Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

Chapter 85 Stir-Frying Ingredients and Chopsticks

Now that the second restaurant has been decided to be a hot pot restaurant, it's time for Don to make preparations.

The first is the creation of hot pot utensils.

Don drew a drawing of the hot pot in the early morning of the next day, and by the way, he also drew a colander.

Due to the constraints of the different world, the hot pot must be heated with charcoal fire.

So when Donne designed it, he referred to the style of the copper hot pot, which has three legs at the bottom, a handle on the abdomen, which is used to put the charcoal brazier, and a fire cap on the top.

However, Donne's painting skills are average, so he added a lot of text notes on the drawings, trying to understand the craftsmen who made the copper hot pot.

After drawing the drawings, Don took advantage of the fact that the Wishing Restaurant was still open in the morning, so he went directly to and from Yindun Port, a big city.

On this round trip, Dawn took the hyena with him and was in charge of driving the carriage. By the way, he also took a large amount of copper ore in the carriage to Silver Shield Port.

How can my underage brother be so good at riding a carriage? It seems that he should learn to ride a horse quickly. Along the way, Donne said with emotion in his heart.

In Silver Shield Port, Dawn found a workshop with a good reputation.

After handing over the drawings to the workshop owner and explaining some precautions for making copper hot pots, Don also sold the cart of copper ore to the workshop by the way.

After such a deal, Donne placed an order for 20 copper hot pots with colanders. But he didn't spend a penny, instead he took in 13 silver Gnars...

It is estimated that the workshop owner is also the first time to see such a customer who comes to place an order with excess raw materials.


That night, after finishing the daily operation of Wishing Restaurant, after a short break, Dawn plunged into the kitchen again.

He is going to start preparing for another key to opening a hot pot restaurant-hot pot bottom material.

As we all know, the bottom material is the soul of hot pot.

As for the hot pot base material, especially the butter pot base material, after frying, if it is sealed and stored, it can be stored for a long time.

This is why Don dared to say that even if he left Eaton for another month or so, the hot pot restaurant would still be able to operate normally.

However, Donne will still choose to teach other chefs about things like stir-frying bases, and gradually delegate power to other chefs to do them.

If you really want to build a gourmet city, it is necessary to train and recruit excellent chefs. It is impossible for Dawn to do everything by himself.

Okay, let's try to make a butter pot bottom first.

After preparing the required materials, Don started.

Cinnamon bark, cloves, star anise, cumin, grass fruit, bay leaves, white cardamom, kaempferen... Donne put all kinds of spices he had collected so hard into the pot, and dry-fried them over low heat to remove the remaining moisture.

After being dry-fried, the assorted spices are visibly crisped up.

At this time, they are uniformly pounded into powder, and high-concentration wine is added to stir evenly for later use.

Afterwards, Dawn fetched the dried peppers that he had sun-dried.

These peppers were all carefully selected by Don himself. They are big and red in color, and they have enough capsaicin at first glance.

Put the dried chili into the pot under cold water, cook for ten minutes, take out and chop.

The chefs in Sichuan and Sichuan, Guan Duoen is now preparing this chili powder called Ciba chili.

After finishing these, the frying officially started.

Put solid butter in a pan and heat until melted.

Add scallion, ginger, and onion. After the aroma is released, remove the scallion and ginger and discard it.

At this time, reduce the fire temperature to the minimum, and add the glutinous rice cake pepper.

The golden melted butter and the bright red glutinous rice cake chili blended and collided in the pot, making the whole bottom of the pot turn into a bright color, and oil bubbles burst out as the temperature rose.

After frying for about ten minutes, fry the chili peppers until they are slightly burnt yellow, and then add the previous spice powder, sugar, green peppercorns, and high-concentration distilled wine one after another.

The entire frying process took about half an hour. By the time Don finished frying the ingredients, the kitchen was already filled with an attractive and choking unique aroma.

After the bottom material has cooled, store it in a bowl and sprinkle some dried chilies on top.

After the butter has solidified again, the bottom of a pot of butter is complete.


After Dawn finished filling the bottom of the butter pan, Vivienne appeared at the kitchen door.

Because of the choking spicy smell in the kitchen, Miss Goblin covered her mouth and sneezed.

Dawn, what are you preparing? It smells so spicy. After finally adjusting her state, Vivienne began to look into the kitchen.

The bottom of the butter pot will be used for hot pot afterwards. Don pointed to the big bowl in his hand.

After Vivienne glanced resentfully, she looked away.

The bowl is full of red oil, and it looks very spicy.

[Hot Pot] Is there such a thing?

Dorn understood Miss Goblin's eyes, and explained: Hotpot has spicy pots and non-spicy ones, such as mushroom soup pots and tomato pots. I will also prepare these two kinds of pot bottoms later. You can have a mandarin duck.

When Dona pronounced the word [Mandarin Duck], he did not find a substitute word from Dona, but directly pronounced the Chinese characters with a Dona accent.

After all, he always felt that if he didn't say that, it wouldn't be that interesting.

Mandarin duck, duck? Vivienne nodded with a half understanding.

By the way, Vivienne, how is the one you practiced on? Donne asked after he put away the bottom of the butter pan, thinking of something.

Is that the two little sticks?

Well, chopsticks. Dawn nodded.

Chopsticks, chopsticks. Miss Goblin repeated the same.

When Don said [chopsticks], it was also an imported word pronounced in Chinese.

If these words can be circulated in the Dona Empire and even the Miracle Land with the advent of hot pot in the future, Dona may become the first person to export Chinese culture in another world.

Yes, it's a bit difficult, I don't know how to use it yet. Miss Goblin answered truthfully.

After closing tonight, Don took advantage of the break and distributed a pair of chopsticks to each of the restaurant employees.

He also informed and demonstrated the usage of chopsticks, and the importance of chopsticks as a tableware for the upcoming hot pot restaurant.

Now, except for Vivienne, the other employees of the restaurant are in the lobby, holding a pile of fried soybeans with chopsticks.

However, no one has successfully used these two small wooden sticks to pick up soybeans.

If Dawn could go to the lobby at this time, he would see the funny gestures of the employees holding two small wooden sticks, especially the two bear claws and the fat fox. They tried and failed repeatedly, and their foreheads were already sweating with anxiety.

Practice more, chopsticks are the designated utensils for eating hot pot. Dorn encouraged Vivian in this way.

However, he then thought that in the future, more and more aborigines in the Land of Miracles would have to scratch their heads and practice how to use chopsticks.

Otherwise, you may never be able to eat hot food when you come to him.

Thinking of this, Don smiled mischievously.

The natives of the Miracle Land, feel the fear of being dominated by these two magical sticks!

By the way, Dawn. I came to you to tell you, well, I've already considered what you said last night. Vivienne's words brought Dawn back to reality from his wicked fantasy.

Yes. Don replied, waiting for Miss Goblin to continue.

I've thought about it. I hope everyone in the restaurant will know of my existence. Vivienne said softly, and then added in an affirmative tone, This is my own idea.

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