding a flag and shouting: “We need the truth!” ”

A bunch of people behind shouted, boom!

“We need the truth!”

“If you can’t solve it, get out!”

These people also spoke extremely violently and inaudibly, and directly scolded: “We need a capable governor, not a shrunken turtle who will only shirk responsibility!” ”

Governor Zach Dick, who is in office at the moment, is simply sitting still!

He gulped his cigarette!

Damn it!

He gritted his teeth desperately, and now he regretted it immensely, listened to the advice of the old fox, and dumped this pot on other countries.

So at that time, I made a quick decision and announced the research experiment.

Then you will not implicate yourself at all.

But at that moment, I was fooled, and I could blame the past if I listened.

Then he used economic and trade pressure to suppress the ancient eastern country, and after the incident, the other party promised to win votes for him to ensure that he could be re-elected as governor.

Obviously knew it was a pit, but Zach Dick still couldn’t withstand the gimmick of re-election and was pulled off the boat.

Now the truth has been exposed.

It is already hard to believe to explain and then do the tricks.

Suddenly, there was another thunder!

Startled Zach Dick, and looked back carefully, it turned out to be the group of crazy people outside, who actually threw all the iron rods in, almost smashing the tempered glass!


Zach Dick couldn’t stand it anymore, he picked up the phone and called the old fox.

On the other side of the phone, it was the supreme commander of the lighthouse country kicking the ball Dotsky!

Zach Dick’s expression was angry, and he clenched his fists with a lot of hand movements: “Listen, I know what you’re thinking, you need someone to come out and back the pot!” ”

“But, this won’t be me!”

“If I step down, you won’t be fine!”

“The secret research of the environmental protection company, you have the right to know, everyone knows who is standing behind me!”

“Taxpayers are not fools!”

“You have two choices!”

“First, find a reason to settle this matter!”

“Second, I’m with you, standing outside and being thrown rotten eggs by those damn guys!”

“Yes, I’m being lost by them right now, my room is in a mess!”

“You’re next!”

After a meal of emotional anger, Zach Dick relieved his breath twice, and he rubbed his head and waited for this hateful old fox to reply.

On the phone.

Kicking the ball, Dotsky didn’t seem to care about the threat of the other party, but smiled and said, “Oh my friend!” ”

“I have praised your ability in front of the media more than once!”


“That’s what you did to me?”

“If so, I’m really disappointed!”

The corners of Zach Dick’s mouth twitched slightly, and the guy still hadn’t listened to his words yet.

Kicking the ball Dotsky smiled: “I have good news, the director of that research laboratory, Fern Bell, he has two passports!” ”

“Why two copies?”

“For the sake of the country, we will protect him, but why would he want to escape!”

“Before the so-called truth of the confession at the airport, someone called him!”

“Two numbers, both new numbers, there is no way to monitor the content of the call!”

“However, it was captured on the camera at the airport, and Fern Bell was scared and panicked when he received the call!”

Kicking the ball Dotsky laughed: “Why is he so scared? And said that someone was going to kill him? ”

“oh! my! god! ”

“Maybe our SWAT should have arrived earlier so that we could protect him.”

“Yes, that’s right, during the interrogation, Fern Bell said that it was the damn oriental who called him!”

“The truth of the matter is already very clear!”

“Our poor Fern Bell, as the head of the research room, has been threatened with either a nuclear leak or some kind of punishment!”

“We don’t need to know what punishment is!”

“Maybe the family is threatened? Or how much money was given to him? ”

“No, no, no, we don’t need to care about this, we just need to know that he answered the call of an oriental man and then said those terrible things in the airport!”

At this point, Kicking the Ball Dotsky smiled meaningfully: “He was threatened, most likely from the Orientals, to say that the nuclear leakage was an accident.” ”

“Then his prophecy came true!”

“Oh my God!”

“In our great lighthouse nation, he fulfilled his dream, and under the spotlight of the people of the world, he predicted a great catastrophe!”

“This is the real purpose of that oriental, he is behind the nuclear leak!”

Kicking the leather ball, Dotsky laughed playfully: “Just five minutes ago, Fern Bell, who was coerced and lured by the Orientals, committed suicide in fear of crime!” ”

“Now, there are no witnesses, only interrogation videos!”

“And our evidence!”

“My dear Zach Dick, what are you afraid of?”

“We are in the greatest lighthouse country, you are innocent, so am I, only that oriental is a bastard!”


“I have sent someone to send you the relevant evidence and content!”

“Now, tie up your tie, wash your face, walk away with a smile on your face, and reveal the truth to that bunch of bastard journalists!”

“You will always be the governor of Floda, forever and ever!”

“No one can throw rotten eggs at you, no one!”

Zach Dick had a hint of shock in his eyes, Fern Bell is dead? Fear of suicide?

Of course, he couldn’t be foolish enough to think that things were that simple, but if it were, then no one would be able to prove a catastrophic event.

Indeed, according to what just said, the accusation can be planted on the body of that hateful oriental again!

With a beep, the phone hung up.

Almost at the same time, the office received a faxed document.

The printer is slowly printing out the documents, and inside is the evidence pointing to the person behind the disaster, as if all the spearheads are pointed at the oriental man who predicted the disaster!

Buy off Fern Bell, the director of the threat laboratory, in advance, and then create a nuclear leak with both hands!

The nation was shocked to announce disaster.

All the logic seems to be explainable, including the last call and then kneeling at the airport, which was also said after being threatened.

Zach Dick gritted his teeth desperately, he knew that he was once again on the old fox’s thief ship, and the other party deliberately gave himself the information, just to prevent things from being revealed one day!

But now he has no choice, because if this information is not released, then he can only be removed by the popular vote.

Thousands of people spurned and left in embarrassment!

Governor Zack Dick showed a chill under his eyes, picked up this so-called evidence, resolutely pulled his tie, and walked out towards the group of reporters outside the governor’s office…

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