Start from the Martial Arts

Chapter 38 Trial and Error Cost, White Star Returns

Fang Xiu carried the barrel and came outside the cell where Zhao Zhisheng was held.

Seeing Zhao Zhisheng lying motionless on the tattered straw mat, Fang Xiu gently tapped the iron railing with a wooden spoon.

"Xiao Zhao, it's time to eat."

Hearing the familiar voice, Zhao Zhisheng's body trembled. He raised his upper body and wanted to get up, but his legs were broken, so he could only crawl in the direction of Fang Xiu.

"Brother Fang."

Zhao Zhisheng came to the iron railing.

"How did you end up like this?" Fang Xiu took a few spoons of thick porridge from the bottom of the barrel and gave it to him.

"I'm sorry for you...I never meant to harm you."

Zhao Zhisheng lowered his head in shame.

"My father is very ill. They said that as long as I cooperate, they can cure my father and take us away together."

"Alas..." Fang Xiu shook his head.

According to the investigation, Zhao Zhisheng did have a problem.

He drew a diagram of the internal structure of the county prison and gave it to the Immortality Cult, and cooperated with Qianmianlang to imitate his every move, and finally succeeded in confusing the fake with the real one, allowing Qianmianlang to successfully release Ling Shuang from the inside.

"My father..." Zhao Zhisheng's face was filled with regret.

"Uncle Ma and Uncle Li have both visited your father. We have pooled some money together. We will help you in the future. Don't worry."

Fang Xiu nodded, saying this just to reassure Zhao Zhisheng.

Zhao Zhisheng was sentenced to Lingchi, and his father was also sentenced to thousands of miles of exile in the North because of his consecutive convictions.

Even a healthy person will inevitably fall ill if he is exiled thousands of miles away, let alone a seriously ill person.

This is what happens to ordinary people who break the law.

The Chen family's collusion with the Changsheng Sect is tantamount to conspiracy.

But after giving up a Chen county magistrate, the entire family was picked out. From now on, the Chen family will still be one of the top powers in Qingshi County.

"Then I'll be relieved. Thank you very much..." Zhao Zhisheng looked sad.

"Just tell me what you want to eat and I'll bring it to you next time."

Fang Xiu sighed.

At this moment, footsteps came from the corridor, and two guards walked towards this side.

"Brother Fang, I accept your kindness. I can only repay my kindness in the next life. You should leave quickly!"

Zhao Zhisheng said hurriedly.

"I'll come back next time." Fang Xiu nodded and got up to deliver food to the prisoner next door.

Two police officers came over. Looking at their uniforms, it was clear that they were not from the local county government.

The two glanced at Fang Xiu and nodded at him.

When Fang Xiu was questioned before, he received protection from the divine catcher Zheng Yunfei, and the two of them had an impression.

Seeing this, Fang Xiu also bowed his hands to the two of them.

"Master Fang, please give me a spoonful."

"Master Fang, does anyone in my family send money?"

When the prisoners saw Fang Xiu carrying the barrel, they knew that another morning had passed. Anyone who could move crowded to the iron railing and stretched out the pottery bowl with all their strength.

Because they all know that among so many jailers, Fang Xiu is the kindest one and the one who is easier to talk to. He will never beat or abuse them without reason.

"..." Fang Xiu looked at the increase in prisoners in the old prison cell. Even though he was used to seeing these miserable scenes, he still couldn't help but sigh in his heart, what was going on in this world.

After delivering the meal, he picked up the bucket and returned to the ground.

When passing by the single cell No. 13, Fang Xiu paused.

Although County Magistrate Chen was sentenced to death by his humble position, he lived in such a clean and tidy single cell and ate delicious food sent by his family.



"Dog Officer! Today is your day too!"

"Hit the dog officer!"

Three days later, the prison van escorted Chen Xingshan from the inner city to Caishikou, West Street.

Along the way, many people gathered along the street and cursed Chen Xingshan.

Obviously, the public grievances in Qingshi County have been backlogged for a long time.

However, there was no scene of throwing eggs and Chinese cabbage. After all, there are not many families in this world who can afford to eat eggs and Chinese cabbage.

Some people did throw small stones, but they were not accurate enough. After hitting the official, they were stopped on the spot and retreated into the crowd.

"He Qinchao is really the great master of Qingtian!"

"Thank you, Mr. Qingtian, for making the decision for us!"

When the prison car arrived at Caishikou, as soon as the imperial envoy from Fucheng sat on the execution platform, the cheers of the common people could be heard from the crowd, and a large number of people immediately fell to their knees.

"County Magistrate Chen has fallen, but the Chen family is still there..."

"Without Chen Papi, we still have Wang Papi and Zhao Papi!"

On the periphery of the crowd, there were also some people watching indifferently.

Many things are rotten from the root.

But the towering tree of the imperial court began to decay from the crown.


On the night that County Magistrate Chen was beheaded.

Fang Xiu went to the county prison to deliver meals and saw two officers carrying a corpse wrapped in a straw mat. The skull of the corpse was broken and the flesh was somewhat bloody.

But Fang Xiu still recognized Zhao Zhisheng's appearance.

Masandao followed.

"Uncle Ma, Xiao Zhao..." Fang Xiu whispered.

"Old Zhao hanged himself." Ma Sandao said in a deep voice.

Fang Xiu was silent.

I really pity the hearts of parents in the world.

It seems that Lao Zhao felt sorry for his son and did not want him to suffer the pain of being cut into pieces, so he chose to hang himself.

As a result, Zhao Zhisheng lost his last concern and took the initiative to take his own life.

Most jailers tortured people so much that their minds might become numb, but their bodies would not.

"It seems that I can't be a jailer." Ma Sandao patted Fang Xiu on the shoulder.

"Uncle Ma." Fang Xiu was stunned. It seemed that this news was brought to Zhao Zhisheng by Ma Sandao.

If a prisoner sentenced to death by slow slicing committed suicide, his relatives would be affected and the jailer in charge of guarding him would be implicated.

"In the days when I am not around, you must be careful and think twice before doing anything." Ma Sandao reminded.

"Uncle Ma, don't worry, I can save you!" Fang Xiu nodded heavily.

The biggest difference between ordinary people of ordinary origin and those of rich origin is that the tolerance rate is too low.

One wrong step may lead to a bottomless abyss and you will never be able to turn over.


Late at night.

Fang Xiu was on duty.

Ma Sandao came and spent the last night in the county prison together.

The two talked a lot, mainly listening to Ma Sandao talking about the past.

At dawn, Li Han came to change shifts, and Ma Sandao asked Fang Xiu to go first.

Fang Xiu left the inner city and returned to Shiqiaofang.

As soon as he walked to the door of his house, a black shadow rushed out from the alley.

"Who is it?" Fang Xiu reacted instantly, his whole body tensed.

"Brother Fang, it's me."

The young man in hemp clothes walked out of the shadows, and it was Bai Xing who returned from the capital city.

"It turned out to be Brother Bai, you're back." Fang Xiu's face relaxed, but his body was still tense, because Qianmianlang was good at disguise, although he might not target him so quickly, but he had to be careful.

"I just came back yesterday and heard about what happened in the county prison. The eldest brother said you were injured, so I came to see you. By the way, I'll give you two red blood carp to replenish your blood." Bai Xing was carrying the fish basket.

"Thank you for your concern, Brother Bai, my injury is not serious, I think I can recover after a few days of rest, and your red blood carp is just in time."

After Fang Xiu confirmed that Bai Xing's expression, movements, and tone were normal, he smiled and nodded.

"That's great." Bai Xing breathed a sigh of relief and then changed the subject.

"Brother Fang, we can put Jiang Ming on hold, but when I was catching red-blooded carp yesterday, I accidentally found a golden-winged sturgeon. I would like to ask for your help."

"Golden-winged sturgeon?" Fang Xiu thought for a moment, feeling that the name was familiar, and his expression suddenly changed slightly.

"Could it be..."

"Yes, it is the golden-winged sturgeon that can refine blood and qi after consumption, and is said to improve the root bone." Bai Xing said seriously.

"Let's talk inside!" Fang Xiu opened the door and took Bai Xing to the backyard.

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