Although Lin Tianwei is generous, he is not blindly generous. Beating a stick and then giving a sweet date is the most basic routine to win the heart of the beast.

The reason for doing so is to increase the loyalty of the Phoenix Bird.

He has a hunch that it is not realistic to control the Phoenix Bird by its origin alone.

Only by truly making the other party surrender can he get this capable helper in front of him.

Anyway, for Lin Tianwei, although he needs the Heart of the Sea of ​​Heaven, he is not so anxious.

After all, he has not yet comprehended enough books of laws and is fully prepared to build a gifted body.

He only needs to wait until everything is ready before exchanging for a Heart of the Sea of ​​Heaven, which is completely acceptable to Lin Tianwei.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei waved his hand and said indifferently: "You also know that this Tianhai Heart is mine."

"You have no right to ask how to control my things. Your only choice is to accept it."

"You have to take what I give you whether you want it or not."

Facing the domineering attitude shown by Lin Tianwei, Phoenix Bird did not feel offended at all. Instead, he felt that a strong man like Lin Tianwei should be so domineering.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally took the Tianhai Heart.

He really needed this treasure that could improve his life level a little too much.

Of course, he would not let Lin Tianwei suffer a loss. After hesitating for a moment, he said:

"I dare not refuse the gift from Lord Lin."

"It just so happens that I still have 100 million points in the Rule Arena, which can be presented to Lord Lin."

"Only when Lin Tianwei becomes more powerful can I, as a follower, have a future."

Phoenix Bird had a good idea and tried to use the 100 million points to offset Lin Tianwei's gift, but he underestimated Lin Tianwei's magnanimity.

The seemingly tempting 100 million points were not enough to move Lin Tianwei, and he waved his hand and refused:

"How could I possibly want something from my subordinates?"

"You are so eager to obtain a heart of the sea, which means that you are also at a critical moment of condensing your body."

"With the secret treasure exchanged for 100 million points, your success rate of condensing your body this time will be higher."

"No need to refuse, it's just 100 million points, I don't care at all."

"Okay, I have something else to do, and I don't have time to delay here."

"You become stronger as soon as possible, so strong that you are barely qualified to help me, this is the best reward for me."

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei no longer hesitated and directly started the recovery program of Miguier.

Although he has been exposed now, it is still extremely difficult to find a quiet place to practice in a short time.

It is better to continue to stay in the black cube and continue to hide in the space of the black cube.

After this battle, Rocky has completely established a foothold in the Lotus slave market.

The cosmic beast that controls Miguier at that time is also very likely to be him.

In addition, all the cosmic beasts participating in the siege except for his own beast have been annihilated, and the black magic cube space is safer than finding a random place outside.

The most important thing is that there is a competition waiting for him to participate.


He dared to play tricks on me, so I will let him taste the taste of being played.

Just like that, with the reappearance of the black magic cube, Lin Tianwei's figure quickly disappeared, and finally only a majestic figure was left to the Phoenix Bird.

As for the cosmic beasts such as Rocky?

As early as the moment Lin Tianwei left the field, they had been asked to retreat first.

The battle between the realm master-level powerhouse and the domain-level powerhouse is not a battle they can get involved in.

There is no need to target them, even a little residual power is enough to crush them to pieces, just like what happened to Dov and Warner.

Their life and death are completely between Lin Tianwei and the Phoenix Bird.

Looking at Lin Tianwei who finally disappeared into the void, Phoenix Bird did not come back to his senses for a long time, as if he wanted to imprint Lin Tianwei's back in his eyes.

What a powerful and majestic existence, and extremely kind.

Phoenix Bird felt that the most correct thing he had done in his life might be to surrender quickly enough.

Being able to follow Lin Tianwei was definitely the greatest blessing in his life.

Back in the black cube space, Lin Tianwei was watching the battle, watching his own competition.

Looking at the two cosmic beasts that were almost motionless on the screen, Lin Tianwei's brain was running fast, trying to find a way out of the desperate situation.

Regardless of Chaos's strength, his time deceleration talent was simply disgusting to the extreme.

Giving Lin Tianwei such a sudden attack wasted a lot of Lin Tianwei's time.

If it weren't for the collision with the Rocky spaceship, Lin Tianwei might not have realized his situation and thought that this competition had just begun.

But he didn't know that he had already wasted countless years in the competition.

It's just knowing, if Lin Tianwei wants to break the situation, he still has to think of a way.

Otherwise, even if he goes online with his top account, he will just face the same situation.

Domain? Beast King Domain?

As his most powerful power at this stage, Lin Tianwei subconsciously thought of his Beast King Domain.

However, whether the Beast King Domain can resist the influence of the time deceleration talent is still unknown.

Time acceleration, speed explosion.

Perhaps this is the answer to solve the problem.

Lin Tianwei's time acceleration talent may not be as powerful as Chaos, but it can eliminate some of the effects of time deceleration on himself.

Coupled with the speed burst talent, he can move freely under the time deceleration talent, at least barely have a little right to move.

At that time, he only needs to use his own domain power, and when Chaos is full of ambition, launch a fatal attack on him, then he can easily win this competition.

No, time acceleration cannot be used.

As a legendary time behemoth, Lin Tianwei does not think that Chaos will be insensitive to the power of the time system.

Using the power of time acceleration in front of him? What's the difference between that and playing with a big knife in front of Guan Gong?

Talent: Charge burst (superb)!

Although this talent is much worse than the time acceleration talent, it can barely provide some help for Lin Tianwei.

The plan is in place, and the next step is the execution stage.

It is not advisable to go online with the top account. The time deceleration talent that can even slow down consciousness will only put Lin Tianwei in a passive position.

After thinking about it, Lin Tianwei felt that he could control the character he offered offline.

Just like playing a game, he manipulated his body in the Law Arena offline.

In this way, his consciousness would not be affected by the slowdown of time at all, and he could make the most correct judgment at the critical moment and win the competition in one fell swoop.

Do it as soon as he said it.

Under the effect of talent: core code (supernormal) and talent: consciousness dataization (supernormal), Lin Tianwei realized the magical operation of reverse control of the role in the Law Arena.

Under his control, the role that belonged to him had begun to awaken quietly, accumulating his own power bit by bit.

Just waiting to make a splash at the most critical moment and explode directly.

The opposite Chaos was no different, still performing this pantomime by himself, playing with Lin Tianwei, who was like a toy in his eyes.

It was just that without any cosmic beasts noticing, a ray of dark light had quietly condensed and gradually wrapped Lin Tianwei's body.

The field of destruction, that was the power of the field of destruction!

Chaos did not make any moves now, but Lin Tianwei was not stupid enough to think that the other party was a fool.

The target of the Beast King Domain is too big, and it is difficult not to attract the attention of the opponent.

If you want to backstab the opponent at the most critical moment, you must use a more secret energy.

Using the power of the Destruction Domain in the chaotic domain full of destructive power is the best choice.

In order not to attract the attention of Chaos, Lin Tianwei was extremely cautious in mobilizing his power.

This led to him using it for a full half a year to barely accumulate the power to launch a strike against Chaos.

He only had one chance to strike, and if he failed, he had to surrender.

Although winning streaks are important, wasting time and Chaos here is the stupidest thing.

With this time, Lin Tianwei can even complete several matches and earn hundreds of millions of points.

My heart follows my movement!

Lin Tianwei, who was performing a pantomime, suddenly moved.

The raging black flame representing the Destruction Domain instantly covered Lin Tianwei's entire body, allowing him to briefly have the ability to counter the time deceleration talent.

This was just the first step of the plan. The next moment, Lin Tianwei rushed towards Chaos, who had not yet realized that he had been exposed, like a cannonball.

Lin Tianwei had a good grasp of the timing and chose to attack at the moment when Chaos's vigilance was reduced to the extreme.


The ferocious bear paw slapped Chaos' face without any surprise, and immediately deformed Chaos's slightly resolute face.

The destruction domain that originally covered Lin Tianwei's body took the opportunity to climb onto Chaos' body and began to burn with his body as fuel.

Facing this cosmic beast that could play with time, even Lin Tianwei did not dare to be careless.

He released his most powerful power as soon as he came.

Only the power of the domain, the power that can change the rules, can limit Chaos' power to play with time.

Not only that, Lin Tianwei began to gather power again at the moment of successful attack, the power of the beast king domain.

In order to achieve the ultimate killing effect, he even started to burn his life like a phoenix.

Either live or die, this is Lin Tianwei's determination.

At the moment of being burned by the destruction field, Chaos realized that something was wrong and realized that he was fooled by Lin Tianwei.

It turned out that the opponent had already seen through his routine. Instead of directly counterattacking him, he used his arrogance to carefully weave a big net against him.


Chaos's eyes turned red because of anger.

Some cosmic beasts are so strange. They can allow themselves to fool other cosmic beasts, but they don't allow other cosmic beasts to fool them in the same way.

Before Chaos could release the power of the time field, the next moment, a majestic beast roar sounded in his mind.

In an instant, he seemed to see a golden and black figure rushing towards him, and he could bite off his beast roar with just one bite and bury his life.

This is Lin Tianwei's beast king field, a field that is enough to make all beasts surrender.

However, Chaos is extremely powerful, and even the Beast King's domain can only barely control him for a moment.

However, this one moment difference was enough to kill Hun Dun.

It was during this moment that the already terrifying Destruction Domain soared to a terrifying level.

Like a demon transformed from the Flame of Destruction, it completely devoured Hun Dun in an instant.

Hun Dun did indeed control the power of time, but he was powerless against such a terrifying Destruction Domain in front of him.

Having missed the best time to counterattack, he could no longer return the Destruction Domain that was enough to set the prairie on fire to its state before it was generated.

Whether it was time acceleration or time deceleration, he could not find a way out under the blockade of the Destruction Domain.

If he had used the Time Domain to fight Lin Tianwei head-on from the beginning, he might not have lost so badly.

But the moment he gave up the Time Domain and planned to play with Lin Tianwei in this way, his defeat was doomed.

Even without Rocky's help, Lin Tianwei would soon realize that something was wrong.

It was only a matter of time to break free from the shackles of Hun Dun.

At the moment when Chaos was completely burned out, a pair of ancient eyes slowly opened in the void.

Dead? The shadow left behind by himself is dead?

Although he only reversed time and left a shadow less than a hundred years old.

But under the blessing of the bug-like time field, ordinary cosmic beasts have no chance of winning.

Perhaps, even if he searches the entire universe, he can't find a few who can defeat him.

After all, some natural strong hitters are so unreasonable.

Soon, the news about this competition was transmitted to the consciousness of Chaos through the time gap.

Lin? It's an interesting opponent.

It's a pity that he is too young.

I just hope you can attract my attention a little bit after billions of years.

Thinking of this, Chaos closed his eyes again.

Time is worthless to him, but it is also the most precious treasure.

When there is no important matter, he will stay in the long river of time and collect a treasure called Sand of Time.

The Sand of Time contains a lot of time laws, which can make Chaos more powerful.

Unfortunately, the long river of time contains infinite power, even Chaos, who is a time monster, dare not easily get involved.

It is extremely difficult to obtain the Sand of Time, otherwise Chaos would not have to stay in the long river of time all day and all night.

However, the effort is worth it, and every move of Chaos has the power to destroy the world.

I just don't know which lucky person will get the chance to face Chaos next time. (End of this chapter)

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