Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

Chapter 5 Gonzalez's Wish Restaurant

The next day, Eaton's morning market.

Farmers and small traders gathered here early in the morning, and the fruits and vegetables soaked in the morning dew were piled up in various stalls. Occasionally, people dressed as fishermen could be seen selling trout and river crabs.

Chen Yu crossed his arms and walked slowly in the morning market. The early morning sun fell on him, but he couldn't feel the slightest warmth.

Now he only feels that his hands and feet are cold, his head is heavy and his feet are weak.

That's right, Chen Yu, whose physical fitness was comparable to that of a horned rabbit, fell ill after being exposed to wind and rain all night under the bridge hole.

Brother with a bad complexion, would you like an apple?

When passing by a fruit stand, the middle-aged stall owner with a beard yelled like this.

The stall owner used the official Dona language of the Dona Empire, but Chen Yu discovered yesterday when he was wandering around Eton that he could use this strange language proficiently, and he could also read and write Dona characters.

The specific reason is unknown.

However, Chen Yu has a feeling that this language and text recognition ability seems to be incidental to the process of [creating characters].

Thank you, I don't want it for now. Chen Yu looked at the bright red apple in the stall owner's hand, and couldn't help licking his chapped lips, By the way, uncle, can you tell me which is the most popular restaurant in Eaton? ?”

Find a restaurant, with your own skills and 100 cooking points, there is no problem in being a chef. In this way, at least he can support himself in this world first.

Brother, I see you are a foreigner. The most famous restaurant in Eaton should be Gonzalez's Wishing Restaurant. If you want a good meal, you can go there.

Yes, it's a strange name, isn't it? The uncle stall owner grinned, That guy Gonzales changed his name last year. According to him, a wishing fairy lived in his kitchen and wanted to eat it. As long as you make a wish, the goblin will make it immediately.

So amazing?

If there is really a wishing fairy in this restaurant, it seems that I don't need to be a cook like myself.

But Chen Yu was still very curious, is the food made by the goblin good? How does it compare with your own craft?

Hahaha! Of course it's not that amazing. The uncle smiled even more happily, This is all a lie made up by Gonzales, the purpose is to make more people go to him to eat with curiosity. But having said that , The food there is quite delicious. Coupled with this rumor, more people go there. That guy has a business mind, doesn’t he?”

Well, can you tell me how to get to Wishing Restaurant? Chen Yu nodded thoughtfully.

Go straight along this road, turn left at the end and you will see it.

Thank you, uncle.

Wish Restaurant?

It does sound like a gimmick.


Wishing Restaurant in Gonzales.

The boss, Gonzalez, is a burly man, wearing a rather revealing vest on his upper body, which directly shows his toned figure. But on his face, you can see the rich lipstick and blush, as well as the long eyelashes that are carefully groomed to shine.

Ruggedness and coquettishness are two completely incompatible qualities, and they collide and fuse fiercely on him, making it hard not to leave a deep impression on people.

However, the people in Eaton Town seem to be accustomed to Gonzalez's appearance.

There was no one in the restaurant because it was long before lunchtime, so Gonzalez was standing behind the bar, idly wiping a wine glass.

At this time, a frail young man wandered in from the door of the store. With black hair and black pupils, and a pale complexion, he looked sluggish, as if a gust of wind could blow him down.

Yo~ This delicate and frail little brother, what do you want to eat? Gonzales greeted warmly with his unique voice that was rough and inexplicably shy.

You still lack... lack... The young man with black hair and black eyes held his chest with his hands, but he was still trembling, and it was extremely difficult to speak, as if he was sick.


The young man fell to the ground before he finished speaking.

Hey! Brother! Brother! Gonzalez hurried out from behind the bar.


The head is still heavy.

But it doesn't seem to be that cold anymore.

Chen Yu slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was the old wooden ceiling.

Looking around again, Chen Yu found himself in a completely unfamiliar room. He was lying on the bed, covered with a clean quilt.

The layout of the room is far from luxurious, but it is exquisite. Some exquisite and lovely ornaments can be seen on the bedside table, dressing table, and above the wardrobe.

Why am I in the girl's room? Chen Yu barely sat up from the bed.

At this time, the wooden door on one side opened with a creak, and a strong man who looked to be more than 190 came in carefully carrying a pottery bowl.

What didn't match the figure of a strong man was the heavy, feminine makeup on his face. This combination of strong and gorgeous gave Chen Yu a strong sense of shock when he just woke up.

But fortunately, there are all kinds of people on the earth, and how to dress up is the freedom of others. Chen Yu quickly adapted to this King Kong Barbie, or Barbie King Kong.

I hate it, brother, this is my boudoir. The strong man said, for some reason, he seemed very happy to hear what Chen Yu said.

Your...boudoir? Chen Yu looked the strong man up and down, and he vaguely remembered that when he stepped into the wishing kitchen, he vaguely saw this person in front of him, Mr. Gonzalez?

That's right, that's me. You don't have to look outside, brother. I like you the most. You can call me Maria. Gonzales sat down beside Chen Yu with a smile. .'s obviously a girl's name, right?

Uh... yes, Mr. Gonzalez.

Oh, ho ho. Gonzalez covered his mouth and snickered, without continuing the above topic, Brother, you are on the second floor of my restaurant right now. By the way, I don't know what your name is, bro?

A name? My name is... Don. Well, my name is Don.

For the Dona language, the pronunciation of Chen Yu is undoubtedly a mouthful and strange. To be on the safe side, using the name Dona given by the system will undoubtedly avoid a lot of trouble.

From today onwards, my name will be Don...

Although the name is just a code name, they may all be in a different world now, so they can be called anything.

But just thinking about it this way, Chen Yu, no, Dawn felt a little inexplicably sad, as if he had officially bid farewell to the past.

Brother Don?

Ah, ah. Sorry just thought of something else.

It doesn't matter, I like the boy who can think seriously. By the way, why did you come to me? You didn't look like you were going to eat yesterday morning.

Yesterday? I've been asleep all day?

Yes, I went to the doctor to see you last night. He said that your body is fine, but you are a little weak. You will recover after rest and recuperation.

In other words, Gonzalez not only took care of himself who fainted, but also took the initiative to ask a doctor for himself.

This hunk is really a good guy to do this to strangers.

Thank you, Mr. Gonzalez. Well, I came to the Wishing Kitchen yesterday to ask if you still need help here, such as cooking or something.

That's it. Gonzalez put his thick fingers on his chin, pretending to be thinking, I don't need to cook, but I really need someone to help entertain guests. Do you want to come to work with me?

Well, yes. Don nodded without hesitation.

Although Don's original intention was to be a chef, in fact, as long as he had food and shelter, he could do anything.

And with his skills, as long as he finds an opportunity to show his skills, I believe it is not difficult to change from a waiter to a chef.

It's ok, I like teenagers who are willing to work hard. From today on, we'll be good friends! Gonzalez winked at Don, When you fainted in front of my store yesterday But it scared me, but luckily I’m awake now, let’s have some porridge, ah—open your mouth and I’ll feed you.”

Uh, no need for hello...thank you.

Although Mr. Gonzalez's sudden enthusiastic feeding request made Donne terrified, but his gratitude to this strong man was from the bottom of his heart.

Without Gonzalez, it is a question of whether Dawn can wake up after fainting.

Since he had been hungry for a long time, and his body needed food after being ill, Don was not pretentious, and took the pottery bowl from Gonzalez's hand.

This is a bowl of bacon porridge, which seems to be made with only white rice and a kind of bacon. The porridge is very sticky and steaming, and it looks pretty good. It seems to be very suitable for Dawn, a patient.

The taste is so-so. The bacon in the porridge is moderately salty and elastic. Against the background of the smell of cured meat, the white rice, which should have a bland taste, has a bit more flavor.

According to Dorn's feeling, it can be given a C-level dish rating.

Due to Don's [Intuition for Ingredients], he can also give the dishes a grade. The lowest level is F level. In Dawn's perception, this level of food is equivalent to pig food.

Further up is the E grade, which is unpalatable and difficult to swallow.

Grade D, barely edible.

Grade C, the taste is acceptable.

Of course, this is the subjective feeling of a person like Dawn with 100 culinary skills. Ordinary people are certainly not so harsh on food.

Dawn also saw a lot of food when he wandered around Eaton City yesterday and this morning, and he could feel it just by looking at it. Most of these foods belonged to F-level and E-level, and even D-level food was rare, but everyone Still eat with relish.

Therefore, for ordinary people, C-level dishes should already be rare and delicious.

After eating a bowl of bacon porridge, Donne regained some energy and energy.

System prompt: [Predator] effect is triggered, physical attributes are enhanced.

Donne opened his attribute panel, and his physique increased a little, even his blood volume became 110.

It seems that this bowl of bacon porridge is still a monster dish.

What a surprise!

Don turned over the porridge in his hand, and found another piece of bacon with a spoon.

According to [ingredient intuition], Dawn quickly obtained information related to this piece of bacon.

Mr. Gonzales, please tell me what this bacon porridge is made of. Don asked knowingly.

Ah, ah, what is it made of? I... I don't know either? Gonzalez was a little confused by this sudden question.

Then who made this bacon porridge?

This...well... Gonzalez hesitated, and then smiled wryly, Since you want to work here, I should have explained these things clearly to you, but you won't I believe it.

Wishing Fairy?

So you've heard it told by people in the town. It's a weird story, right? Everyone has always taken what I said as a joke. Gonzalez scratched his head, with a complicated look on his face.

Judging by his reaction, Dawn felt that the wishing fairy might not be as simple as a marketing gimmick.

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