Under Dorn's relief, Vivienne also temporarily returned to the restaurant to continue eating dinner.

Dawn was the only one left in the kitchen, standing silently.

The sporadic powers of the Storm God are related to storms and oceans. After eating its flesh and blood, I inherited its powers.

Dawn, who was still a little dazed before, came to his senses like enlightenment, and some information related to the gods naturally appeared in his mind.

The process of just catching a glimpse of the Unreal Sea, losing oneself in it, and finally regaining oneself with the help of [Chu Li] is the process of inheriting the authority of the Storm God.

Donne, who has now obtained the authority, can call out the illusory sea at any time, and control this sea through his own thoughts and spiritual power.

The specific effect of this operation is to be able to manipulate the sea water in a sea area in the real world and control the marine life in the sea area.

Moreover, the storm can also be controlled at any time.

I mean, have you touched the power of the gods? But apart from feeling that I have become a lot stronger, there seems to be no obvious changes in other aspects.

Although after accepting [Plague]'s suggestion to hunt demigods, Dawn was more or less prepared for this. But after really taking the first step towards becoming a god, I still feel that there is no real feeling.

In addition, Dawn recalled the process of just being immersed in the Sea of ​​Illusion. In the end, he successfully inherited the authority of the Storm God with the help of [Chu Li].

What would happen if I hadn't found myself in the muddy sea of ​​illusion?

It seems that it is not worth making a fuss about, but when you think about it carefully, Dawn is a little scared.

Donne opened his attribute panel again, and his eyes fell on the cooking power bar under the hidden profession [God of Cooking].

Only then did he realize that his cooking bar was empty, and there were only more than 660 points left!

Huh? Where's my cooking power? What about my big pile of cooking power? It was still there just now!

After inviting the [Plague] at the god level to eat the Roasted Evil Eye, I got a full 1 million points of cooking power.

In the process of cooking big octopus today, because the octopus meat itself is SSS grade, it does not consume much cooking power to maintain the final dish at SSS grade.

Therefore, the reason for the mysterious disappearance of [Culinary Power] is obvious——

All the cooking power points stored before were consumed in the process of assisting him to obtain the authority of the storm god.

Thinking about it this way, Dawn couldn't help feeling a little heartbroken.

That's 1 million, 1 million, which should never be spent in a lifetime.

This wave of bleeding.

But after thinking about it, it is indeed impossible to embark on the road of becoming a god without paying any price.

Just paid a huge amount of renewable [cooking power], seems to be acceptable?

Looking at the bottom of the kitchen power bar that was almost empty, there was another slot at some point.

This slot is filled with one-third of the surging azure blue, and it looks incomprehensible. Not only is it not optional, but there is no explanation on the side.

Don touched his chin and began to think:

Miss Plague said that in order to gain the power to fight against the gods, one must become a god.

He suggested that I eat the Storm God, the Red Fish, and the Black Snake, and then I can completely get rid of the other apocalypse threats... It should mean that after eating these three demigods, I can force-feed me into a god, right?

So, this extra unknown slot is actually my progress bar for becoming a god?

The progress bar of becoming a god is filled by one-third of the storm god's authority.

So I should count now, a demigod?

No, one-third of God?

After thinking about this suspected progress bar for becoming a god, Donne turned his attention back to the kitchen power mechanism.

Speaking of which, is it possible that the [cooking power value] mechanism attached to the hidden profession of [God of Cooking]... the most important role is actually to assist in becoming a god?

However, digesting the authority of a demigod requires 1 million cooking power points...

Where do I go to find another million?

I don't know how much it will take me to earn so much by cooking for ordinary people and hanging up the phone in the restaurant... Even before, I only earned more than 20,000 points when I invited a strong human like Meyer to eat.

So, if I want to further seize power from the Red Fish in [War] or the Black Snake in [Famine], I should first think of a way to go to the holy city of Jebus to invite the original to eat?

Shaking his head, Don temporarily stopped these complicated thoughts.

Before proceeding to the next step of the plan, you should look for [Plague].

He is now the dog-headed military advisor of the original forces. If Donne can't figure out things, ask him, maybe they will be solved easily.

Right now, I should first think about how to explain my current situation to Vivienne and Alice.

Whether Miss Goblin or Dragon Lady, they are the closest and most trustworthy people around Donne.

Before that, they also had a certain understanding of the dispute between Yuanchu and Apocalypse, and even the end of God's War. Therefore, he relying on food to become a god in order to deal with the plan of God War, Donne does not intend to hide the two of them.


The buffet-style celebration banquet lasted until very late, and everyone had a good night's sleep after eating and drinking enough.

Until the next morning, after completing a feat at sea, it was finally time to part ways.

Hector will sail the Anne on the stormy sea.

Meyer returned to the Holy See with the bishops and clergy, and they had too many things to report and record.

Greg Lu said that he would go to Golden Oak City again. He would find Miss Favna, an alchemist, and add a wave of alchemy potions to his apprentice Hyena to temper his body and enhance his magic coordination ability.

Dorn will send most of the people on the mainland back into the story world, leaving Meyer and Vivian, who are relatively heavy for the dragon lady, to trek together [Leap to the White Mist].

When the hazy white mist was summoned, Captain Hector stepped forward to say goodbye.

He took off his three-cornered hat, stroked his chest with one hand, and spoke sincerely:

Mr. Dorn, and Lord Meyer. The evil sea beast that falsely claims to be the God of Storms is the Anne's biggest nightmare and fear at sea. Now that the source of this fear has been eliminated, on behalf of the entire crew of the Anne, and the premise of the martyrdom Salute to the crew of the USS Perth.

The other sailors on board also took off their hats and saluted Dawn and the others at this moment.

This is what we should do. Dawn just shrugged.

Afterwards, he said his treasure to Captain Hector, and then led Vivienne and Meyer, turned around and walked into the endless turbulent white mist.

The tall and straight figure gradually drifted away until it could no longer be seen, until the white mist dissipated.

At this moment, the time is still early.

The location where Dorn summoned the white mist was facing east. After the white mist dissipated, only the boundary between the sea and the sky and the rising sun could be seen in this direction.

Get rid of the evil demigods at sea...Mr. Dorn, Lord Meyer, no matter what grand plans you are making, may the original light always bless you.

The old captain faced the east, squinted his eyes, did not put on the three-cornered hat immediately, but buried his head in the direction of the sun again, and the cold sea breeze in the morning blew his gray hair into disorder.

The magnificently feathered macaw on his shoulder fluttered its wings and flew towards the mast, yelling loudly at the same time:

The sun is up, let's set sail!

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