Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

Chapter 499: Rogue's Fighting Style

In the grand battlefield of the boundless dreamland, the fifty dreamers who were deeply involved in the battle all stopped fighting.

Those dream projections that existed attached to them also froze in a daze.

The loud noise just now, as if the world was collapsing, made everyone look up in astonishment, and turned their eyes to the thick red in the distance.


At the junction of deep red and light red, in the blurred phantom of war.

Bishop Daya stood blankly holding the amethyst, his eyes full of fear and worry.

The sound that came from the depths of the crimson just now was really unusual.


Daya murmured, then turned around and looked at the area where the fifty dream subjects were located, the worry in his eyes became stronger again:

The Boundless Dreamland is fluctuating very violently. If the impact that can shake the entire dreamland just now comes a few more times, this place may fall apart.

The white-haired bishop bit his lips lightly, then stroked his own crystal ball, instilling his consciousness and spiritual power. The original purple light on the ball blazed a bit, radiating out to the surroundings and then quietly melting into the red.

The consumption of mental power is like being thrown into a deep well, with no visible waves or effects.

Damn... calm down, calm down... I promised my husband to keep this dream.


Red Fish's blow from the sky shocked the entire Boundless Dreamland, but the only thing that was not affected was its target, Dorne.

The demigod giant beast hadn't fully got up from the deep hole it smashed on the ground, and the white mist surged out again.

The place where the mist was born this time was on the broad and smooth back of the red fish.


Dawn escaped from the white mist, stepped on the tightly arranged fish scales, and maintained his balance with incomprehensible dexterity.

Being hit by you a few more times, the boundless dream that I have worked so hard to weave will fall apart.

Donne said so, and took out the Brief Rules of Creation again, and turned to the second blank page of the black and white book.

The red fish under his feet refloated rumblingly, and Dawn remained motionless amidst the huge shock. After that, there was another high-speed chant that maintained piety and conviction:

That's what the gods say, the giant demigods are forbidden to fly here!

The black and white book characters floated away from the paper, pulled by a gentle force, and the demigod red fish appeared under its feet again.

Red Fish, who had already turned halfway over, suddenly felt the pressure on his body double.

That huge body like a galaxy starship is no less than a hundred times heavier than normal, and it will be unable to take off for a while.

After struggling for a while, the red fish gradually got used to the feeling of being overweight, and managed to float up, but it could only keep flying close to the ground at a height of more than ten meters, and could not go higher into the air.

In this way, Da Hexian won't be able to use that strike that falls from the sky. Dorn closed the Elementary Principles of Creation.

He hasn't figured out what the third provisional rule should be.

According to the experience of crusade against the Storm God, it is a good choice to add a powerful buff to one's own side.

It's a pity that Donne is not affected by the power of rules.

This third rule can only be left for a while, depending on the changes in the market for a while before making a decision.

Alice! Don raised his wrist.

Another equally miraculous Alice's Bedtime Reading flew out of his arms, fluttering the pages like a dexterous bird flying up and down.

The cover of the dark red book shone with light, and the Creation Rules was temporarily taken back into the story world.

Because there have been many battlefield cooperations, the unrelated father and daughter have formed a tacit battle cooperation.

In the process of fighting, Alice can provide help, such as switching various inventory props according to needs, which is all a matter of holding hands.

This auxiliary effect on the battlefield is especially practical after Donne becomes the Naked Clothes of the claw demon.

And the dragon lady is flying up and down around Donne, fighting together, there is a sense of sight of an online game character fighting with a pet.

Put away your valuable equipment, and you will have no worries.

Donne released two skills [Demonization] and [Touch of Nirvana] at the same time.

Black and viscous flames lingered around his body, and choking sulfur burning overflowed from all directions. Dawn's body began to swell, and the clothes were crumbled and burned to ashes.

Horns sprouted from his forehead, and a pair of barbed black bat wings spread out from his back.

A total of eight fat and scarlet tentacles, which seemed to be surging with lava, flung out one by one from the bottom of the bat's wings.

The fully expanded volume of these tentacles is several times larger than that of Dorne after demonization, and there are jagged suction cups on them, like the mouths of greedy monsters, eager to eat.

Puff puff puff——

The slimy fleshy tentacles wriggled at a flexible speed that didn't match their huge size, and were tightly attached to the scales on the red fish's back.

All the suction cups with teeth expanded and opened, and then bit down fiercely!


This is a simple but extremely useful skill that Donne got from the monster snapping turtle.

After the [Bite] skill was integrated and upgraded to [Touch of the Snail Nirvana], the qualitative change has also been strengthened!

Before being promoted, Dawn only had a primitive mouth capable of biting people.

But after being upgraded, every terrifying sucker on the fat scarlet tentacles is his tool for biting people!

Crackling bang——

The heart-piercing gnawing sounds sounded from the back of the demigod red fish, one after another.

The tightly arranged red fish scales were originally a natural and strong armor, but the [Bite] skill comes with a powerful defense-breaking effect.

The tentacles squirmed vigorously, and the hard red scales began to be lifted and crushed.

The tender fish meat under the scales is exposed, and it is scalded by the hot tentacles, giving off the smell of cooked meat and burnt.


The demigod red fish flying close to the ground suffered from pain and shook its body violently, trying to shake off the annoying creature on its body.

However, the suckers on the meat touch are both biting and sucking, and the clinging ability is extremely strong.

Dawn is like a terrifying, indescribable parasite, tightly hugging the red fish's back without letting go of its tentacles.


Fighting all the way to the present, Dawn has quite a wealth of giant beast hunting skills!

Even taking the title of [Titan Slayer] is not an exaggeration.

As for the fighting skills in this area, it can be summed up in one sentence, just rely on them like a dog's skin plaster to fight and you're done.

It's not over yet!

According to the usual practice, Donne brought his wretched and rogue fighting style to the extreme.

The sucker on the scarlet meat will quickly let go after prying and crushing a piece of fish scale, and move towards the scale next to it.

But the moment you let go, the suction cup will open and close again.

With this brief opening and closing action, the large mouth of the sucker will spit out venom and [parasitic spores], directly invading the exposed fish tissue.

The demigod red fish has a certain resistance to [toxin] and [parasitic], but not to the extent of immunity.

As a result, the toxin further destroyed its tissue, and the spores extracted energy and blood from it to feed back to Dorne himself.

Although this part of the blood consumption is very small at first glance.

But as more and more fish scales in this area were lifted, more and more toxins were poured in, and more and more spores grew wantonly.

Chronic blood loss, accumulating less and more, is also a source of damage that cannot be ignored.

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