It was dusk, about 6 o'clock, and the sun began to slowly sink into Lake Renali.

At this time, people began to move around the lake.

In the beginning, only three people dressed as adventurers appeared, sitting quietly by the lake and fishing.

As the sky darkened, another caravan with about seven or eight people appeared. This caravan stopped directly on the east side of the lake, and raised a bonfire, as if they were going to camp here for the night.

However, Dawn, who was watching carefully, was not confused by these superficial appearances. He knew very well that those who appeared by Lake Renali at this sensitive time were basically members of the Apocalypse Church.

The time passed by every minute and every second, and there was still about a quarter of an hour before 8 o'clock in the evening.

At this time, rustling noises came from around Donne.

Dawn, who was tense, reacted quickly, raising his hand to trigger the effect of the Mithril ring to give himself [Stand Guard].

But after he saw clearly the source of the noise, he silently lowered his raised right hand.

The one who approached him cautiously with his waist down was Kloss in heavy armor.

Why are you here? Isn't the point you chose over there? After Kloss came to Don's side, he asked in a low voice.

Oh, isn't your view better here? I can't even see what the people in the caravan are doing there. Kloss waved her hand.

Donne's field of vision is of course good, after all, he chose the position where he can most intuitively see the marking points on the mail.

However, because the area of ​​the bush where Dawn was hiding was not too large, it was a bit difficult to hide two people, so Klose twisted her body again and squeezed toward Dawn's side.

Clos, you squeezed me! Dorn warned in a low voice.

Don't be so stingy, just move those big and small bags on the ground away so they won't be crowded. Kloss said so, but her body was still tightly pressed against Dawn, If you care about everything, there won't be any girls The kids love it.

It is impossible to say that if other girls approached Don at such a close distance, it would be impossible for Don to have a fantasy in his heart.

But Kloss is different!

This guy is fully armed, with heavy armor all over his body, except for the twinkling eyes in the iron bucket helmet, there is no second part exposed.

Being pressed against her like this, Dawn just felt panicked, without any extravagant thoughts.

After playing tricks with Cross for a while, the time finally reached 8 o'clock.

A faint blue light suddenly flashed at the marker point on the bank of Renali Lake. Afterwards, a magic circle with complicated textures was generated silently.

Don: What is that? Magic circle? Portal?

Although he knew in his heart that this should be the entrance to the time-limited dungeon, but the way to open this dungeon is too gamey, right?

Eh? Don't you know? Klos took Donne's words in a low voice, The powerful relics are like this, and people are sent to the relics through the teleportation magic circle.

Teleporting the magic circle? Don really didn't know much about this matter, so he hoped to hear more from Kloss. Then how do people who enter the ruins get out?

Stay in the ruins for a while, and when the ruins are completely closed, the people inside will be forcibly sent back to the real world. Cross continued to explain.

Forced return?

Sounds domineering?

Then why do these ruins exist? Or, who created them?

Of course it was created by the original creator. The ruins are all created by the gods in ancient times, but they collapsed into unknown space gaps one by one with the passage of time, and are only connected to reality through the teleportation magic circle that appeared at a specific time and place. Anyway, That's what the Holy See books say.

God? Dawn wondered.

Don't think about it. Look, look, someone has entered the magic circle! Kloss poked Dawn's ribs with her armored elbow.


However, Klose's elbow also brought Don's attention back to the lakeside.

After the magic teleportation array came out, the caravan camped on the side turned a blind eye to it, and did what they should do.

But the three adventurers who had been fishing for a long time stood up and walked into the magic circle in a grand manner. After a flash of blue light, the three adventurers who stepped on the magic circle all disappeared.

Then, four people dressed as miners appeared out of nowhere, walked into the magic circle at a natural pace and disappeared.

The cultists entered the ruins in batches. It seems that we have to act according to the second plan. After they all enter the ruins, they will be wiped out in one go. Cross whispered the encirclement and suppression plan formulated before.

At present, it seems that this can only be the case. The clergymen who attack rashly now will only scare the snake.

When six groups of people entered the magic circle in batches, after a brief exchange among the merchants who camped, four people also entered the ruins.

Only three men were left to guard the camp.

Having communicated with the clergymen before, Dawn probably knew that, based on the information held by the clergymen, there were 13 leaders of the Apocalypse Church operating in the area.

One of the silver lizards had been killed by Donne.

If the seven groups entered in batches each represented a small leader force, the cultists wandering around the town of Rhine were far from being gathered.

But the longer this waited, the weaker the blue light of the teleportation magic circle became.

Donne can also know from the message on the email that the teleportation array is about to be closed.

It may be that the cultists noticed that the silver lizard had lost contact and sensed the danger, so some people dove through this dungeon exploration? However, if they sensed the danger, why didn't the entire Apocalypse Sect abandon this dungeon exploration? Can't people advance and retreat at the same time?

Don was silently analyzing the possibility of the situation in front of him.

At this time, a strong wind suddenly blew up in the originally silent dense forest, blowing straight from one end to this end, whistling past.

Kixiu sent the signal! Let's fight! Kloss's spirit was lifted.

Kloss, who was still lying close to Dawn, picked up her huge and heavy cross, jumped up like a swift leopard, and rushed towards the camp below with strange screams.

A heavy armor did not affect her agility in the slightest.

At the same time, the blood bar above her head also lit up, still more than 4800 points. But this time, it is reassuring, the green blood bar representing friendly units.

What? Why did you send the signal? Don froze in place, completely like an outsider.

But considering that a little girl like Kloss has already charged out, I should also express something.

Just when Don was planning to double-activate the two acceleration skills [Pig Sudden] and [Nexteracy] to fight with the team, he suddenly realized that his blood volume was only 630 points in total, and he didn't even get a fraction of Kloss's.

Compared to Kloss, I seem to be the one who needs to be taken care of...

So Dawn resolutely gave up using his skills, and followed Klos down at a normal running speed.

The three people stationed in the camp, after noticing the enemy's attack, the bright red blood bars above their heads also showed up. Two of them were around 400 points of blood, and the remaining one had a high point of 1300 points.

Not an enemy at all.

The immediate reaction of these three enemies was not to meet the enemy, but to run straight towards the magic circle.

The one closest to the magic circle was originally only five or six meters away, and could run in almost two steps.

At this time, singing sounded in the dense forest, soft like a lullaby, rippling on Lake Renali——

At this time, the snow falls and the trees are gray

Thrushcross Elegy Like Weeping

my love is dead

Let me sleep peacefully next to his ankle

Like a white dove with broken wings.

Dawn could vaguely recognize that it seemed to be Yuval's voice.

And the moment he heard this weeping singing, Donne felt a wonderful feeling from the bottom of his heart.

An unstoppable sadness spread from the bottom of my heart.

Almost without any reason, Dawn thought of his family and friends who were still on Earth, and thought that he would live alone in a different world...

Sadness, sadness, frustration, and negative emotions enveloped Don, making him completely forget how to act.

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