Start extracting talents from Siberian tigers

Chapter 494 Cyber ​​Invasion

This is a completely virtual world, very similar to the Law Arena.

It's just that the consciousness data of the mechanical race connected to it can be used to do whatever they want by purchasing permissions.

This seems to be a very good design, but it is actually extremely terrible, because hidden behind it is extremely terrible krypton gold.

Just like playing an online game that costs money, the mechanical race without money only has the most basic permissions here, and it is completely difficult to move forward.

However, the mechanical tribe after the krypton gold can do whatever they want in the exclusive entertainment network with their super high authority.

This situation made Lin Tianwei sigh with emotion. Even in this era of the universe, krypton gold is still the mainstream.

It still determines the treatment of even the mechanical beings who are machines.

Although he obtained basic permissions, Lin Tianwei did not intend to use the basic permissions to do anything in the exclusive entertainment network.

His purpose was not here. To quietly complete the cyber invasion and tame all these mechanical races into cyber souls that continuously provide him with energy is what Lin Tianwei urgently needs to do.

While at the Law Hunting Ground, under extremely special circumstances, with the assistance of the control collar, Lin Tianwei completed the feat of absorbing hundreds of millions of cyber souls.

Relying on the special ability of digitizing consciousness, Lin Tianwei is able to collect the energy generated by the operation of these cyber consciousnesses, continuously strengthen himself, and make himself more powerful.

It's a pity that in order to confront Jinas, who has been promoted to the Lord of the Universe, Lin Tianwei finally had to self-destruct all the cyber souls to gain powerful power.

Although he finally won the battle with the Lord of the Universe, the cyber souls he had just harvested were exhausted, leaving very little.

In order to obtain more powerful power, Lin Tianwei had to find a way to quickly replenish the cyber soul.

It’s a pity that the cosmic behemoths living on the hunting ground of laws are extremely special beings.

They had been put on control collars countless years ago, and had even completely integrated the control collars into their consciousness.

It is precisely because of this that their consciousness has some data characteristics, so they can be tamed by Lin Tianwei into cyber consciousness.

They had died the moment they were controlled by the control collar, and all that survived was a control collar that inherited their name.

The data and consciousness existing in the control collar are their true identities.

It is precisely because the experimental products of the Law Hunting Ground have such extremely special characteristics that they can become cyber souls who help Lin Tianwei work.

Also limited by this trait, Lin Tianwei is simply unable to tame the consciousness and souls of ordinary cosmic beasts and let them become cyber consciousnesses that work for him.

Give up a path to becoming stronger that you have finally found? This is not Lin Tianwei's style.

So he quickly found a suitable replacement, which was the mechanical race active in the chaotic universe.

The mechanical race with data as its soul consciousness is born with this quality, and it can even be said to be purer than the test subjects in the law hunting ground.

It was under this situation that Lin Tianwei came up with the idea of ​​taming the mechanical race and making them become cyber souls who worked for him.

This is one of the main purposes for him coming to the alien battlefield.

However, in the early stages of the siege, I don't know whether it was because there were relatively few novice villages of the mechanical tribe, or because Lin Tianwei was unlucky and had not encountered a novice village of the mechanical tribe for a long time, which is why he started to implement this plan now.

Digitalization of consciousness!

This magical talent can turn Lin Tianwei's consciousness into data, giving him the opportunity to compete with the mechanical race on the data level.

Even because Lin Tianwei's current body is inherently talented between reality and reality, he can perfectly exert the power of any talent.

He can even use the power of this area of ​​his body to enhance the data intensity of his consciousness after it is digitized.

Coupled with the talent of approving codes with bug-like abilities, this cyber invasion was far smoother than Lin Tianwei imagined.

The invasion has begun!

In fact, the moment Lin Tianwei accessed the exclusive entertainment network, the invasion had already begun in an orderly manner.

Under the influence of the talent of external incarnation, Lin Tianwei directly transformed into thousands of viruses that can invade the consciousness of the machine race, and began to carry out this cyber invasion that was enough to harvest the data souls of all the machine race!

Those mechanical tribes who are immersed in their exclusive entertainment network never imagined that one day the enemy would launch an invasion from their exclusive network, their internal network.

While they were enjoying the special entertainment activities of the mechanical tribe, Lin Tianwei directly transformed into a cyber ghost and launched an attack on them.

I have to say that the Law Hunting Ground is really good, and it dropped a lot of excellent resources to Lin Tianwei.

Especially after the control collar was analyzed by Lin Tianwei, it gave him extremely powerful control capabilities.

This treasure that originally belonged to the Machine Tribe is now very handy in dealing with the Machine Tribe.

Coupled with other core codes that Lin Tianwei had obtained previously that could suppress the mechanical tribe, these mechanical tribes who lived happily in the exclusive entertainment world were quickly captured by Lin Tianwei and became part of Lin Tianwei's power.

The virtual world that was originally made up of a large amount of data and prepared as a test product for the Law Hunting Ground has now become a pasture for the cyber souls of these mechanical races.

They will not only continuously produce energy for Lin Tianwei, making Lin Tianwei's strength even stronger.

They can also sacrifice themselves at critical moments, allowing Lin Tianwei's strength to have an extremely terrifying explosion.

As long as Lin Tianwei sacrifices enough cyber souls, he can even briefly possess power comparable to that of the God King.

Of course, this is just a prospect for the distant future. A mere mechanical novice village is far from enough for Lin Tianwei to have such a powerful force.

He must harvest more data consciousness of the mechanical race to achieve this feat that no beast can do.

As time goes by, the Lin Tianwei cyber virus invades, and more and more mechanical races are harvested by Lin Tianwei and become cyber souls grazed in Lin Tianwei's virtual pasture.

The universe level has fallen!

The world master level has fallen!

The domain master level has fallen!

The honor master level has fallen!

In just half a day, this paradise that originally belonged to the mechanical race has almost completely fallen.

Only three mechanical races with strength reaching the level of the master of the universe are still lucky enough to survive and still enjoy their own happy time.

Although they were sent by Barota to guard the alien race's # 512 Novice Village, it does not mean that they need to stay outside all the time.

The strong strength is enough for them to quickly return to their bodies after hearing any disturbance and launch the most fierce attack on the enemy.

What's more, absorbing data itself is one of the unique cultivation methods of the mechanical race.

While enjoying it, their own data will continue to increase, truly realizing happiness and becoming stronger.

It's just that only the top mechanical race can have such treatment. Only they have the financial resources to roam in the exclusive entertainment network without restraint and enjoy the highest level of VIP services.

As the exclusive entertainment network was completely eroded by Lin Tianwei, the mechanical race with strength lower than the Lord of the Universe was completely absorbed. Now it is time for a decisive battle.

With a thought, Lin Tianwei, who had transformed into countless cyber viruses, instantly broke into pieces and recovered to his peak state.

The next person to face is the master of the universe of the mechanical race. Even if Lin Tianwei has the core code that can restrain the mechanical race, he must not be careless.

In the world of data, the speed of data flow determines the speed of Lin Tianwei's actions.

This speed seems very fast, but in fact it has great limitations, at least it is completely unable to complete operations such as teleportation in the real universe.

But it doesn't matter, Lin Tianwei can afford to wait for this time.

After two and a half seconds of data flow, Lin Tianwei finally came to the first prey.

This is a mechanical race cosmic beast named Simone, who is now communicating intimately with a piece of data.

With the fusion, interweaving and confrontation of data, his own data strength is gradually getting stronger.

It is this extremely slow speed of strengthening, and it may take a very long time for him to make a breakthrough.

As a powerful mechanical warrior, Simone is made of powerful Denilu alloy.

Although he does not have the ability of ordinary universe masters to transform into the universe, he can rely on the special properties of the fusion of Denilu alloy and consciousness data to fight against the universe giant beast of the third level of the universe master.

Even in the battlefield of alien races where strong people are everywhere, he is definitely a strong man.

However, Simone never dreamed that Lin Tianwei, who he had been waiting for for a long time, did not have a hearty hand-to-hand fight with him, but instead directly attacked him in an extremely outrageous way through data invasion.

You must know that this is the field of data, the field that the mechanical race is best at. Lin Tianwei's behavior is completely considered to have stolen the mechanical race's home.


That is the sound of electric currents interlacing and data blending.

Simone, who was immersed in the beautiful data exchange, suddenly felt a huge pressure, forcing him to exit the friendly data exchange mode.

"Who is the blind guy who dares to disturb me? Aren't you afraid of death?"

Simone was extremely angry when his good deeds were disturbed, and he immediately cursed.

From the frequent jumps of the data, Simone must have cursed very dirty.

However, Simone soon stopped talking, because he was horrified to find that it was not the existence of any of his own data that disturbed him, but a group of extremely powerful unfamiliar data.

Not only that, this group of unfamiliar data surrounded him with its super data volume, and actually formed a siege around him with an absolute data advantage.

How is this possible? He is a mechanical race with the strength of the third level of the Lord of the Universe. Who else can have such a huge amount of data that can crush him?

Although he felt a slight crisis, Simone still pretended to be calm and asked loudly:

"Who is the senior, why do you do something that is so easy to cause misunderstanding?"

"Senior, please quickly put away your magical powers. If you really have something to do, let's sit down and have a good talk."

Lin Tianwei's strength seems to be weaker than Simone, but in terms of data volume, he has an absolute advantage in this battle.

With the blessing of many talents, Lin Tianwei's data volume includes not only his consciousness, but also his extremely powerful body of talent.

And Simone?

His strength seems to be stronger than Lin Tianwei, but in the virtual world, he can only use his own core data.

The powerful force contained in his powerful Denilu alloy body could not be transferred to the virtual world at all.

In this case, facing the war at the data level, Simone was in an absolutely weak position.

In addition to the countless mechanical cyber souls that Lin Tianwei had just captured, Lin Tianwei's power in the virtual world was far stronger than Simone imagined.

Sit down and talk?

Simone's words almost made Lin Tianwei laugh out loud. His intention to devour the other party was so obvious, and the other party actually had such a naive idea.

Thinking of this, the huge data flow representing Lin Tianwei became more condensed, like a huge mouth of the abyss, intending to swallow Simone directly.

In the face of absolute crushing power, Lin Tianwei did not need to do too much extra work. He only needed to swallow Simone and transform him into his own lamb.

Fear, panic, fear!

In this battle between data, Lin Tianwei made Simone feel his overwhelming power from the beginning.

The data flow battle between the two actually decided the winner in an instant.

The data belonging to Simone was constantly devoured and transformed by Lin Tianwei, and instantly transformed into his own power.

This is the terrible thing about the data war. The data will not be erased or offset, but will only continue to become the power of the winner.

This is also the reason why the mechanical tribe never exchanges data with the tribe members.

If you are not careful, the weak will be devoured by the strong without leaving any residue.

Feeling his own data constantly lost, Simone's eyes were full of fear. Even so, he was still very tough and threatened:

"No, how dare you do that in the exclusive entertainment network?"

"You are breaking the law and completely violating the orders of the Mechanical God King."

"Even if you barely gain more powerful power by devouring me, you will definitely not escape the sanctions of the Mechanical God King."

"You will die without a burial place!"

"Let me go, return the data that originally belonged to me, and hand over 50% of your data to apologize, and I may be able to forgive you for violating the orders of the Mechanical God King."

Although Simone's voice was trembling, his words threatening Lin Tianwei were still very powerful.

This is not because he has lost his mind, but simply because he has confidence in the sanctions of the Mechanical God King he mentioned.

It is precisely because of the rules set by the Mechanical God King that so many mechanical people dare to travel freely in the exclusive entertainment network.

A large part of the expensive Internet access fee is the protection fee of the Mechanical God King. (End of this chapter)

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