Start extracting talents from Siberian tigers

Chapter 239 Excellent psychological quality

Thinking of this, MacArthur already had a realization in his heart, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and he said:

"In that case, we should not be thinking about surrender or death."

"But we should think about how to surrender faster and better."

"After all, they are both human beings. To the Tiger King, there is definitely a difference between closeness and distance."

Thinking of this, Euro's figure suddenly appeared in MacArthur's mind.

This damn lucky guy may even have a higher voice than himself in the future.

It makes people so jealous that their eyes turn red.

Faced with MacArthur's words, Etna did not speak.

Although the truth is this, it really shouldn't be said in such a big way.

It might be better to be more reserved.

But he obviously underestimated MacArthur's determination.

After receiving no reply from Etna, MacArthur continued to talk to himself:

"This war may have been a mistake from the beginning."

"If we hadn't sought death, King Tiger might not have done such an outrageous thing."

"The only good thing is that King Tiger is a very benevolent ruler."

"Under his blessing, most people may be able to live a much happier life than before."

At this point, MacArthur sighed.

Although he is the leader of the United States, in terms of ability, he is far from inferior to Lin Tianwei.

At least judging from Tiger King Farm, the people living there are much happier than they are.

But this is not entirely a question of MacArthur's ability.

Human affairs are always very complicated, with infinite factors to consider.

Many times, it is not as simple and crude as Lin Tianwei's rule.

Coupled with the role of faith in stabilizing people's hearts, this has allowed Tiger King Farm to unite as one and develop to its current level.

Speaking of the Tiger King's kindness, Etna felt the same way.

After all, Tiger King Farm has always been his key monitoring target, so he naturally knows the people and things there very well.

The people who live in Tiger King Farm live a good life, and it is almost like they are in the New World.

Only a small number of people in the entire Blue Star can enjoy a similar life.

He really couldn't understand why the Tiger King protected these idiots.

For the meager food?

Or is it for the illusory belief?

Etna didn't know the answer, but that didn't stop him from thinking that surrendering to the Tiger King was not a bad thing.

But then he seemed to have remembered something, his face instantly became frightened, and he said:

"Is there a possibility that the reason why Tiger King has always protected Tiger King Farm is to make us have this idea."

"Having the idea that surrendering to him isn't a bad thing."

"After we all surrender, he will show his ferocious teeth to us."

"Eat us completely."

"After all, after all, after all,..."

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

Etna didn't mind using the utmost malice to speculate on Lin Tianwei, a tiger.

He felt that even if Lin Tianwei could conquer the awakened beasts, he would be more reliable than conquering humans.

But he didn't say these words in the end.

Because he suddenly realized a possibility.

Since Lin Tianwei has the ability to convey his will to the entire Blue Star, why doesn't he have the ability to monitor the entire Blue Star?

At least it is a very simple thing for Lin Tianwei to monitor the entire United States.

In this case, every word spoken by the two of them was actually under the eyes and ears of Lin Tianwei.

Thinking of this, a trace of cold sweat broke out on Etna's forehead. This was simply something that was terrifying to think about.

It might be okay for others to say such treacherous things, but their identities are unusual.

If Lin Tianwei is angry because of his nonsense.

Neither they, nor the United States behind them, can afford the consequences.

In fact, Etna's guess was very correct.

As long as Lin Tianwei wants to know, he can detect what is happening in the entire United States and even the entire Blue Star.

But Etna was completely frightening herself.

Lin Tianwei understands this principle better than Etna.

But Lin Tianwei didn't bother to answer what the ant-like Etna thought.

If he had to pay attention to every ant's thoughts, he would probably have a mental breakdown long ago.

The reason for wanting the entire Blue Star to surrender is also the idea of ​​keeping the entire Blue Star in captivity and turning it into a farm that provides unlimited talents and talent fragments for oneself.

It was the same as what Lin Tianwei had done before.

The difference is just that the scope of the farm is spread to the entire Blue Star.

Spread the identity of farm laborers to all living things on Blue Star.

It's just that Etna didn't know Lin Tianwei's true thoughts and kept it secret.

His hesitation finally caught MacArthur's attention, reminding him of a possibility, and he subconsciously covered his mouth.

But then he relaxed.

After all, MacArthur was the leader of the United States, and his outlook and vision were much larger than Etna's.

Knowing that a detached creature like Lin Tianwei doesn't care at all about his own thoughts like an ant.

After all, no matter how many ants there are, no matter how good the idea is, it is impossible to truly shake the god who can destroy the heaven and the earth.

Thinking of this, MacArthur said calmly: "Etna, you are thinking too much."

"Whether this is Tiger King's intentional arrangement or not, we actually have the only choice to surrender."

"And a silent prayer that our new rulers would be a little more merciful."

"People are subject to change, not to mention that we are still facing a dictatorial tiger."

"As long as we can show enough value, we will not be abandoned by the Tiger King and be swallowed up as food."

"I decided to set up a Tiger King special service team to serve the Tiger King and study how to please him."

"Even if we are just ants, we must become better ants than other ants."

Etna looked at MacArthur across the video in surprise.

He secretly said that the other party was indeed someone who could become the leader of the United States, and his psychological quality was ridiculously good.

Such shameless words sounded so high-sounding to him.

"Be not ashamed, but be proud" is probably what the saying goes.

But I have to admit that what MacArthur said is very right.

Now that King Tiger has become the future ruler of Blue Star, it is very reasonable to study hard to please him.

Thinking of this, Etna said: "I once carefully analyzed the behavior pattern of King Tiger."

"I found that King Tiger particularly likes natural and earthly treasures, and he also has relatively high requirements for food."

"Perhaps we can plan from these two points."

"Then there is 'faith'. This illusory thing may also be what the Tiger King needs."

"Otherwise it is difficult to explain why belief in Tiger King arose at Tiger King Farm in such a short period of time."

"It is absolutely impossible for this to happen without King Tiger behind it."

"You have to know that God's belief also took countless years to develop, and it is completely different from the development of Tiger King."

As a data analyst, Etna always thinks of gains and losses first in everything.

Naturally, he didn't know about the so-called faith, which was just the instinctive gratitude towards Lin Tianwei that the people living in Tiger King Farm felt satisfied.

There is no such thing as adding fuel to the flames.

After hearing Etna's words, MacArthur nodded with great satisfaction and said:

"Etna, I don't see that you have studied this area deeply."

"In this case, you will be the person in charge of the newly established 'Tiger King's Secret Service'."

"I give you the greatest right to mobilize resources."

"There is only one requirement, and that is to please the Tiger King and make him happy every day."

"In this case, at least we don't have to worry about when King Tiger will suddenly become angry and destroy the United States with one blow."

After a pause, MacArthur added: "But this is not the most urgent matter."

"The most urgent thing is to show surrender to the Tiger King perfectly."

"This matter cannot be taken lightly."

MacArthur's words immediately stunned Etna.

A perfect surrender to the Tiger King?

Isn't it enough to surrender just by issuing an announcement? Why do you do such outrageous things?

Seemingly understanding his thoughts from Etna's silence, MacArthur sighed and said:

"Etna, you are still a little too young."

"If everyone thinks like you, how can we stand out?"

"Fortunately, Tiger King has been living in the United States, and we have a bit of a romantic relationship."

"In addition, we have been doing business with Tiger King Farm, so we may be able to get a lot of information from Euro."

"Okay, go and prepare a gift to show your surrender to the Tiger King."

“The more and the richer, the better.”

"As for other matters, wait until I contact Euro before making a decision."

time does not wait!

Without hesitation, after explaining the matter, MacArthur hung up the phone directly.

After rummaging for a while, I found Ouluo's phone number and immediately dialed it.

Although it was already late at night.

But considering that the most important thing was, MacArthur still did not choose to wait until dawn before making the call.

Jingle Bell.

The rapid ringing woke Ouluo from his sleep. He let go of the soft body wrapped in his hands. Ouluo frowned and answered the phone and said:

"Who is it? I want to talk about something important."

Hearing Euro's obviously impatient tone, MacArthur smiled and said:

"Mr. Euro, I'm really sorry for bothering you so late at night."

"But I have something very important to discuss with you, so please spare some time."

"About how to better serve Lord Tiger King."

"By the way, I forgot to introduce myself."

"My name is MacArthur. Mr. Euro can call me Arthur."

At this time, MacArthur's tone was unspeakably flattering, and he did not have the posture of an American leader at all.

After all, this time it was not just him who was asking for help.

Ou Luo is the biggest celebrity around Lin Tianwei, so he naturally doesn't dare to slack off at all.


do not know.

Although Euro also knew the name of the American leader, he really couldn't connect the flattering voice in front of him with the majestic figure he had seen before.

Naturally, it was impossible to recognize MacArthur's identity.

I just don’t know why, but Ou Luo always feels that the other person’s voice is familiar.

But since the other party was discussing with him how to better serve Lord Tiger King, Ouluo naturally did not dare to slack off.

Quickly crawling out of bed, Euro said: "Mr. Arthur? Hello."

"I wonder where you need my help?"

"As long as it is really to serve Lord Tiger King, I will definitely tell you everything."

MacArthur did not expect that Euro was surprisingly easy to talk to.

But then he realized that this must be because he mentioned serving the Tiger King.

As Lin Tianwei's number one servant, Ou Luo is very self-conscious.

Once something related to Lin Tianwei is encountered, he must be above everything else.

He immediately put down what he was doing and started chatting with Arthur, who had the same name as the American leader MacArthur.

Almost without hesitation, MacArthur spoke out the words he had been organizing for a long time, saying:

"Mr. Ouluo, this time the Tiger King showed off his might and killed all the Xiaoxiao who refused to accept it."

"It even directly killed the water monster hidden in Suxiu Yi'an Lake, and returned everyone a peaceful land."

"Master Tiger King is so righteous, we are also yearning for him."

"But considering that we are too weak, going to the Tiger King's farm is just causing trouble for the Tiger King, so we only dare to bury this yearning deep in our hearts."

"But this time is different. Lord Tiger King actually gave us the opportunity to surrender to him."

“His mercy and tolerance are so admirable that we decide to abandon everything and surrender to His divine power.”

"It's just that surrendering empty-handed doesn't really have much sincerity."

"So I want to ask Mr. Euro for some information about Lord Tiger King."

"What kind of gift should I prepare to please Lord Tiger King?"

"We can shamelessly surrender to the power of the Tiger King and beg for His blessing."

MacArthur is indeed a leader with excellent psychological quality. It is not too exaggerated to talk about tigers.

However, the words that came out of his mouth were full of sincerity and did not sound like flattery at all, which made Ouluo also stunned.

He became even more vigilant in his heart.

This gentleman named Arthur is not only highly enlightened, he also speaks very nicely.

Even better than myself who has language talent.

But it was precisely because MacArthur's words were so nice that Euro became wary.

Isn't this taking away your own job?

However, Euro finally restrained his inner desires and calmly communicated with MacArthur.

In his opinion, it is a good thing to have more people who are good enough to serve Lord Tiger King.

If you get into intrigue with them because of your so-called selfishness.

Therefore, it is a huge sin to neglect Mr. Tiger King.

Thinking of this, Ou Luo said calmly: "Although you are very aware, your awareness is not high yet."

"Even after King Tiger issued his declaration, countless people have already expressed their intention to surrender to King Tiger."

"You're still too late." (End of chapter)

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