Two flowers bloom, each with its own beauty.

Li Daoxuan and others were rushing to the tomb of King Xian by water, while Caiyun and Kongque's inn welcomed a group of uninvited guests.

The villagers of Zhalong Village surrounded the inn in a hurry. The old clan leader's son Zewa stood in the front and shouted:

"Kongque, Caiyun, you two violated the clan rules and told outsiders the secrets of our village."

"According to the clan rules, you must be expelled from Zhalong Village!"

Kongque and Caiyun felt a little uneasy when they heard it.

However, when they thought of Li Daoxuan's words that he could take them away from Zhalong Village when he left, they immediately felt confident.

Kongque took out the two seeds that Li Daoxuan gave her and held them tightly in her palm.

These two are not ordinary seeds. They are the seeds of the killer vine that Li Daoxuan nourished with spiritual power. The system had rewarded some spiritual medicine seeds before. If you throw them on the ground when you encounter danger, they will grow wildly and kill the threat immediately.

Peacock stood by the window and shouted downstairs:

"Zewa, don't spit blood! We didn't tell anyone the secret of the village."

Zewa retorted angrily:

"Still quibbling! I know everything. You told those outsiders how to enter the waterway, and someone saw them entering the waterway!"


Just as Peacock was about to explain, he was interrupted by Caiyun.

"Forget it, Peacock. It's hard to explain to them."

Peacock sighed and said slowly:

"Let's pack up and leave."

So, Peacock and Caiyun began to pack their luggage silently and prepared to leave Zhalong Village.

However, when they were about to step out of the inn, a young man named Ada came forward and pleaded:

"Zeva, I think those outsiders must have deceived Kongque and Caiyun."

"Can you please not drive Kongque and Caiyun away?"

Zeva looked at Ada with interest. He had heard that Ada was interested in Caiyun and would send some prey to Caiyun Inn from time to time, and the price was very low.

This guy is simply a dog!

"Ada, this matter can be big or small. You must tell the old patriarch quickly and let him decide whether they stay or go."

"You leave a few people to guard Caiyun and Kongque first."

After Zewa finished speaking, he glanced at the others and arranged to leave some people to guard Caiyun Inn.

Then he went to the meeting hall in the village with Ada. This meeting hall is the largest bamboo building in the village, and the old patriarch usually lives there.

When Ada and Zewa entered the meeting hall, the room was already full of young people from the village. In the center, some respected elders sat next to the old patriarch.

Zewa stepped forward and told everyone directly that Caiyun and Kongque had told outsiders about the clan's secrets.

As soon as Zewa finished speaking, the young people in the village were full of anger. They didn't expect that there were people in the village who were traitors.

"Humph, they are really the scum of our Zhalong Village!"

Someone in the crowd cursed.

Another person echoed:

"That's right, we must not let them off easily!"

At this time, an old man spoke:

"Everyone, please be patient. This matter has yet to be verified. We can't just listen to Zewa's one-sided words."

Zewa said respectfully:

"Uncle, everything I said is true. Those outsiders have now gone to the waterway. It must be Caiyun and Kongque who told them."

Ada couldn't help but defend Caiyun and Kongque.

"Maybe they found out themselves?"

"Ada, stop defending them. Since they have done something that is detrimental to the interests of the village, they should be punished."

Zeva glared at Ada.

The old patriarch was silent for a moment, and finally spoke:

"As long as I am still the patriarch, the affairs of the tribe are my affairs. Before these three people break into the Worm Valley, I will personally lead people to stop them."

Zeva was very happy. It was just the time to choose a new patriarch recently. These three outsiders were a great opportunity for him.

As long as this matter was handled well, and his father was the old patriarch, wouldn't the position of patriarch be a sure thing?

Zeva hurried forward, patted his chest and said:

"Dad, I'll go with you."

The old patriarch Enkuan glanced at his son and thought to himself that this kid was quite smart.

This opportunity must be seized. Although there are some good young men in the village, some of whom are even better than Zewa, as long as this matter is done well, I will help him when the time comes, and the position of the chieftain will not be lost.

Enkuan looked at his son and nodded.

Seeing that his father agreed, Zewa was ecstatic.

He turned to the young men and said:

"You guys, follow me to catch them back."

The group left in a hurry, and the meeting room suddenly became quiet.

The old chief looked atZewa left the meeting room and said to the old people sitting around him:

"As for Caiyun and Kongque, lock them up first and don't let them leave Caiyun Inn."

"After we catch those outsiders, we will deal with them together."

The old people didn't have any opinions and nodded in agreement. The young people standing immediately stepped back to inform the people in Caiyun Inn.

Caiyun and Kongque looked at the people surrounding Caiyun Inn and looked at the direction of Zhalong Mountain with worry.

Kongque spoke first:

"Sister, where do you think Brother Shenxian and the others are now?"

"I don't know either."

Caiyun was also very anxious. She regretted holding Li Daoxuan back. Li Daoxuan would have to come to save them.

"I hope they will come back as soon as possible."

Just then, there was a voice outside.

It turned out that Zewa had returned with his men. He walked into the inn with a smug look on his face.

Kongque asked in a cold tone.

"What do you think? Are you going to drive us out directly?"

Zeva sneered:

"You two can't escape now. After we catch the three outsiders, we will deal with them together."

"They can't escape. We have laid a net. Sooner or later, they will fall into our hands!"

Caiyun and Kongque looked at each other, and they were more worried.

Zeva left Caiyun Inn happily and went to gather outside the village with a few young people.

When he arrived at the place, he found that 50% to 60% of the young people in the village had come. It seemed that his father had put a lot of thought into his election as the new patriarch. Most of these young people had a good relationship with Zeeva.

Zeva began to assign tasks. He was going to go directly along the waterway.

Zeva told his father about his idea.

Enkuan looked at him with satisfaction, then looked at the other young people and said:

"Chase, we must catch these outsiders."

The young people received the order from the old patriarch, and a group of them shouted and ran towards the waterway.

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