In recent days, people in Ge Village have been trapped at home due to heavy rain.

Everyone's face was still filled with sadness.

The hot and dry days are over, but instead of good weather, we are greeted by torrential rain.

Ying Ying grass is a delicate plant that cannot survive drought, but can it still survive waterlogging?

In days of severe drought, they can still rob other villages' water wells to irrigate their own farmland in a domineering way.

But now that it's raining and the farmland is waterlogged, they can't point to God and take away the rain.

The raindrops hit the ground one after another, covering up the cries and curses coming from the houses in Gecun.

"Why are you crying? You lose money!"

A tall and thick man was raising his fists and punching the woman in front of him.

This year's income has been affected, and the man has no choice but to vent his anger on the woman who has no power to fight back.

"If you can't even give birth to a son, what's the point of spending money on you?"

The woman didn't dare to resist at all, she could only hold her head with her skinny hands and endure it silently.

Scenes like this are not uncommon in Ge Village.

Unknowingly, Li Ge had quietly surrounded Gecun with his own soil.

"No matter how many times I see this scene, I will still be shocked."

Li Ge let out a long sigh and looked at the red energy network covering the entire village with great anticipation.

With such a large-scale energy gathering, I wonder how much energy of the Swamp of Death can be harvested after swallowing them all?

While thinking, Li Ge was not idle either. He has been planning his actions non-stop for the next two days.

Li Ge wanted to massacre this village quietly.

All in all, they want to get benefits but don't want to make too much noise and cause official hostility.

The pouring rain gave Li Ge inspiration.

Accidents are most likely to occur in mountain villages during heavy rains.

Debris on the top of the mountain can easily gather into mudslides due to heavy rains, swallowing up villages at the foot of the mountain.

If you want to massacre a village silently, especially a mountain village, what is more appropriate than a natural disaster? ?

Gecun happens to be a small village located in a depression on the mountainside.

Behind the village is the hillside.

It is not far-fetched to say that a mudslide occurred here after days of heavy rain.

It’s just that Li Ge feels a little regretful. If it were to look like a natural disaster, at least the whole bodies of these villagers would be left behind.

After a disaster, the government will inevitably send out relief teams.

If the disaster relief team arrives and sees only destroyed empty houses but not a single body, they will definitely report something strange here.

The drama would be in vain.

To put on a show, Li Ge plans to leave the flesh and blood of these villagers here.

However, every villager at this time had gathered red energy balls. Relying on these alone would be enough for Li Ge to make a fortune, so there was nothing to regret.

Nowadays, the soil of the Kingdom of Life is like a network, deeply embedded in the hillside.

At the same time, the humidity control skill is activated, continuously sucking in water vapor and pouring it into the cracks of the rocks.

Underneath the crackling and rumbling sounds, there was the soft sound of rocks and grass roots breaking.

At this time, the people of Gecun were still ignorant. Those who beat their wives at home beat their wives, and those who beat their children beat their children.

The time of the full moon has arrived. A bright moon hung in the sky, but it could only shine above the thick clouds.

Under the clouds are ferocious and wanton lightning and pouring rain.

The rain slammed everything floating in the air to the ground.

After three consecutive days of heavy rain, there is no dust in the air that can be spared.

However, the red energy that is not visible to ordinary people still envelopes Ge Cun tightly. Not only is it not thin, but it is getting stronger and stronger, like blood floating in the air in the dark night.

Gecun is particularly noisy today.

In the house made of earthen wood and bricks, there were continuous sounds of crying, cursing, complaining, and the sound of things being thrown.

All the people in Gecun felt an uncontrollable anger in their hearts, burning from their stomachs to their chests and to the tips of their heads.

Even the poor woman who usually didn't dare to reply even after being beaten had a bruised nose and face, now her eyes were red.

Suddenly a scream broke through the rain.

"He killed someone! The little bitch killed someone!"

There were bright lights in a decent brick house.

The strong man fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Beneath him was a growing pool of blood.

The thin woman opposite had an expressionless face, but she was holding a sharp knife that was still bleeding.

Next to her, a skinny old lady looked horrified and screamed in a voice as hoarse as a duck.

The woman slowly turned back and looked at the place where the noise came from, her expression ferocious and twisted.

"Finally..." An expression similar to a smile appeared on the woman's twitching face, but at this time, in the eyes of the old lady, it was like a devil showing its fangs.

"What are you going to do? You killed my son! Do you still want to kill me? I told you that murder is against the law!" The old lady looked stern and tolerant, but stepped back step by step.

The woman was amused. She laughed wildly, but tears fell in clusters.

“It’s illegal to commit murder, but not illegal to commit human trafficking?”

The woman held the knife and approached step by step.

Only then did I realize that the woman was walking with a limp.

One of her legs was slightly bent, and it seemed that she had not received good treatment after it was broken, so it became deformed.

"He deserves to die, you deserve to die, and I don't want to live anymore."


Another step.

The woman stepped on the pool of blood under the man, leaving bloody shoe prints on the ground.

The knife comes out.


Submerged in the body.

The woman laughed crazily, knelt on the ground, and looked up.

His eyes penetrated the bricks and tiles and reached the boundless sky.

Outside, someone stormed out the door with a shovel.

I waded through the mud, kicked open the neighbor's door, shined my light on the neighbor's head, and patted it in a round shape.

"You dared to call me a coward last time, I'll fucking let you know if I am a coward!"

The screams were continuous, but they were smashed into silent pieces of meat one by one with the shovel.

An old man's hands trembled while eating and his clothes were stained.

The young man opposite him threw his chopsticks on the table and slapped him in the face.

"You old man, don't you like me? You keep causing me trouble every day!"

Unexpectedly, the force of this slap is surprisingly strong!

With a "bang" sound, the neck bone was broken, and the old man could no longer turn his head.

Scene after scene of similar things kept happening in every corner of the village.

The noise in the village gradually drowned out the sound of rain and thunder.

At this time, Sheng Liru walked out of her house.

She didn't hold an umbrella and let the rain wet her clothes.

Just stand in the rain and let the raindrops hit your skin fiercely.

The raindrops fell on her body mercilessly, splashing everywhere.

Sheng Liru's skin was a little painful from being slapped.

However, Sheng Liru didn't care.

Open your arms, close your eyes, and listen.

Sheng Liru is like listening to the sounds of nature from heaven.

"Yes, that's what I want."

"Yes, this is what you deserve."

Suddenly, a man's voice sounded in Sheng Liru's ears.

"Sheng Liru, leave that village immediately!"

It's Li Ge.

"Has the time come, my God?"

Sheng Liru opened her eyes, already completely satisfied.

“My goal in life has been achieved, God, you don’t need to worry about me.”

"Please do what you want."

"If I die unfortunately, you can abandon me or turn me into a ghost like Nan Nan. It's all up to you."

Li Ge was silent for a moment.

——Indeed, if Sheng Liru is allowed to leave at this time, only by giving him a few hours to leave Gecun far away can he possibly not be affected.

However, the red energy is becoming more and more powerful and has a tendency to reach the sky.

In case there are professionals nearby, it is impossible to ignore this phenomenon.

Can't wait any longer.

What's more, I, Li Ge, may not be able to keep him safe.

A trickle of water fell from the top of the mountain, collecting a small stream of soil and gravel.

During the march, new forces continued to join, turning it into a turbulent current.


Thunder exploded.


Rocks collided and trees were broken.

When the turbid current rolls down, the soil of the kingdom of life also helps in it.

The Swamp of Death is unwilling to be left alone and joins the fun.

The livestock in Ge Village suddenly became restless.

Chickens and ducks climb trees.

The yellow dog barked.

"Did you hear anything?"

"There seems to be some noise?"

"What it is?"








"Where is God? Didn't we worship God a while ago? Let him save us!"

"God! Help!"

There was a continuous cry, Li Ge, the energy of the Kingdom of Life began to soar again.

However, Li Ge looked cold.

"Be my disciple?"

Li Ge was disdainful.

"Are you worthy?"

The wall house collapsed, and someone was directly crushed underneath and swallowed by mud and water.

Someone was swept up by the torrent, rolled down the hillside, and was eventually submerged in the water, never to emerge again.

Someone barely managed to grab something around him, but was hit by a boulder rushing towards him and died on the spot.

However, Sheng Liru was gently rolled into the muddy water.

The water waves around her seemed to be alive, blocking her from all dangers that came with the rapid current.

Li Ge stared at her.

At this time, this woman was wearing thin clothes. Due to the rain, they clung tightly to her exquisite body, revealing a bit of flesh color.

Due to the impact of the water flow, the clothes on his upper body were loose and messy, and one shoulder was exposed.

Sheng Liru didn't care at all.

"Is it you? God."

Sheng Liru felt the gentle water flow.

"It's me." The voice sounded in Sheng Liru's heart.

Under this horrific and cruel scene, both of their voices were filled with relaxed smiles.

"It's not an exaggeration to say this scene is hell." Li Ge joked casually.

Sheng Liru smiled softly.

"But, God, in my heart, this is heaven."

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