Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

Chapter 432 Big is better, more is beautiful

Although I have roughly calculated the actual power of this [Screamer] based on the introduction of Steel Hammer and the situation at the scene.

But when he saw this strange weapon roaring with his own eyes, Gregor was still extremely surprised.

According to his judgment.

[Screamer]'s attack is accompanied by a strong surge of magic power, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a magic attack.

Its specific power is almost equivalent to the arcane bombardment of a skilled magician with all his strength.

Although the damage is several grades lower than pulling the [Whisper of the End] by yourself, it is much easier to use than ordinary weapons, bows and arrows.

The most important point is that when Steel Hammer used [Screamer], he noticed that the opponent had only instilled a little bit of magic power into this magic weapon.

Gregor's mind was flexible.

In his opinion, the steel hammer is not a qualified combat unit, and the magic power it can use is also very limited.

But when the dwarf holds the [Screamer] in his hand, he can easily hit a full-strength blow that is equivalent to the power of a skilled magician.

The tiny input of mana can actually bring out such a powerful final mana destruction effect, which is the charm and value of this peculiar weapon!

With this thing, even ordinary people who can only drive magic power sporadically can become impressive combat power.

[Screamer] If it can be used in the secular war, it may become a weapon of war!

Steel Hammer, is it possible for this weapon to be mass-produced? After the successful demonstration of the weapon, Greg Lu stepped forward to ask with great interest.

In this regard, Steel Hammer just shook his head: No, I used several pieces of relic materials in Mazeroth's inventory to make it. There is no way to achieve mass production, and the existing materials can only make this one.

The young dwarf leader was not lying.

In order to realize the import of subtle magic power, the effect of huge output can be achieved.

Steel Hammer used his specialized knowledge of magic energy technology to consume many relic materials in Mazeroth's inventory to create complex magic energy parts, and only then did the finished [Screamer] come out.

Therefore, this big gun is actually a magical weapon in a sense. Although it uses ingredients similar to gunpowder in its structure, it still deviates from the development path of technological hot weapons to the greatest extent.

Not scientific, but magical.

It's a pity that it can't be mass-produced. However, it is perfect for hyenas. After all, under my wise teaching, he has already mastered the most basic method of magic power transmission.

Gregoro said so, and at the same time signaled his little apprentice to go over and get the gun with small movements.

For fear that the dwarf would regret it later.

The hyena itself was full of curiosity about the [Screamer], and after understanding Master's prompt, he walked forward cheekily.

Steel Hammer naturally handed over the big gun, and at the same time verbally expressed his infinite expectations for this weapon:

Although it cannot be mass-produced, magic energy technology is also constantly developing. There will always be a day when suitable substitutes will be found for the rare relic materials that are consumed. Maybe hundreds of years later, there will be excellent descendants based on my design, Create a more powerful second generation of [Screamer]!

For example, if a few years later, there is a new magic energy technology that can break through the upper limit problem of the magic converter channel that the hammer is troubled with, so as to expand the caliber of the barrel and increase the equivalent of ammunition.

Continue to develop according to this idea, and one day——

Big is good, more is beautiful, caliber is justice, and truth is everywhere within range!

【Howler】The series has a bright future!

Of course, this is just a wishful thinking.

Not to mention whether it can be realized, even if it can be achieved, it is estimated that it will take several generations of brainpower and hard work.

There is no technological development that can be achieved overnight, even the technology on the magic side is no exception.

Compared with the steel hammer full of fantasies about the future, Gregor looked more pragmatic. He looked at the big gun in his apprentice's hand carefully for a while, and finally pointed to the position of the stocker and said:

Steel Hammer, I noticed that you [Screamer] seem to need to consume something when using it. Here, this is it.

Oh, yes, [Blasting Pills] needs to be filled. Steel Hammer nodded, and at the same time took out a small cylindrical object wrapped in iron from his side to display.

This should be the [Blasting Pill] he was talking about.

It can be directly understood as the ammunition used by guns.

The production of [Blast Pill] is not troublesome, and you don't need the parts of mana technology. I can teach you and the hyena now, and when you run out, you can get the raw materials and make it yourself. Steel Hammer said.

The master and apprentice Greg Lu began to listen curiously and attentively.

Steel Hammer: First, mix charcoal, saltpeter, and sulfur powder according to this ratio...


Wait for the hyena, try to use the method I taught you. Next, Mr. Gregor, you can stay in Kaisadum for a few more days. Some small tweaks.

A small class on the knowledge of magic firearms is over.

The halfling Hogg, who was the captain of a guard team at the entrance, had already left the laboratory and went back to stand guard.

And Greg Lu was drowsy after listening, only the hyena was very serious about his study.

This young man couldn't put it down now, no matter how he looked at it, he liked it so much that he wanted to fire two shots immediately to hear the sound.

You can do whatever you want. Anyway, the two of us haven't received any commission recently, and we don't have anything planned for the time being.

After hearing his name, Greg Lu, who was sitting on the side with his eyes closed and his head tilted, made a sound in a trance.

Then you can go to my place first, have a meal together, and take a rest. Although the food here is far inferior to Mr. Dorn's craftsmanship, it is still no problem to eat enough. Steel Hammer proposed again.

A group of people got up and were about to leave the laboratory.

At this time, Greg Lu, who had a sharper perception, suddenly stopped. He turned his head, and even quickly took off the [Whispers of the End] on his back.

In this experimental place of dwarf mana technology, suddenly there is a mysterious and powerful mana surging in turmoil!

Hyena and Steel Hammer saw Gregor's actions, and they didn't understand why.

In the next second, they saw an extremely shocking scene!

In this spacious room, a hazy and huge white mist suddenly appeared out of thin air. These white fogs keep surging, and at the end of them, it seems to be connected to an infinite distance.

At the same time, there are two figures coming out of the mist, one is tall and straight, the other is petite and graceful.

Gregor raised his longbow, and the hyena also raised the magic gun just like the steel hammer just now.

But when the figure in the mist came out completely——



Mr. Dorn!

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