Start from the Martial Arts

Chapter 35: The Path to Grandmaster (Please read on)

"The Chen family actually colluded with the Immortality Sect?!"

Fang Xiu looked shocked.

Unexpectedly, Ling Shuang's memory contained the scene of meeting the great martial artist of the Chen family.

However, Ling Shuang, the protector, was delivering the message on behalf of the Holy Envoy of the Immortality Sect.

He didn't have much conversation with the great martial artist of the Chen family.

Therefore, Fang Xiu was unable to obtain more information.

However, the last time the convoy escorting prisoners and food to Tianze Fucheng was robbed, it must have been the Chen family's fault.

Today's county jail was robbed, and it has something to do with the Chen family.

The person who just pretended to be Zhao Zhisheng is the leader of the Qingshi County branch of the Immortality Sect, known as the 'Thousand-faced Man'.

No one knows his name or true face.

This person's cultivation level is not high, he is only in the flesh-refining realm, but he is very good at the art of disguise. As long as he meets anyone, he can disguise himself into that person's appearance.

What's even more frightening is that this person can also imitate the voice perfectly. Before each attack, he will carefully observe and figure out the behavior of the person being imitated, and can even remember details such as habitual movements and oral habits.

Therefore, Qianmianlang has been in the world for more than ten years and has never made a mistake.

The total number of martial arts masters who died at his hands could not be counted with two hands.

But Ling Shuang's dantian was indeed destroyed and her body was half disabled.

However, after Qianmian Lang sneaked in, he gave her a 'vitality pill' that stimulated her potential.

Qian Mianlang originally wanted to help Ling Shuang regain some of his strength with the help of Vitality Pill.

Unexpectedly, after Ling Shuang took the vitality pill, the destroyed Dantian was basically restored, and even the lost skills were restored.

So Ling Shuang took the first step, while Qianmian Lang went to deal with the traitors of the Immortality Sect.

However, Ling Shuang returned to the ground and when she saw Fang Xiu, she wanted to kill him.

Because Fang Xiu's father, Fang Xiao, once tortured an Immortal cultist to death.

That man had some connection with Ling Shuang.

Unexpectedly, Fang Xiu's strength far exceeded her expectations, and she was unable to succeed for a while.

In anger, Ling Shuang found that her body's injuries had recovered a little, and her skill increased instead of retreating.

She originally thought that this was an opportunity to break through to become a great martial artist, so she wanted to take action on Fang Xiu.

Unexpectedly, within a few rounds, she found that her injuries suddenly broke out and her vitality quickly disappeared.

In addition, the longevity energy in her body was impacted by Fang Xiu's Hunyuan energy, and there were signs of losing control.

So, she pretended to be soft and wanted to deceive Fang Xiu.

Of course, it is indeed true that she said that the person who has mastered the Hunyuan True Skill is the new leader of the Immortality Sect.

Because the Secret of Immortality is a degraded version of the Hunyuan True Kung Fu.

As long as the skill gap between the two sides does not exceed three times, Hunyuan Zhenqi can greatly suppress the longevity Zhenqi and absorb the longevity Zhenqi during the fight.

Through previous battles, Ling Shuang was sure that Fang Xiu had found the Hunyuan True Skill and had mastered it.

It is said that this technique was passed down to the first generation leader by an immortal, and it contains the secret of becoming an immortal.

All the leaders of the Immortality Sect in the past who can practice Hunyuan True Kung Fu can achieve innateness by absorbing the skills of their followers.

However, the previous leader died unexpectedly, and the original source of Hunyuan True Kung was lost.

The remaining copies were incomplete.

However, the previous generation of sect leader was so talented that he used the incomplete copy to practice Hunyuan True Skill and entered the realm of innateness.

It's a pity that for unknown reasons, the previous leader went to the Broken Soul Mountain Range in the North and never returned.

The previous leader had left a will before he left. If something unexpected happened to him, the four holy envoys would jointly take charge of the teaching affairs.

In the future, if someone can retrieve the original Hunyuan True Skill, he will be on an equal footing with the Four Holy Envoys.

Those who have mastered the Hunyuan True Skill will succeed to the position of leader.

However, after so many years, not many people would take the words of a dead man seriously.

Ling Shuang's master is a holy envoy of the Immortality Sect, and his immortality energy has lasted for more than eighty years.

She originally wanted to lure Fang Xiu to the Immortal Cult Headquarters, and then let the Holy Envoy absorb his power.

Unexpectedly, Fang Xiu didn't believe her words at all and sent her away with a sword.

"From this point of view, Hunyuan Yiqi Jue may really be an immortality cultivation technique..."

Fang Xiu thought to himself, but he was not surprised because he had made speculations about this before.

It is recorded in the Hunyuan Yiqi Jue that out of a hundred warriors who practice this technique, only one may be able to get started.

Generally speaking, no matter how difficult the internal skill is, you can always get started by spending several years, ten years, or even decades practicing it.

However, the cloth recording the Hunyuan Yiqi Jue reminds people that those without special talents will not be able to learn it until they die.

The entire Hunyuan Yiqi Jue has yet to be mastered by anyone.

I'm afraid only the immortal cultivation technique can be so harsh.

"It seems that if I want to achieve innateness in the future, the opportunity lies with the Immortality Cult."

Fang Xiu suddenly found a clear mid-term goal.

His long-term goal has always been to seek immortality.

However, although he holds the Book of Destiny, his previous conditions were poor.

The short-term goal can only be to break through the flesh barrier as soon as possible, gain the power to protect ourselves, and improve our living standards.

The mid-term goal is difficult to establish, because it is limited by resources and bones, and it is difficult to break through the muscles and bones, and it may take many years. Not to mention breaking into the blood exchange realm and becoming a Huajin Grandmaster.

As for internal strength, it takes three hundred years to become an innate master.

There is no bottleneck in the improvement of internal strength, and it will become stronger in the later stages. This is because once the skill exceeds fifty years, the quality will become higher and higher, but it is also more difficult to improve.

Now Ling Shuang's appearance has pointed out a clear path for Fang Xiu.

As long as the skill gap between the two sides does not exceed three times, the master of the Immortality Sect can be at his disposal.

In other words, as long as his combat prowess is comparable to that of a great martial artist, his skill level exceeds thirty-three years.

Then, even a great martial artist with hundreds of years of skill will become his 'charger', and his skill will belong to him and become nourishment on his innate path.

"I really didn't expect that the leader of the Immortality Cult would be myself."

Just as Fang Xiu was deep in thought, the shouts of killing outside became weaker.

Obviously this prison battle has come to an end.

Fang Xiu looked at the three fates he had just obtained, thought for a moment, and decided to first integrate the [Reflection of Light] talent into the Book of Destiny to see the specific effects.

The interval between fortune changes is forty-five days.

[Strengthen the bones] on the first page and [Die young] on the second page cannot be moved casually.

But the [Hit with Water] destiny on the third page is not that important and can be removed first.

After that, wait for another forty-five days before you can check the fate effects of [Father and Son] and [Being Rich and Unkind].

As the green light group merged into the third page of the Book of Destiny, the page glowed with green light, and the words on it also changed rapidly.

[Lord: Fang Xiu (First Level)]

[Borrower: Ling Shuang]

[Talent: Reflection]

[Grade: Green·Second Grade]

[Effect: When you are on the verge of running out of fuel, your strong will to survive will stimulate your body's potential, temporarily recover most of your injuries, and have 70% of your heyday's strength. As your body's potential is depleted, you can have up to your heyday's strength. Twice the strength. When the body's potential is exhausted, the injuries will accumulate and become irreversible. (can be improved)]

[After activating the destiny 3 times, it will disappear completely. 】

[Number of remaining activations: 2]

[Talents can be actively activated with the help of the Book of Destiny. 】

"Returning to the's a practical talent."

Fang Xiu's eyes lit up.

With the Book of Destiny, he can activate the [Reflection] talent and use it as a trump card when he is slightly injured or when his power is about to be exhausted.

There is no need to wait until he is seriously injured and dying, rely on the so-called will to survive to stimulate his potential.

Once the side effects are too great, it will be removed directly from the destiny.


Not long after, there was a rush of footsteps in the aisle above.

Fang Xiu immediately pretended to be unconscious.

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