Three months later, New World, a certain secret base of the Navy.

From the outside, it looks like a desert island, with few green plants, and you can't find this island on the chart, and there is no pointer to this island in the outside world!

However, this is a very important special weapons storage base for the navy, and there is an existence comparable to ancient weapons - "DYNA Rock"!

"It's a nice day!" said a group of navies patrolling the coastline, and the colonel in charge stretched out in a relaxed mood.

"Colonel, it's about to change guards, let's hurry!" a major urged.

"Don't worry, we won't come here even if it's a news bird, it'll be fine!" said the colonel, who said indifferently, except for the navy, who couldn't meet anyone else all year round.

When the major saw his commander say this, he didn't say anything anymore, the work here is really boring!

"Look, Colonel!, it looks like a ship is coming over there!" said one of the sailors, pointing suddenly in the direction of the sea.

"Huh?" the Colonel looked curiously in the direction of the soldier's finger, and all he could see was a black dot.

The colonel immediately cheered up, and the "black spots" that appeared on the sea surface were either sea kings or ships!

"Binoculars!" the colonel took the binoculars of the soldiers beside him and looked at them solemnly.

"That's ...... Black Wing... Skull Flag!!"

"It's the Fallen Angel Pirates of the "Four Emperors" Sisir!!"

The colonel's mouth was wide open, cold sweat was repeated, his eyes were full of horror, the telescope in his hand fell to the ground unconsciously, and his brain was confused!

"Colonel...... You...... What are you talking about?" The Major picked up the binoculars in disbelief and looked over.

"Heavenly ...... Oh, my God...... How did they end up here?"

"What to do?

The patrol team panicked when they heard the news, it was not that they were cowardly, but that the ferocity of the Fallen Angel Pirates had been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

The colonel finally reacted and pretended to be calm and said, "Big... Don't panic, contact Lieutenant General Snif immediately!"

"Yes...... Yes!"

The communications soldier immediately took out the phone worm and started contacting, but ............ No matter how you fight, there is no movement!

"On... School, no... No response!" the communications soldier looked at the colonel in alarm.

"It must be the Fallen Angel Pirates, let's go and report to Lieutenant General Snif!"

The colonel said affirmatively, and immediately ran to the base with the patrol, and they wanted to tell the news to Lieutenant General Sniff at the base as soon as possible.

"Really, isn't it just to disturb a date, as for sending this god out to do such a boring task!"

Anilu was listless, lying on the deck lounger, whining incessantly.

"Anilu Boss, who told you to run to borrow money while the captain and Miss Baccarat were having a candlelight dinner!

In the past few years, with the southern and northern wars of the Fallen Angel Pirates, the "Ghost King Kong" Ah Jin, who has grown very rapidly, complained and said.

"Who knew that lighting a candle for dinner was a date............ Anilu said weakly, thinking about the look in Baccarari's eyes at that time, he was stunned.

"Why did Talef get you to follow the gods?, can't you get along in the first team?" said Anilu casually.

"No, the captain wants me to be alone as soon as possible!" Ah Jin said calmly.

"Oh, it looks like you're trying to take the position of captain!"

Anilu smiled faintly, although Ah Jin and Becky are not core cadres, but like Baccarat, they are partners who have followed Sisl for a long time.

"Come on, God is optimistic about you!"

"Lord Anilu, the Navy is waving the flag, let's leave!"

"Oh, flag-fighting, when will the Navy learn to salute before soldiers?" said Anilu as he stood up and teased.

"Let's politely reply one of them, and tell them all to surrender!"

"Yes!" the pirates laughed!

"Vice Admiral Sniff, they want us to surrender on our knees!" said the naval soldier, looking at a tall middle-aged man with two knives in his hand, he is the supreme commander of this base!

"Looks like they're really coming for us, how do they know about this place?" asked Snif with an ugly face, "Can't you contact the headquarters yet?"

"I've tried all the phone bugs, but they can't get through!" said the soldier next to him helplessly.

"Get ready to fight!" Sniff shook off his coat and looked firmly at the approaching pirate ship.

"Anilu Boss, their turrets are already aiming at us!"

The pirates at the observatory hold binoculars and observe the movement of the navy!

"Got it! Then send them on their way!" Anilu's eyes had already "seen" the navy's every move, and the thunder on his body began to flash!

"God's Sanction!"

"Boom ......"

A pillar of thunder in the sky directly slashed down, and the violent thunder destroyed all the artillery on the coast without any reaction from the navy, and the surrounding navy was also electrocuted into charcoal!

"No need to open fire, just land!" Anilu ordered.


One by one, the pirates jumped from the pirate ship and rushed towards the navy with their weapons.

"For the sake of justice! Destroy these abominable pirates!"


"Foolish mortals, see the power of the gods!"

"Ten thousand thunder!"

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