The notebook that Morlek gave to Skuvara contained some basic concepts and common sense about Nen ability.

For example, the meaning of Nen ability, how to control Qi, how to train Nen ability, how to judge one’s own type, and the basic four elements.

He didn’t ask how much Skuvara could learn, but at least he shouldn’t be as unbearable as before and give his life in vain. After all, he was his first little brother, so he should be able to look good.

It was just some basic knowledge of Nen ability users, so he should learn it well.

As for the advanced ones, let’s not talk about whether Skuvara can learn it or whether he has the talent.

The key is that Morlek himself is not very good at it.

Even if he knew the many methods and theories of the training of the immortal goddess of King Kong Barbie Loli and Super Realgar Hair, and the muscle doll with full teaching ability points, it was not of much use.

Theory is just theory after all, far less than practice.

The practice of Nen is not a simple talk, but a very delicate process.

If there is any mistake in the middle, it is easy to take a detour and split your training.

I still need someone to guide me.

There is no other way. Morek is just a poor fruit with a strength evaluation index of only 5. In Hisoka’s eyes, he is not even green.


The airship broke through the clouds, and the roar shook the air.

The vague outline of the Sky Arena, the fourth largest building in the world, located in the Republic of Battoria, has appeared in front of us…….

Sky Arena is a paradise for fighting fans.

The entire building has 251 floors and is 991 meters high.

The entire tower is almost entirely a fighting arena, of course there are also a small number of rest areas, waiting areas, consumption areas, etc.

And most importantly, there are rest rooms for players above the 100th floor, as well as the floor areas of each floor owner.

The entire Sky Arena is divided into 10 floors up to the 200th floor, and only the winners can advance to the next floor.

“According to official statistics, there are more than one billion spectators from all over the world every year, and more than 4,000 challengers line up to register at the registration office every day.”

The airship drove into the special reception parking area of the Sky Arena.

While introducing, Molek took Nion off the airship.

“In the first 100 floors, especially when you first sign up, all contestants must test their strength on the first floor, so the first floor is full of competition arenas.”

“The referee will decide which floor each contestant will be assigned to based on their performance within three minutes.”

“Naturally, the better your strength and the stronger your performance, the higher the level you will be assigned to.”

“When you reach the 100th floor, you can have a private room, but if you lose the battle and fall below the 100th floor, your room will be taken back.”


Nion Nosra nodded uncontrollably.

Her dark green pupils moved back and forth, wishing to take in all the scenery in front of her.

It was extremely lively, with fighters and martial artists from all over the world gathered here.

In this airport, there were many people like them who came here from all over the six continents to watch this year’s Olympia Fighting Conference.

Many people gathered together, causing this docking area to be a scene of bustling activity.

“It’s amazing~”

At this moment, Nion Nosra was not disappointed that her father could not be there. Instead, she watched everything in front of her with great interest.

“I heard that there are other benefits after the 200th floor. Is this true?”

She asked excitedly like a curious baby.

“Well, all the martial artists who advance to the 200th floor will be assigned to luxury rooms.”

Molake nodded,”However, those who come to the 200th floor are undoubtedly all powerful and powerful people, and it will become increasingly difficult to advance to the next level.”

“In this level, you only need to win ten games to win, but if you lose four games before winning ten games, you will lose the qualification to stay here.”

“And if you can win ten games and win this floor, you can challenge the [Owner of this floor]】”

“If you win, you will monopolize the floor and become the new owner, enjoying fame and a carefree life.”

Molek flipped through the Sky Arena book in his hand,”Now, each floor from 230 to 250 is owned by a floor owner.”

“If the OPs want to compete and win the highest honor in the Sky Arena, then they must participate in the Sky Arena, which is also the world’s top fighting feast – the Olympia Fighting Competition.”

“If you win, you can move into the top floor, the 251st floor, which is a symbol of honor.”

He snapped the book in his hand and closed it.

“The detailed information of each poster is available for sale at Sky Arena. After all, this event needs to be well promoted, otherwise the audience will not be interested if they don’t understand it.”

“Miss, do you want the information of these contestants? I can buy it back for you…….”

“None of that matters!!!”

Nion Nosra interrupted Molek excitedly.

“I just want to know, when will the Olympia Fighting Tournament start?”

“This may take two days.”

Molek looked at the explanation notice near the docking area and read it to her:

“The Hunter Association representatives have not yet arrived, and some spectators are on their way.”

“There are still a few days until the official competition starts.”

“How many days are left?”

Nion’s excited expression suddenly subsided a little.

But she soon cheered up again:”Then before the Olympia Fighting Competition begins, are there other fighting competitions?”

“Let’s go check that out.~!”

“Well, there really is one.”

Molek’s eyes unconsciously stayed on a promotional poster for the event next to him.

One of the protagonists on the poster was a man wearing clown makeup and holding a playing card.

A man with wine-red hair and a clown-like smile.


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