Start from the Martial Arts

Chapter 6 Knowing People and Their Faces

That evening, Fang Xiu had just finished delivering dinner to the cells above ground and was about to go to the underground level.

After he recovered, he was responsible for delivering meals to the entire county prison.

Of course, he was not the one to deliver meals to special prisoners, and that depended on Ma Sandao's arrangement.

As soon as Fang Xiu reached the entrance to the underground level, Ma Sandao approached him.

"Xiao Fang, the prisoner in cell number 10 has been sentenced to death by beheading today."

"Mr. Ji sentenced him to death by beheading?!" Fang Xiu was shocked.

The prisoner in cell number 10 was named Ji Bo, a teacher who was humorous and very talented. During this period, Fang Xiu had heard many anecdotes from him and learned a lot of rare characters from him.

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It is said that the prefect's name is 'Ren Qingfeng', and Ji Bo wrote a poem 'Qingfeng is illiterate, why is he flipping through books', so he offended the prefect of Tianze Prefecture and was imprisoned.

It was claimed that Ji Bo was imprisoned because he attached himself to the evil cult 'Changsheng Sect'.

In Fang Xiu's opinion, this was a completely false charge, which was really nonsense. It was outrageous to be imprisoned, and he didn't expect to be sentenced to death directly.

"Be careful! It's Ji Ni!"

Ma Sandao lowered his voice.

"Yes, my nephew remembers it." Fang Xiu nodded.

"Ji Ni has been sentenced to death now, just treat him well, if he wants to die quickly, you can also take the opportunity to make more money. Anyway, the higher-ups must kill him, no matter how he dies."

Ma Sandao added.

"Yes, thank you Uncle Ma." Fang Xiu felt like a blockage in his heart.

"You'll get used to it after you stay here for a while." Ma Sandao patted Fang Xiu's shoulder and turned away.

"Alas..." Fang Xiu sighed. He was not living a happy life, but he still sympathized with others' misfortunes.

He carried a wooden bucket and went to the prison on the underground floor. In cell No. 10, he saw Ji Bo slumped on a straw mat.

His hair was gray and sparsely covered on his head. His temples were like frost. The years had left deep marks on his face, and his wrinkles were as dense as the branches of a river. His eyes were deep and bright, his nose was straight, and his lips were thin and tightly closed. He could vaguely see the handsome demeanor of his 'young' years.

"Brother Fang, you're here."

Ji Bo raised his drooping eyelids and smiled bitterly at himself, "You spent so much money, but you still bought me a death..."

Fang Xiu fell into silence, remembering Ma Sandao's instructions, and did not express his own opinion.

He sympathized with Ji Bo's experience, but before, he was just a suspect, but now he was a death row prisoner. Sympathizing with a death row prisoner could easily be caught.

Fang Xiu listened quietly, and when the other party stopped talking to himself, he said, "Do you need anything? I can prepare it for you."

"Yes, the last meal should be good." Ji Bo nodded. When he was transferred from the upper floor to the lower floor, he had guessed the result.

"Give me two catties of hazelnut crisps from Ziyuexuan, roast duck from Fudelou, and Baihua Niang from Shengyunlou. I will ask my family to send the silver. I know the rules."

Ji Bo said calmly.

"......" Fang Xiu's mouth twitched, and suddenly he didn't sympathize with Ji Bo.

A box of hazelnut crisps from Ziyuexuan costs two taels of silver, a roast duck from Fudelou costs eight cents of silver, and Baihua Niang from Shengyunlou costs five taels of silver per catty.

"As soon as possible." After a moment of silence, Fang Xiu nodded.



Another half a month passed.

The front yard of Sanjue Martial Arts Hall.



Fang Xiu stood in the courtyard in a black training jacket, the cold wind blowing his sleeves. When he punched, dull explosions continued in the air.

"Not bad! Junior Brother Fang is making rapid progress. He really has the hope of breaking through the skin barrier within 20 days and becoming a formal disciple of our martial arts school."

Senior Brother Li Shan smiled.

Sanjue Martial Arts School opened its doors to recruit disciples, naturally to make money.

But every additional formal disciple can also enhance the reputation of the martial arts school.

If you break through the skin barrier within two months, the martial arts school will reduce the tuition, but the cost of soup and medicine is not a penny less.

After becoming a formal martial artist, the demand for soup and medicine will be higher.

These talents are the gods of wealth of the martial arts school.

The major martial arts schools in Qingshi County mainly make money from soup and medicine that match martial arts. The rest are small heads, otherwise the tuition would not be so cheap.

Although the poor are good at literature and the rich are good at martial arts, if they really meet a genius with top-notch roots, the martial arts school is willing to open a back door.

The real support of the major martial arts schools is still the Mingjin martial arts masters in the Yijin realm.

"Then I will accept the good words of the senior brother." Fang Xiu bowed.

He felt that the blood and qi in his chest were already one and a half fingers thick. When it was two fingers thick, it would be enough to break through the skin barrier and become a formal martial artist in the Mopi realm.

Speaking of it, it was by running errands for Ji Bo to buy food that he earned the difference of thirty taels of silver.

With the silver, Fang Xiu not only bought the medicine sandbags, but also paid an extra ten taels of silver for the soup and medicine.

This made the progress of cultivation soar.

Li Shan was full of smiles, but when he was instructing other new disciples, his expression became stern again.

These people didn't have Fang Xiu's connections to get silver, and they didn't even work as hard as Fang Xiu, so he naturally didn't have a good face.

After Li Shan finished scolding the new disciples, he returned to the back garden.

"Damn it! We can't get this wicked money!"

After Li Shan left, some of the new disciples who were scolded couldn't help but be sarcastic.

More people came forward to congratulate Fang Xiu and took the initiative to make friends with him.

Most of those who can come to practice martial arts have some money at home, and at the very least they run some small business.

However, there are also those who come from poor families and empty their family savings to take a chance.

The jailer is the lowest-level clerk, but he also has connections and backgrounds better than many people in the front yard.

Many people don't want to offend Fang Xiu even if they don't make friends with him.

They can sense the blood and qi, and even if they can't break through the barriers to become formal warriors, they are much stronger than ordinary people.

In the future, they can join gangs or guard the homes of wealthy families.

No one knows if they will accidentally commit a crime and go to jail in the future.

If they fall into Fang Xiu's hands at that time, making friends in advance can save them from suffering.

You don't need connections, but you can't have them.

After greeting everyone, Fang Xiu continued to practice the Thunder Fist. He didn't care about the ridicule of a few people.


In the evening.

Fang Xiu returned to the county prison to deliver food and came to cell number 10.

He found that Ji Bo's originally clean and tidy prison uniform had become tattered, and he was leaning on the ground covered in blood.

Hearing the noise, Ji Bo raised his head, his expression was gloomy.

"What's wrong with you?" Fang Xiu was stunned. Ji Bo had already sentenced him to death, so there was no need to continue to torture him.

"The family members were unwilling to spend money, so this was the natural result. In addition, in order not to be implicated by me, they took the initiative to confess some of my previous crimes." Ji Bo was in a sluggish state and laughed at himself.

"What did you do?" Fang Xiu's eyes changed slightly.

"A few years ago, I believed in some alchemists' prescriptions and used infants' blood to refine longevity pills, so I bought a few infants to use as medicine."

Ji Bo sighed.

"Give me another chance, I will definitely not take the imperial examination. If I can learn martial arts, I will not be trapped in this county prison. Alas..."

Hearing this, Fang Xiu felt that Ji Bo's originally kind face suddenly became hideous and terrifying.

"Brother Fang, considering that we got along well before, I want to ask you for a favor..." Ji Bo changed the subject.

"What's the matter?" Fang Xiu's face darkened.

It's a rule that buying things on behalf of others in the prison is several times more expensive, and he can't break it, otherwise other jailers won't tolerate him.

He felt a little guilty about accepting money from Ji Bo's family before, and now if he is asked to buy things on behalf of others, he will never agree without ten times the price.

Fortunately, Fang Xiu sympathized with him for being "wrongly" imprisoned for writing poems.

"I hope Brother Fang can send me off." Ji Bo said in a deep voice.

"If you want to commit suicide, you can do it at night..."

Fang Xiu frowned and suddenly stopped talking.

Ji Bo said to himself: "It's too painful to die by touching the wall, and hanging from the beam is too hideous, so I want to ask Brother Fang for help."

"Poison and knockout drugs are not cheap, and they will leave records."

Fang Xiu refused.

"Don't bother so much, please ask Brother Fang to strangle me to death, and then pretend to hang myself." Ji Bo said.

"Well... I'll come again at midnight tonight." Fang Xiu nodded.

Only prisoners in the independent cells have the opportunity to commit suicide. If they are in the old cells, other prisoners will supervise each other. If someone commits suicide, they can report to the jailer and get a reduced sentence.

After all, only living people can squeeze out the oil and water.

As long as the Ji family does not give silver, he will suffer endless torture and torment before being beheaded. Choosing death can save suffering.

Ji Bo is eager to die, just in time to test the conditions for opening the Book of Destiny.

"Thank you!" Ji Bo stood up and bowed deeply to Fang Xiu.


At night.

Fang Xiu went to the underground floor alone and came to the outside of cell No. 10.

"Brother Fang, you are here..." Ji Bo raised his head.

His eyes were full of bloodshot, and his eyes were a little ferocious.

"Are you... ready?" Fang Xiu said in a low voice.

"Tie my hands first, so that I won't resist when I am dying."

Ji Bo stretched his hands out of the iron railings of the cell and handed over the belt.

"......Okay." Fang Xiu didn't expect him to be so professional. He tied Ji Bo's hands with a belt.

Then, Ji Bo leaned against the iron railing and closed his eyes.

Fang Xiu took out the rope he brought and put it around Ji Bo's neck.

"Let's start..." Ji Bo's voice was dry and hoarse.

"Well." Fang Xiu mobilized the blood in his chest and exerted force with both arms.

"Huh... Huh..." Ji Bo struggled violently.

If Fang Xiu hadn't been strong enough, he would have almost broken free.

However, this posture similar to naked choke only takes a few breaths to cause fainting.

Before Ji Bo completely lost consciousness, he struggled to turn his head and glanced at Fang Xiu.

The resentment and hatred in his eyes made Fang Xiu tremble, and he subconsciously tightened the rope.

Soon, Ji Bo stopped moving, his breathing stopped, and his body softened. The whole process took only a dozen breaths.

Ji Bo's eyes before death made Fang Xiu's heart beat faster and his body sweat slightly.

Not long after, a fist-sized green light ball floated out from above Ji Bo's head.

"Green fate?!"

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