Old Hu looked at Fatty in silence. He didn't know why Fatty was so careless today.

"Fatty, the organization is giving you a chance to make merit now. Go down and take a look."

The fat man pointed at himself with his index finger and said to Old Hu:


"Okay, it's up to you, Fatty."

Chu Jian looked at Fatty and said:

"Brother Wang, I'll get you a rope."

The fat man shook his hand. It was just a dozen meters down the well. If he used a rope again, Li Daoxuan, Yingzi, and Old Hu would laugh at him.

"No need. It's just such a short distance. There's no need for a rope."

After the fat man finished speaking, he jumped into the well. Everyone used flashlights to illuminate the fat man. When the fat man was about to fall to the surface of the water, he lightly touched the surface of the water and then fell to the stone platform next to him.

There was a stone door next to the stone platform. There were carved beams and painted buildings on the stone door. The stone door was also filled with the skin of some animals to make it waterproof.

The fat man saw this scene and smiled. It seemed that there would be unexpected gains this time.

Professor Chen saw that the fat man had not made any sound after he went down. He thought something had happened and shouted to the bottom of the well:

"Comrade Xiao Wang, are you okay?"

The fat man was studying on the stone door. When he heard Professor Chen's call, he immediately responded:

"Professor Chen, I'm fine. There is indeed a tomb door below."

Li Daoxuan saw that the fat man wanted to move forward and was about to reach out to lift the animal skin to enter the tomb door. He interrupted:

"Fatty, come up!"

The fat man heard Li Daoxuan calling him up. There must be a reason. He looked at the height of the stone platform from the outside and it seemed that there was no problem.

After tapping the ground lightly and jumping ten meters high, he reached the mouth of the well. When Lao Hu saw the fat man jumping out of the well, he immediately caught the fat man's hand and pulled him up.

Professor Chen was amazed to see the fat man come up so easily. He didn't expect the fat man to be so good at light work.

The other people in the archaeological team didn't think so much. They asked the fat man what he found below.

Lao Hu was so annoyed by the noise of this group of people that he interrupted everyone's conversation.

"Don't ask for now, let the fat man talk."

The fat man looked at the curious eyes of the crowd and said to them:

"Let's go out and talk, go out and talk."

Professor Chen and others saw that the fat man said so, so they could only go out and ask first.

Li Daoxuan and Yingzi had left long ago and were chatting in front of the fire.

In fact, Li Daoxuan had already used his soul to sense that there was nothing in the tomb of Prince Gumo below. It was so poor that there were only a few burial objects, which were not even worth selling.

Li Daoxuan was too lazy to sell them. I'm afraid only Professor Chen and others were interested in these.

The fat man led the others to sit in front of the fire and told them all the situations in the well.

"After I went down, there was a stone platform under the well, and there was a stone door on the wall of the well."

"There were some patterns carved on the stone door, and there were animal skins on the stone door. It seemed that some waterproof measures had been taken."

"In short, the situation below is probably like this. There is actually no danger, and I didn't encounter anything."

Shirley Yang looked at Lao Hu who was in deep thought and asked:

"Lao Hu, what are you thinking now."

Lao Hu slowly raised his head, looked into the distance with a firm gaze, and said in a steady tone:

"What is going on below? Is there a tomb? After hearing what Fatty said just now, I am a little unsure. "

"Just now, based on the stars in the sky, I found that we are a piece of land covered by auspicious stars."

"That is to say, in this kind of land, as long as there are water veins underground, there must be an ancient tomb."

"But, although there is a saying that tombs embrace water, this is too close, so I am really a little unsure."

"Maybe there is just an escape route."

Li Daoxuan looked at everyone who fell silent after listening to Lao Hu's explanation, and simply gave this group of people a spoiler.

"This place was a small country in the 36 Western Regions under the rule of the Jingjue Kingdom, called Gumo Kingdom."

"That well should be the legendary holy well of Gumo Kingdom. It is very likely that the most important tomb of Gumo Kingdom is underneath."

"I saw these in an ancient book. After I saw the terrain here, I immediately remembered it."

Shirley Yang nodded slightly after hearing Li Daoxuan's story. She didn't expect Li Daoxuan to know so much. Her eyes showed trust and admiration for Li Daoxuan, and there was a hint of inexplicable love.

Professor Chen was also amazed. He looked at Shirley Yang and said:

"We are still primary school students in front of the Western Region culture. Comrade Li told us about Gumo.Mo country."

"It really opened our eyes!"

Hao Aiguo also nodded and agreed:

"We are studying the culture of the Western Regions. I think since we have encountered it, we should go down to explore it, even if it is just to prepare for future excavation!"

"Teacher, don't you think so!"

Professor Chen nodded and agreed with Hao Aiguo's suggestion. They must go down.

An Liman listened for a long time and finally understood their intention to go down. In fact, they were looking for tombs. He put down the naan in his hand and said to everyone with a serious expression:

"Everyone, I don't understand what scientific research you are doing. If I had known that you were tomb robbers, I would not have come no matter how much money you gave me."

"You can't go down. I don't agree. I don't agree."

Hao Aiguo looked at An Liman who kept shaking his hand to refuse everyone to go down, and explained patiently:

"Don't be anxious, old man. Listen to me and I will tell you slowly. ”

“We excavate ancient tombs to better protect them, so that we can leave the culture of the Western Regions and this treasure to the people.”

“Tomb robbery cases in the Western Regions are common in history, and even foreigners come to dig secretly.”

“From ancient times to the present, such things have never been completely eliminated. If we don’t care about it now, these precious things will be lost to bad people in the future.”

“Are you right?”

Hao Aiguo said, gesturing with his hands, and talking more and more excitedly.

Professor Chen also patiently explained to An Liman:

“Brother, we are doing protective excavation and research on these treasures, not destructive excavation. There is an essential difference.”

“We can’t do anything that would let down our ancestors, don’t worry!”

After listening for a long time, An Liman finally understood the relationship between tomb robbery and archaeology. His face changed color instantly. He didn’t expect to make such a big mistake.

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