After dismissing Kloss casually, Don continued to concentrate on cooking.

After the oil pan is heated to a high temperature, place the marinated bullfrog and fry it for about a minute to lock in the moisture and keep the tender taste of the bullfrog meat.

Take out the bullfrog and fry the potatoes with the remaining oil until the potato strips are slightly burnt, then take out and set aside.

Add a little more oil to the pot, add ginger and garlic first, then add dried chili and scallions and stir-fry until fragrant.

Add green and red peppers, and add a small amount of ale to enhance the aroma.

Pour in an appropriate amount of water to bring out the flavor of all the ingredients in the pot, and then add a little sugar to enhance the freshness.

Collect the juice over high heat.

After frying the water, place the bullfrogs and stir-fry directly over high heat, so that the bullfrog meat can fully absorb the soup.

After the bullfrog meat was stir-fried to a suitable level, Don took out another ordinary pot and placed it on the fire to heat it.

Put onions and potatoes on the bottom of the pot, and then pour the bullfrog cooked in [Ruyi].

The task of [Ruyi] has been completed, and Dawn made it look like [Pale Justice].

[Ruyi], which was still stained with oil, became as clean as new after turning into a long sword.

This is the advantage of using [Ruyi] as a pot, and there is no need to wash it afterwards!

Put chopped coriander and basil on top of the bullfrog, and then sprinkle some sesame seeds, a steaming, fragrant dry pot bullfrog, complete!

Closs, who was watching Donne's cooking seriously, had a look of disbelief.

The three clergymen sitting a little far away from the side, during the process of making the dry pot bullfrog, also frequently set their sights on Donne.

The reason is very simple. As the natives of the land of miracles, Dorn's Chinese cooking techniques are something they have never heard of or seen before!

The same is true for the method of making that beggar chicken last time!

Dawn, I always feel that the dishes you make are completely different from those made by other chefs. Kloss swallowed, and her eyes had already fallen on the dry pot bullfrog, unable to move, What is this dish called?

Dry pot bullfrog, eat it while it's hot? Donne greeted everyone.

Kloss didn't bother with the name of the dish at this time, Donne's sentence Eat it while it's hot was like a devil whispering seductively in his ear.

Don said, you can eat it!

The priests on the side, after Donne's words, also quickly surrounded him.

Don: ...

Why are these people so active in cooking now...

Dawn distributed a few forks to the clergy, and he used the dagger turned into by [Ruyi] to cut out two well-proportioned small wooden sticks to use as chopsticks.

At this moment, the priests didn't bother to ask what the two small wooden sticks in Donne's hand were going to be used for.

Kloss and Kisio even looked fierce, holding up their forks and launching a fierce attack on the hot pot of bullfrogs!

The best tableware to go with the hot pot to keep warm is of course chopsticks.

But letting the priests eat with a fork is also a helpless move. After all, it is impossible for the natives of these miracles to master the usage of these two magical little sticks in a short time.

When eating bullfrog meat with a fork, the one with the most advantage is Miss Sword Holder.

Her hands are very steady, and every time the fork goes down, she can accurately poke a piece of bullfrog meat into her mouth calmly.

The situation of the other three people was not so good. The fork would go through the space every time, allowing the bullfrog meat to slide away. It looked a little funny, but the three of them had different expressions and repeated the forking action endlessly.

the reason is simple.

The original god is above!

After this damn big poisonous frog is made into a dish, it will be too! good! eat! up! Bar!

The bullfrog meat has fully absorbed the concentrated aroma of the ingredients and the soup, and it is very tasty, fresh and spicy.

The incomparably tender texture of the bullfrog meat itself was completely preserved by Donne's proper cooking methods.

This unique, spicy and tender taste, which has never been experienced before, is like a taste bomb, which hits the mouth of every clergyman, making them unable to stop.

What's more, Shang Duoen chose the meaty hind legs, combined with the joyful feeling of being able to chew bullfrog meat, eating this dry pot bullfrog can only be described in one word——


Donne looked at the eating of the clergy, especially Kloss and Kisio, and smiled helplessly. Then he picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of bullfrog meat and put it into his mouth with ease.

Chew, swallow.

A piece of tender and spicy bullfrog meat.

Don frowned slightly.

It's not because the taste of this dish didn't meet Don's expectations, on the contrary, the taste of this dry pot bullfrog is very good, and Don is very satisfied.

But what really made Dawn frown was that after eating a bite of bullfrog meat, Dawn could confirm with certainty that the dish level of this dry pot bullfrog was still at the SS level.

However, if it is further subdivided, the SS-level dish level of the dry pot bullfrog is on the top of all SS-level dishes he has made.

It feels like it is about to touch the threshold of SSS-level dishes, but it is so close.

I thought I could make SSS-level dishes. Don was a little regretful.

But then he was relieved.

As a man with a culinary talent point of 100, Dawn's cooking skills are estimated to be the strongest in the entire Land of Miracles, and no one can match him.

The reason why the dry pot bullfrog cannot reach the SSS level is probably mainly due to the limitation of the ingredients themselves, which is not human fault.

And so it is.

Refer to the top chefs who are very famous in the land of miracles and have cooking skills to match their reputation.

If you cook them with a piece of B-level ingredients, they probably have the ability to raise the final dish to A-level through their unique cooking techniques.

But if you take an A-level ingredient and let them cook it into an S-level dish, there are only a handful of top chefs who can barely do this.

And someone like Don, who can turn S-level ingredients into SS-level dishes, is the only one in the entire Miracle Land.

Those few top chefs can only maintain the quality of the S-rated ingredients and make a corresponding S-rated dish.

Going further up, if you ask them to cook with SS-grade ingredients, there will be only one dish, and the final dish will be downgraded to S.

Yes, downgrade.

Because the ingredients above S are almost perfect.

SSS-grade ingredients are more directly synonymous with perfection.

When chefs cook these ingredients that are approaching perfection, they are no longer using cooking techniques to upgrade these ingredients, but are trembling, walking on thin ice, and using all their life-long learning to maintain the original characteristics of the ingredients.

Any tiny detail in the cooking process that cannot be counted as a mistake may destroy the original perfect characteristics of these top ingredients.

This is like, if someone can find a piece of uncut jade with an extremely perfect material, then it is estimated that no master jade carving would dare to carve it.

Because the act of carving itself is destroying the extreme perfection of this piece of raw jade!

Of course, this is an extreme and outrageous situation, which cannot be deduced by common sense, and it is impossible to encounter it in reality.

However, if Donne could find an SSS-grade ingredient one day, what he would have to face would be this impossible situation that cannot be deduced by common sense.

It is an SS-grade ingredient, and I can make it into a finished product that is just a step away from SSS-grade. That is to say, while maintaining its original characteristics, I have slightly improved its quality to a certain extent. .”

Then if I can really find an SSS-grade ingredient in the future, I should be able to maintain its original perfect characteristics and make an SSS-grade dish.

Thinking about it this way, the last bit of regret that Dawn had left disappeared, replaced by expectations.

Looking forward to the day when I can meet SSS grade ingredients.

But speaking of it, will there really be SSS-rated ingredients in the Land of Miracles?

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