The waifs had already gone out to catch bugs as usual, and Dawn stayed alone in the camp this morning.

He needs to get on with cooking and didn't finish eating the piebald caterpillars last night.

After all, he still expected to fill up [Poison Resistance] as soon as possible.

Now, Donne can directly deal with these spiny caterpillars. The toxicity of the colorful spiny caterpillars can no longer cause any substantial damage to Donne, who has [corrosion resistance Lv5] and [toxin resistance Lv4].

Grilling continues.

At noon, Don finished cooking all the ingredients left over from last night, and ate to his full, and made a sumptuous normal lunch for the vagrants.

But waiting and waiting, my three little brothers just didn't come back.

Strange, they should have already come back for dinner at this point. Don raised his head and looked at the position of the sun high in the dense forest.

After waiting for a few quarters of an hour alone, a figure stumbled out from the dense grove on the side.

It's Fat Fox, but only him.

Why did you come back alone? Where's the hyena and the bear paw? Dorn stepped forward to help the flustered little fat man.

Brother Dawn! It's not good, it's not good! Something happened to Bear Claw!



Under the leadership of the fat fox, Dawn crossed several dense bushes and found the hyena and the bear paw leaning on the tree trunk and falling into a coma.

When he found the two waifs, Dorn saw blood streaks above their heads.

Not only the two of them, but the fat fox and Dawn who were traveling together also had blood bars on their heads when they approached this area.

Need to fight?

Donne raised his vigilance in his heart.

The blood bars of the waifs are all green, which means they are friendly units.

Among them, the upper limit of the blood volume of the hyena is 360 points, that of the bear claw is 250 points, and that of the fat fox is only 100 points.

And the person with unhealthy blood volume has only bear claws.

His blood volume of 250 points is now only more than 160 points, and it is still slowly declining.

What's going on? Don knelt down to check the status of the bear claw.

It was found that on the back of Xiongzhuo's right hand, there was a large grayish-white plaque, which appeared as an irregular circle with a diameter of 6 centimeters.

Clusters of tiny hyphae seem to grow on the gray and white plaques.

This should be the culprit that caused Bear Claw's blood volume to drop continuously and fall into a coma.

I don't know, but it looks like we were attacked by a bunch of mushrooms...

The hyena looked at the unconscious bear paw on the ground, his face was anxious, but he still responded to Dawn's question with a relatively clear articulate.

Mushrooms? Take me to see it. Dawn made a decision almost without thinking.

That mushroom is very weird. It should be a monster, but I've never seen it... The hyena hesitated.

It's weird too. Don interrupted the hyena's words directly, and then turned to the fat fox and said, Little fat, you go back to the town immediately, and find a doctor if you can. And go to the restaurant to inform Gonzal Mr. Reis, ask him to tell Vivian that we are in trouble.


Just go.


The fat fox had already run back and forth to the camp, but now that he listened to Dawn's orders, he didn't care to catch his breath, and ran towards the town again, sweating profusely.

The hyena next to him looked at the bear paw whose face was getting worse and worse on the ground, then at Dawn, and sighed: Come with me...Brother Dawn.

From the back of a bush about 20 meters away from the place where Bearpaw was unconscious, Dawn saw the weird mushroom cluster.

It was a cluster of taupe mushrooms, and there were quite a few of them.

But the most conspicuous, the largest one stands in the center of the whole fungus, it is more than 30 centimeters high, and the diameter of the top cover is close to half a meter!

And on the side of this big mushroom, those smaller taupe mushrooms look more normal, only a little bigger than normal mushrooms.

At the same time, on top of the big mushroom, Dawn also saw a blood bar, which was 180 points.

Red blood bars.

This thing is the enemy. Dawn looked at the big mushroom a few times, and didn't act rashly because the mushroom's blood volume was not high.

The weird plaques and mycelium on the back of Bearpaw's hand are still vivid, and the price of underestimating the enemy may be very high.

Another point is that after seeing this strange bunch of mushrooms, Dawn's [Intuition for Ingredients] moved.

These mushrooms are actually ingredients, and the grade can reach S rank, which is comparable to the high-grade ingredients of horned rabbits before!

At the same time, through the intuition of [ingredient intuition], Don also obtained a series of ways to deal with this kind of ingredients.

This is normal, and the skill [Sense of Ingredients] has always worked like this. Therefore, he helped Don a lot in cooking.

We found this cluster of mushrooms here. Bearpaw wanted to get closer, but I stopped him just in time. But then, the mushroom just... just... ran away!

The hyena was originally explaining what happened to Don, but stopped in the middle of the conversation.

There is no need to talk about the specific events, because Big Mushroom kindly made a reenactment of the case.

Under the umbrella of the big mushroom, a brown smoke began to float out, filling the air.

Here are its spores.

The previous Bear Claw got the trick because he stood the most forward and got these tiny spores on the back of his hand while running.

Due to previous experience, the hyena led Dawn to a relatively far position this time.

As soon as the mushroom spewed spores, he quickly dragged Dorne and ran away, so both of them were safe.

That's it. Brother Dawn, what should we do now?

Pulling Dawn all the way back to Bearpaw, the hyena stopped, with a frustrated look on its face.

This small group leader who usually has his own opinions, but doesn't like to express them, rarely loses his mind.

Don't worry, I seem to have found a way to save Big Bear.

Just as the hyena was frowning, anxious and helpless, Donne's voice came into his ears.

It was such a simple sentence, but Dawn said it very steadily, with an air of confidence.

This made the hyena feel that the new eldest brother seemed to have a way to save his brother's life.

But is there really a way?

It was a strange monster mushroom that I had never seen before.

Through this period of contact, logically speaking, Brother Dawn should not have much experience in wild survival, right?

I have flint with me. You go to the side to collect dry grass and branches, and we will start a fire on the spot. Donne ordered.

From the hyena's point of view, Donne is like this now, and he has the aura of a real big brother when dealing with problems. In contrast, he himself was far behind.

Okay. Although he didn't know what Dawn wanted to do by lighting the fire, the hyena chose to listen to his elder brother.

The hyena went aside to pick up hay and branches, while Dawn squatted beside the unconscious bear paw, staring at the gray and white spots on the back of the bear paw's hand.

Bear Claw's blood volume is 150 points left.

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