Falling off a ship in the vast ocean means you are out of the game. As for what will happen to them in the future, the lucky ones may be rescued by passers-by, or be swept to other islands by the waves and survive.


Then we can only take out the agreement we signed when we signed up for the test, which said we would not be responsible for life or death.

In this world full of dangers, human life is the least valuable.

The disputes on the ship have begun to intensify.

From time to time, people are knocked down, dragged or thrown, and fall from the deck into the sea.

The number of applicants is constantly decreasing.

And when this situation is gradually expanding

“Stop it, everyone!!”

The door of the cabin opened, and a loud shout spread across the entire deck.

“If anyone makes trouble here again, I will throw him down immediately!!”

The captain, wearing a captain’s hat and holding a pipe in his mouth, stood up.

His distinctive red nose was shaking, and his sharp eyes swept the whole scene.

Everyone subconsciously stopped their actions, and the scene became quiet.

“Very good.

He slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.”It’s still a long way to go, I don’t want any more trouble.”

The red-nosed captain said, his eyes paused for a moment on a man in a black suit in the corner.

Then he looked at the audience, nodded, and turned around.

“This year, there is an incredible guy.”

The moment he turned around, he muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear.

The deck of the Poseidon gradually became calm.

After the captain came out to take charge of the situation, all the applicants on the ship calmed down.

No one wanted to be thrown off the ship before reaching the examination venue, ending their journey early.

However, they are settled.

But the real test has just begun.

Whoosh~ Whoosh~!

As time passed, gusts of gloomy wind gradually blew over the sea.

The sky was covered by dark clouds, and darkness enveloped the entire sea.


The waves swept, the waves surged, and the Poseidon swayed and bumped.

Crackling, the raindrops poured down, filling the entire ocean with violent storms, and began to cry out violently.


Inside the cabin, many applicants also let out waves of wailing.

Such a large-scale and violent shaking and turbulence made these guys, who were strong on the outside but weak on the inside, seasick and fell to the ground one by one, their bodies sore and limp that they had no strength at all.

“It really is getting worse every year.”

The captain saw this and couldn’t help shaking his head.

If they couldn’t even withstand this little wind and waves, they couldn’t even touch the threshold of hunters.

Even if they arrived at the hunter test venue, they would just be sending their lives there.

“But fortunately, there is still a little surprise after all.”

He looked into the cabin, where the young man in a suit, who was sitting there motionless with his eyes closed, was the one he was paying attention to.

“”Where did he come from?” the captain asked the first mate beside him.

The first mate immediately replied:”He came from Whale Island.”

“Whale Island?”

The drunken red-nosed captain smacked his lips.

If he remembered correctly, nineteen years ago, there was also a guy who boarded the ship from Whale Island.

And at that time, he was also in charge of the voyage of the Poseidon.

That guy at that time left a deep impression on him.

As expected, that guy became the only qualified person in the hunter test at that time.

And later he became a senior member of the Hunter Association, became a very good hunter, and made many great achievements.

That guy named Jin Fulisi.

It seems that the small island of Whale Island is also a very interesting place.~……

In the captain’s room, the orange glow from the oil lamp illuminates the entire room.

“Can you tell me your name?”

The captain asked the only candidate who came here in a very friendly tone.


Molek straightened his clothes and responded.

Well, even if the darkness in the room was dispelled, the black suit he was wearing still made people feel a little pressured.

The drunken red-nosed captain subconsciously wanted to pick up his pipe, but held back:

“You don’t seem surprised at all that I called you here?”


Molek nodded,”Before I came to take the test, I heard from one of my professional hunters”

“This is also part of the hunter test before entering the field.”

Participate in the test, subordinates, professional hunters……

Can these words form a sentence?!

The drunken red-nosed captain couldn’t help but look a little weird:”What else do you know?”

He couldn’t help but ask.

Although he knew that the man in the suit in front of him might have an extraordinary origin, he had a professional hunter as his subordinate…….

Well, in this world, amazing things are possible.

“I also know, or should I say guess, that the annual Hunter Test is held on January 7th, which should be the reason.”

Molek looked out the window. There was still a strong wind and heavy rain outside:

“At this time of year, it is a stormy season, and the fishing boats have already collected their nets and returned home.”

“The only ships on the sea that were transporting candidates were the Hunter Association’s ships.”

“This can not only ensure that the association’s ships have smooth routes, but also use the storm as a pre-entry test to screen candidates during transportation.”

He turned around and looked at the red-nosed captain and said,”So, I should have passed the current test, right?”

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