However, the universal capsule does have its shortcomings.

For example, a capsule can only change into one fixed thing, and cannot change into anything you want.

But even so, it is still a very magical item.

“But in this case, it can only be considered as a medium level at best, not a high level…….”

Molek looked at it carefully. There were 17 capsules, numbered 1 to 17.

This was the set that Bulma carried when she went out to look for the Dragon Balls.

It was full of all kinds of daily necessities.

As the only daughter of Bulma’s family, the universal capsule she carried must have the best configuration.

But this level was still not enough.

Until Molek pulled out a small capsule numbered 18 from the bottom of the white square box full of capsules.

“The research and development technology of the universal capsule?”

The introduction next to it said that this No. 18 capsule contained the research and development technology of the universal capsule!

“That’s right.”

Molek nodded in understanding.

The finished product might not be enough, but if there is technology that can be developed in batches, it will be different.

Such technology is enough to change the pattern and living conditions of a world.

Especially space-related things have a huge impact on people’s lifestyles.

However, with the technological level of the Hunter World, which is only 98 years old, the research and development capabilities are still a little insufficient.

“But if you meet some specific guys, maybe it can be realized……”

Molek thought of the Greed Island developed by Kim Fulisi and his group of friends.

To be able to build such an island, one of the team members must be a genius in technology. If there is a chance, I can get to know him.

After putting away the universal capsule set, Molek took a temporary rest on this airship.

If nothing unexpected happens, there will be a third and fourth round of tests.

“At worst, we can just end this journey at the fourth round of testing.~~~”

At night.

Molek was resting peacefully on the airship, but the Larfa Forest had turned into a playground for demons.

The terrified roars of the fox bears and the wailing of the examinees echoed in the forest.

Originally, Izenabi thought that the quality of the examinees this year was very poor.

But when the examinees looked pale, as if they were extremely frightened and their minds were damaged, he knew that something might have happened in the forest that was beyond his control.

Realizing that something was wrong, he immediately asked the examinees who had escaped about what happened inside.

“Devil, devil, there is a devil inside……”

Some candidates were obviously frightened and stuttered, unable to speak clearly.

“Devil? What devil? Are you talking about?……”

Izenabi stopped talking before he finished asking.

When he saw Hisoka walking out of the forest, full of murderous and bloody aura, he understood everything.

“Among the candidates……A demon?”

Izenabi, with his hair standing on end, looked at Hisoka, who was holding a red mushroom in one hand and a human head in the other, as if he was facing a formidable enemy!


The sky gradually brightened, and at the end of the sky, a ray of morning glow fell on the earth.

The Hunter Association’s airship also took the hunters who found the red mushroom and passed it to the venue of the third round of hunter tests.

“At least twenty candidates died at the hands of candidate No. 33, Hisoka, right?”

In the office, President Netero glanced at the latest statistical report and picked up his teacup.


Mr. Bean Face’s face turned bitter.”This is considered a vicious incident in previous hunter tests.”

“The twelve earthly branches and the members of the Hunter Test Organizing Committee were all discussing whether to disqualify this candidate Hisoka.”

“Did he do anything that violated the association’s rules?”

Netero took a sip of tea.”According to the association’s rules, killing someone in such an environment shouldn’t be considered a violation, right?”

“That being said,……”

Mr. Doumian was hesitant to speak.

The impact is too bad.

“Those candidates should be aware of the dangers they face before taking the hunter test.”

Netero said calmly,”This is just a murderer in a small forest. If you can’t even deal with this…”

“Then when you become a hunter in the future and go to more dangerous places, wouldn’t you be throwing your life away in vain?”

“A bad environment won’t take your feelings into consideration.”

After Netero’s words, Hisoka’s judgment was finalized.

He himself did not bear any responsibility for it.

When the result came out, the other 62 candidates who passed the second round of tests and were resting on the ship all fell silent.

Although this result was in line with the rules, it was still difficult for them to accept it.

“This is the hunter test.”

Someone let out a long breath and sighed.

Cruel, dangerous, deadly, but very charming.

The remaining candidates also firmly engraved the name of Hisoka in their hearts again.

As for Hisoka himself, his current state is not bad.

When he came out of the Ralfa Forest, his killing intent had almost disappeared.

Or, he walked out of it after deliberately consuming his killing intent. After making the twenty candidates unable to make a comeback, he casually picked a few red mushrooms from the hands of the victim candidates. After coming out, he handed them to Izenabi and successfully became a member of the third round of tests.

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