Start from the Martial Arts

Chapter 55 The Four Irons of Life (Second Update)

Fang Xiu walked in a hurry.

The next day, at dawn.

He packed his bag and set off for Tianze Prefecture City.

It was nearly noon before he arrived at the prefecture city after a two-hundred-mile rugged mountain road.

"Huh... It's hard to imagine what it means for an ordinary person to walk two hundred miles of mountain road a day."

Even with his internal strength, Fang Xiu felt a little tired.

It was mainly because climbing and descending the mountain was very strenuous, and he had to be vigilant against possible bandits at all times.

Looking at the huge city standing on the plain in front of him, Fang Xiu breathed a sigh of relief.

He came to the foot of the city, spent a penny to enter the city, and walked into Tianze Prefecture City.

Although Tianze Prefecture City looks like a crawling beast from the outside, it doesn't have that kind of momentum inside.

Behind the tall city walls and the city wall, there is a large area of ​​low bungalows.

But it's normal. No matter how big the city is, the outer city area will not be too prosperous.

Because most of the people living in the outer city area are cattle and horses struggling to make ends meet.

After passing the first market in the outer city, we came to the market near the inner city. The streets here were much more prosperous, with tall buildings.

People came and went on both sides of the road, and there were many shops.

Wine shops, teahouses, rice shops, snack shops, ready-made clothing shops, gold shops, rouge shops...

Everything that Qingshi County has is here, and what Qingshi County doesn't have is also here.

"What are you doing?" Fang Xiu came to the gate of the inner city and was stopped by the soldiers.

Fang Xiu was stunned, "I'm going to the government office to find my uncle."

"Take out the photo ID and have a look!" The soldier looked at him and stretched out his hand.

Fang Xiu was surprised and handed over the photo ID and a piece of silver from his arms.

He had never been to the inner city of the prefecture before, and he didn't expect that the security here was so strict.

If you are in Qingshi County, at least you don't need to check your "ID card" to enter the inner city during the day.

The soldier put away the silver, took the photo ID, took a look at it, and returned it to Fang Xiu.

"You are not a resident of the inner city. You must leave the inner city before curfew, otherwise you will be severely punished if you are caught."

"Yes, thank you for reminding me, sir." Fang Xiu put away his ID card.

"By the way, what does your uncle do in the government office?" the soldier asked casually.

"My uncle is a lieutenant in the prison, named Ma Sandao."

Fang Xiu smiled.

"It turns out to be Lieutenant Ma!" The soldier's face changed color when he heard this, and he immediately showed a warm smile.

"Brother Fang, why didn't you say it earlier! Lieutenant Ma should not be in the government office at this time. I will take you to the prison to find Lieutenant Ma."

The soldier took Fang Xiu's hand enthusiastically and returned the silver to him.

But Fang Xiu didn't want it.

Under the leadership of the soldier, they did not enter the inner city, but went to Ning'anfang in the outer city, which is close to the east city gate.

Fang Xiu looked at the sparse population around him and nodded secretly. This is a good place.

Although the location of the prison in the prefectural city is relatively remote, according to Ma Sandao, the Shenwei Camp is stationed outside the east city gate.

The army of one thousand people is composed of warriors, most of whom are warriors in the Mopi realm. Among them, ten centurions are Mingjin martial artists, and the captain in charge of the Shenwei Camp is a well-known great martial artist.

The reason why the Shenwei Camp has such a strong force is that it has the Han family, one of the eight major surnames.

There are thirteen prefectures in Yan State, and the eight major families control nine of them.

One of the most important reasons why the current Emperor Taihe was able to win the battle for the throne that year was that he won the support of five families, including the strongest Han family and Ji family.

It can be said that the prison is the safest place in the prefectural city.

After the soldiers came to the outside of the prison to explain the situation, a middle-aged man with triangular eyes, hooked nose, and sinister face came out in a moment.

"My dear nephew, you are finally here!"

Ma Sandao came up with a big laugh, wearing a lieutenant uniform, looking full of majesty.

"My nephew greets Uncle Ma." Fang Xiu bowed respectfully, "I haven't seen you for two years, but Uncle Ma is getting younger and younger!"

Fang Xiu's words were not all compliments.

Even if a warrior is in a period of blood decline, as long as he breaks through to the martial arts master and strengthens his blood, he will definitely look younger.

"It is thanks to the precious fish sent by my dear nephew that I was able to break through at this age by chance." Ma Sandao's whole body is much more energetic than before.

"Who is this?" Ma Sandao changed the subject and looked at the soldiers beside him.

"Oh. This brother is a guard guarding the city. He heard that I came to find Uncle Ma, so he specially led the way for me." Fang Xiu responded.

"You are a kind-hearted young man. Take this money to buy some wine!"

Ma Sandao took out a piece of silver and threw it over.

Fang Xiu saw that Ma Sandao was so generous, and he knew that the prison in the city was very profitable.

"Thank you, Lord Ma! Thank you, Brother Fang!" The soldier bowed and left tactfully.

"My dear nephew! Wait a minute! I'll go call the other lords to welcome you!"

Ma Sandao hugged Fang Xiu and walked into the prison.

"Uncle Ma, don't bother so much, right?" Fang Xiu was startled, feeling that Ma Sandao had changed a lot.

"Yes! Yes!"

Ma Sandao urged.

'No wonder they say money is a man's courage... But compared to being an official, it's nothing. ' Fang Xiu sighed in his heart.

Ma Sandao took Fang Xiu into the prison, introduced him to everyone, and left him in the room to rest.

When it was evening, he called the three lieutenants in the prison, and the lieutenants called their own chariots.

In the end, they even invited the warden Zhao Liqiu.

The prison chief is an official of the eighth rank and is in charge of all affairs of the prison in Fucheng.

The group of people went straight to Baihua Tower.

"Uncle this a brothel, right?" Fang Xiu felt dazzled.

"Today, uncle, I will spend a lot of money to cook meat for you!" Ma Sandao said.

"Old Ma, your nephew is still a boy, right?!" Zhao Siyu has a full beard and no airs of a superior officer, and the smile on his face is very ambiguous.

"Then we have to find some stewards for Xiao Fang to take good care of him!"

"I think Tao Niang is better!"

"That woman can knock on the bones and suck out the marrow, how can Xiao Fang withstand it?"

The three captains made jokes, and some of the police officers even had someone to guide him on the spot.

A group of people burst into laughter, and the place was filled with a happy atmosphere.

"Uncle Ma, this..." Fang Xiu was stunned.

"Don't worry! You don't need to remain a child to practice martial arts. As long as you don't indulge in lust, it won't have any impact."

Ma Sandao advised.

"Ouch! Isn't this Mr. Zhao! What kind of wind has brought your distinguished guests here!" At this time, a beautiful middle-aged woman with heavy makeup came up to her.

"Mother Qin, we have a little brother here today. Please let your girl take it easy later and don't scare him."

Zhao Siyuan half hugged the Madam and patted her perky buttocks.

"Hey~! This guy is so handsome!"

Qin's mother found Fang Xiu in the crowd at a glance and hugged Fang Xiu's arm hard.

"What do you call me, brother?"

Qin’s mother smiled.

"Have a rest below." Fang Xiu felt that the smell of powder on the other person's body was a bit strong, but it felt good to the touch.

"It turns out to be Mr. Fang. I wonder what kind of girl Mr. Fang likes?"

"No matter what it is, mom can arrange it for you, and I guarantee your satisfaction!"

Qin's mother saw that Fang Xiu's body was a little tense, and the smile on her face softened.

"I..." Fang Xiu was urged by a group of people to enter the box.



The next day.

Fang Xiu opened his eyes from the bed, feeling dizzy and feeling tight in his chest.

Beside the bed, there was a pile of women's clothes scattered.

White gauze long skirt, black underwear, white stockings...

On the left side of the quilt, a white jade arm stretched out to wrap around Fang Xiu's neck, and on the right side, a round and slender beautiful leg stretched out and pressed against his chest.

Fang Xiu sat up from the couch.

"It's true that drinking and sex mislead people... I have to stop drinking in the future!"

Looking at the two sleeping women beside him, Fang Xiu rubbed his dazed head.

Last night, he was drunk by a group of people. Even though he had internal strength, he was still half drunk.

After being helped into the boudoir by two courtesans, the three of them stayed up all night and talked about human relations in simple terms.

Fang Xiu got up, put on his clothes, sat down outside, and circulated his Qi to regulate his breath.

"Huh? Why do you feel that your qi and blood are still full? Your true qi is also flowing smoothly..."

After Fang rested for a week, the headache caused by the hangover disappeared a lot, and he suddenly made a surprising discovery.

"Is it because I have been too nervous these past few years?" Fang Xiu thought to himself. It seemed that he felt an inexplicable sense of security after coming to Fucheng.

Yesterday seemed to be the first time he got drunk, and also the first time he slept until midnight.

When Fang Xiu left the room in high spirits, Ma Sandao and the others were already drinking morning tea in the box.

"It seems that Xiao Fang slept very well last night."

"Young people are great! They have great physical strength."

"That's right! I think back then, I could..."

After just one night, Zhao Siyuan and the other three captains seemed to regard him as one of their own and started chatting and laughing with him.

'No wonder they say the four irons of life...'

Fang Xiu understood Ma Sandao's intention.

The water in Fucheng is obviously deeper than that in Qingshi County. Only by integrating into the group can we gain a better foothold.

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