After sweeping his mental power across the entire Blue Star, Lin Tianwei discovered that everything on the Blue Star was going according to his own ideas.

There was only one thing that was beyond Lin Tianwei's expectations.

That was the spacecraft that was carrying a large amount of Blue Star biological genes and Lin Tianwei's flesh and blood and fled into the space, but it actually lost contact.

The loss of contact with the spacecraft also meant that they could not receive the news that Blue Star had been rescued by Lin Tianwei and could return.

They can only get lost in the vast universe until they find a harbor enough for them to live.

Lin Tianwei didn't care at all about the genes of those Blue Star creatures.

He only cares about the flesh and blood he left behind as his back-up man.

Unfortunately, this is no longer something he can decide now.

Right now, he doesn't have enough control over the universe.

Shaking his head, Lin Tianwei decided to give up on the spaceship.

He has more important things to do now, which is to become stronger quickly.

Although there was still time, Lin Tianwei could not help squandering it at will.

If you really wait until the enemy is at your doorstep to become stronger, it will be too late.

Looking at his newly acquired powerful talent, Lin Tianwei felt that it was time for him to go to space and take a look.

Find ways to become stronger in space.

But before leaving Blue Star for space, Lin Tianwei still has one thing to do.

Back to Tiger King Farm!

To be precise, I went to meet Barrios, a being who provided me with some weak origins.

The preciousness of the origin can be seen from the behavior of the incarnation of the star-devouring beast.

But Barrios was able to provide Lin Tianwei with his origin, which is absolutely incredible.

Considering that Barrios had made Lin Tianwei feel a sense of crisis, Lin Tianwei decided to find out the truth of the matter.

Thinking of this, talent: Displacement (extraordinary) is activated!

Lin Tianwei's body instantly switched with No. 4's and came to the Temple of the Tiger King.

Smelling the familiar scent, Lin Tianwei relaxed a lot.

However, just when he returned,

An origin floating in the air seemed to have found its target, and like a baby swallow returning to its nest, it rushed towards Lin Tianwei crazily.

Although the quantity is very rare, it is not even as large as an ordinary light bulb when condensed.

But the terrifying energy contained in it made Lin Tianwei dare not underestimate it.

Looking along the source of the source, Lin Tianwei discovered Barrios as expected.

This human being with magical powers.

But he saw Barrios kneeling on the ground devoutly, praying continuously to the statue representing Lin Tianwei.

Prayers were rhythmically read from Barrios' mouth.

Wisps of faint threads of origin turned into reality, surrounding Barrios.

When there are enough of them, they will gather into one point and fly towards Lin Tianwei's direction.

Although there are very few origins generated through Barrios' prayer each time, it cannot withstand Barrios's continuous prayers and endless prayers.

In this case, Lin Tianwei can always provide some valuable sources.

As for the original generation logic, Lin Tianwei only has a vague guess for the time being.

Maybe it has something to do with ethereal things like spirit and will.

This can be seen from the talent possessed by the Star Swallowing Behemoth: Guiyuan (myth).

This is a talent that abandons the physical body as an impurity and completely condenses the biological will into its origin.

It's a pity that Lin Tianwei still has too little information about the origin, and he is unable to make the most correct judgment on the origin.

Or maybe the vast majority of living things in the universe don’t know the true meaning of their origin.

Even the strong ones who are able to condense the origin, many only know it but don't know why.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Tianwei finally decided to give up exploring the secrets of Barrios.

This may be a powerful talent, but for Lin Tianwei now, killing Barrios to obtain this talent is a bit like killing the goose that lays the egg.

Instead, it would be better to let Barrios become a tool to provide himself with the source.

When his lifespan is about to come to an end, he will harvest Barrios's life again.

This may be the best way to get the best of both worlds.

After all, Barrios' origins can be considered a help.

And if Barrios' talent itself is an auxiliary talent that condenses the essence, then it will be completely useless to Lin Tianwei unless there are special circumstances.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei immediately started to feast.

This is the benefit of having subordinates.

Lin Tianwei did not need to spend time hunting. Before he returned to the farm, a large amount of rich food had been prepared for him.

All he had to do was open his mouth and enjoy the delicious food.

Even after the ravages of the incarnation of the Star-Eating Beast, the Tiger King Farm still looked as quiet and peaceful as it once did.

Faced with the almost unsolvable secret of returning to the origin, the people living in the Tiger King's farm were not afraid at all.

No one even chose to run away.

At the most critical moment of this battle, they chose to stand with Lin Tianwei.

They firmly believe that the Tiger King they believe in will lead them to victory.

Even if Lin Tianwei fails, it is a blessing for them to be able to face destruction with Lin Tianwei.

This is also the key to the rapid operation of Tiger King Farm.

It has never been paralyzed, so why does it take time to get back up and running?


Their hopes were not disappointed.

Lin Tianwei finally completely defeated the incarnation of the Galactus behemoth before the death ripples reached the Tiger King Farm, and won the battle that related to the fate of Blue Star.

But the delicious food in front of him made Lin Tianwei frown.

too slow.

Too little.

So inefficient!

Facing Lin Tianwei, who had upgraded his talent: Charged Cells and talent: Super Multiplier to the king level, the mountains of food in front of him could no longer meet his needs.

It can even be said that even if he keeps eating, eating all the time, it will take a long, long time to meet the needs of this body.

After all, Lin Tianwei's peak length was a full 300,000 meters.

Maybe even eating all the creatures on the Blue Star wouldn't satisfy his appetite.

After all, Blue Star, which had been ravaged by the incarnation of the Star-Eating Beast, no longer had much food.

Plus the loss of energy conversion.

Once Lin Tianwei starts eating unscrupulously, Blue Star's already collapsed ecological chain will be destroyed.

Although Lin Tianwei is very strong now, he has never had the talent to digest inorganic substances such as rocks.

What's more, even if he could digest it, the taste of this food was really hard for Lin Tianwei to swallow.

Maybe I should look for new foods?

Talent: The signal from Danger Sense (Legendary) told Lin Tianwei that danger was close at hand, and he did not have much time to become stronger step by step.

Then the only thing that can solve Lin Tianwei's current predicament is the talent of Swallowing Stars.

Devour the planet to obtain the origin!

Although doing this will not fill Lin Tianwei's stomach.

But the source has many wonderful functions, and replenishing energy for one's own body is only the most superficial one.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei suddenly had the idea of ​​going to space to try his talent: swallowing stars (myth).

What's more, Lin Tianwei now also really wants to know whether he can move freely in space now that he is so strong.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianwei opened his mouth and swallowed the awakened goat in front of him.

He gave an order to Euro, who was waiting fearfully in the distance:

"The farm is your base, but it is definitely not your end."

"I no longer need you to provide me with food."

"Go out and lead Blue Star back to its full of vitality."

"Implement my will!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Tianwei's huge body disappeared in the Tiger King Temple.

That was when he used his talent again: Transposition (Transcendence), and replaced his body back with Sakura Island.

What he needs to do next is to experiment with Lin Tianwei's new power.

Experimenting with new powers on your own territory is the stupidest idea.

If you are not careful, you may take out the entire Tiger King Farm.

Seeing Lin Tianwei disappearing again, Ou Luo's inner panic finally eased a little.

The cunning rabbit dies and the lackey is cooked.

When the birds are gone, the good bow is hidden!

This is a lesson learned from blood, and it is very suitable for the situation at Tiger King Farm.

Lin Tianwei has become powerful enough to suppress the entire Blue Star by himself.

Even before the incarnation of the Star Swallowing Beast appeared, Lin Tianwei already had such terrifying strength.

Not to mention Lin Tianwei, who became even more powerful after defeating the incarnation of the Star Swallowing Beast.

After all, it was just simple eating, without any movements or words.

It was enough to make Euro feel tremendous pressure.

Especially when Ouluo saw obvious dissatisfaction with the food in Lin Tianwei's eyes, this pressure reached its peak.

Lin Tianwei was already dissatisfied with the food they presented.

That also means that they no longer have value to Lin Tianwei.

Euro knows better than others what will happen to a worthless person.

At this time, it is very easy to understand that the friendly true god shows his ferocious teeth and turns into an evil god to take action against believers.


Lord Tiger King is a true god and has never done anything like this.

Gave a task to Euro.

A task that seemed completely meaningless to Euro.

The prosperity of Blue Star seems to have nothing to do with Lord Tiger King.

Perhaps Lord Tiger King was just too kind and couldn't bear to see Blue Star fall into such horrific suffering.

Or maybe you just want your followers to stop being confused and find something to do for your followers.

No matter what the truth is, Ou Luo only knows that he can still continue to serve Lin Tianwei.

Continue to surrender to Lin Tianwei's power.

This is definitely an extremely honorable thing for him and the entire Tiger King Farm.

As for leading the entire Blue Star to regain its vitality?

This mission, which seemed to gain great power, had little appeal to Euro.

Being able to help Lin Tianwei is his greatest honor.

I don’t know, or maybe I don’t care what everyone on the farm thinks.

Seeing the peaceful Sakura Island restored, Lin Tianwei began to unleash his terrifying mental power.

Start pulling your body to free yourself from the shackles of gravity.

Name: Lin Tianwei;

Race: Siberian tiger;

Gender: male;

Attributes: Strength 130,000, Constitution 110,000, Agility 100,000, Mental Strength 120,000;

Physical condition: 100% (perfect);

Talents: Swallowing Stars (myth), Returning to Origin (myth), Infection (myth), Incarnation (myth), Body of a Behemoth (myth), Origin Control (myth);

Danger Sense (Legendary);

Super multiplication (king), charging cells (king), mental power (king);

Strong smell (extraordinary), enhanced mental power (extraordinary), burst of speed (extraordinary), power of life and death (extraordinary), animal spirit (extraordinary), spirit of nature (extraordinary), muscle strengthening (extraordinary), strength enhancement (extraordinary) , water fighting ability (extraordinary), electric current release (extraordinary), self-healing ability (extraordinary), charged cells (extraordinary), super doubling (extraordinary), energy storage (extraordinary), blood descendant (extraordinary), strengthening (extraordinary) ), body of steel (extraordinary), tiger power (extraordinary), flexibility (extraordinary), agility (extraordinary), sharp claws (extraordinary), sharp teeth (extraordinary), enhanced bite force (extraordinary), durability (extraordinary), rapid growth (extraordinary), fearlessness (extraordinary), vision (extraordinary), spiritual food (extraordinary), charge burst (extraordinary), incarnation of all things (extraordinary), spiritual contract (extraordinary), animal transformation (extraordinary), complete metamorphosis (Super), Rejuvenation (Super), Poison (Super), Sonic (Super), Tenacity (Super), Stealth (Super), Feigned Death (Super), Climb (Super), Jump (Super), Flexible Limbs (Super), Mouth (Super), Water Control (Super), Anesthesia Resistance (Super), Electricity Immunity (Super), Poison Resistance (Super), Regeneration of Broken Limbs (Super), Needle Tail (Super), Hind Limbs Strengthening (extraordinary), piercing (extraordinary), flexible tongue (extraordinary), energy absorption (extraordinary), atomic breath (extraordinary).

It must be said that although the incarnation of the Star Swallowing Beast was extremely dangerous, it also gave Lin Tianwei who defeated him extremely terrifying gains.

If it weren't for the existence of the star-devouring giant beast, Lin Tianwei would never have been able to obtain such a terrible harvest.

In a very short period of time, he accumulated his talents to an extremely terrifying level.

The lowest talents have been upgraded to the extraordinary level by Lin Tianwei, which can be said to be a super harvest.

If there is no incarnation of the star-devouring beast on the Blue Star.

Although Lin Tianwei can easily dominate, the talents he can harvest are very few, and his attributes cannot be so explosive.

Perhaps if he wants to enter space, he can only choose an idea similar to that of an astronaut and rely on mankind's increasingly developed high technology.

But how could Lin Tianwei trust humans who were naturally opposed to him?

This is destined to be an irreconcilable contradiction.

His future may also end with this tiny blue star.

How could it be the same as now? The three-dimensional attributes have reached such a terrifying level that tens of thousands are used as units.

Not only that, even the body of the incarnation of the Star-Eating Beast is a treasure.

The large amount of essence contained in it is simply the most nourishing tonic for Lin Tianwei.

Under the influence of Talent: Mental Moderate Amount (Extraordinary), Lin Tianwei's mental power attribute skyrocketed again, reaching a terrifying 120,000.

Such terrifying mental power gave Lin Tianwei an idea.

An idea to physically travel across the universe.

And now, what he has to do is to realize this idea!

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