This team of Awakeners is also very arrogant.

Or maybe it's because he has never encountered a strong opponent before and has not yet had the consciousness to transform from hunter to prey.

They actually took the initiative to attack the spotted tiger.

Cooperate with each other.

Try to end this fight quickly.


This battle ended at an incredible speed.

It's just that it belongs to Xiao Hei, as the screams one after another prove.

The winner of this battle is undoubtedly the terrifying piebald tiger!

It easily killed this team of Awakeners with its devastating attitude.

Every contact was the death of a Blackie.

Not long after, it began to enjoy this delicious feast of its own.

in a certain street.

A wild dog hidden in a dark corner of the alley was moaning in agony.

Like being sick.

It seems that there is some kind of terrifying power that is transforming its body.

But at this moment.

A black guy with dreadlocks came to this alley.

It seems that this wild dog is too noisy.

Xiao Hei didn't hesitate and kicked the wild dog in the air.

This kick contained powerful power and directly kicked the wild dog away.

It didn't stop until it hit the wall.

The powerful impact directly caused the wild dog to scream in pain.

He fell to the ground, dying.

Such terrifying power proves that this little black guy is undoubtedly an awakened person.

It's just that as the number of awakened people increases.

They rolled in again.

From a human being to a human profession, he fell down in one fell swoop and became an ordinary profession.

Especially like him, awakened ones who have not awakened their powers have become sewers in the sewers.

Even after becoming an awakened person, his appetite increased.

On the contrary, it made his life more difficult.

Don't dare to take revenge on those who may empty their bullets at any time.

He could only find someone weaker to bully.

Listen to their painful cries to relieve the imbalance in your heart.

It seemed that one kick wasn't enough.

The little black guy kicked the wild dog a few more times.

It wasn't until the other side couldn't even utter a painful whimper that he left the alley with satisfaction.

Little did he know that after he left, the wild dog's eyes suddenly opened.

He was staring at the back of this little black guy with eyes filled with hatred.

As his breathing gradually stabilized, the wild dog's body gradually became stable.

Using its limbs, it stood up steadily.

Nose twitching.

It greedily captures the scent in the air.

The aura belonging to the black guy who attacked him.

After a while, it determined a direction.

Like an arrow from a string, he rushed forward.

This will be its own revenge.

It may not have had the strength to take revenge before.

But now it has become powerful enough.

Enough to take revenge on all the creatures that have bullied him!


Similar things happen all over the United States.

Before they realized it, the identities of hunter and prey had quietly changed.

A horrific disaster broke out in an instant!

Strengthened by Beta genes, countless beasts awakened.

Awakened into an extremely terrifying awakened beast.

Not just attacks.

Defense and speed have both been horribly enhanced.

This qualitative change in strength has made them a nightmare for the United States.

They follow the law of the jungle and will mercilessly tear apart any creature that stands in their way.

As long as there is flesh and blood, it is their food.

A disaster broke out in a way that no one could have imagined.

In a very short period of time, it spread throughout the United States.

The army began to move out.

Try to suppress these rioting beasts.

However, how could the beast that had soared in strength be easily suppressed?

Even if they can't be beaten, they can escape very quickly.

So the result of the battle.

Either the awakened beasts must be eliminated at a high cost to humans.

It can be considered a lose-lose situation.

Either the Awakening Beast realized something was wrong after wreaking havoc for a circle and ran away.

Only the human army with heavy casualties was left, which was so miserable.

No one could have imagined it.

Those night cats and wild dogs wandering on the roadside can cause a disaster that can destroy the entire street.

This situation makes humans living in the United States begin to regret it.

I regret why I didn’t get rid of all other creatures in the early stages of the awakening outbreak, when humans had the absolute advantage.

But this kind of thinking is nothing more than hindsight.

Although the beast was originally the hardest hit area of ​​awakening.

But it is impossible for them to eliminate all the beasts directly.

This approach is simply drinking poison to quench thirst.

The most important thing is that in their impression, these animals are just pathetic creatures at their mercy.

Under the ravages of countless ferocious beasts, humans began to spend a lot of money to build isolation zones.

By guarding the isolation zone, concentrate your firepower to prevent the invasion of awakened beasts.

Although this means they will give up large tracts of land that originally belonged to them.

But this at least allows them to circle a safe place.

As the pure land where most human beings live.

At the same time, the concentrated firepower can also reduce the consumption of fighting these awakened beasts.

After all, these awakened beasts themselves are not in the same camp.

If they come into contact with each other, they will basically not become friends.

On the contrary, they will become enemies fighting each other.

The strength belonging to the beast camp began to be consumed internally.

In this way, people living on American soil enclose and protect their own land.

He kept himself in captivity.


In this disaster, the entire population of the United States was reduced by a full third.

Coupled with the horrific mortality rate during the first awakening outbreak.

There are not many humans alive on this land of America.

On the contrary, it allows them not to worry about not having enough of the small circled land.

It's really something to be thankful for.

This time.

All lands except the United States.

Instead, it was due to missed opportunities and lessons learned with American flesh and blood.

They built isolation zones in advance to protect more people and land.

In addition, many places are vast and sparsely populated.

It didn't even have much impact at all.

It can also be regarded as a great blessing among misfortunes.

As for the terrifying changes that occurred in the invisible ocean.

Human beings simply cannot imagine it.

Now they just want to be able to stick to the land.

The ocean, which is so deep that they cannot see clearly, is no longer a goal they can pursue.

So far.

This world has completely turned into a world where beasts are king.


This awakening disaster took the lead in sweeping the entire United States.

Unless it is completely isolated from the outside world, wherever it can spread, it will definitely not be spared.

The same is true for Lin Tianwei's farm.

Early in the morning, the sound of chicken crows came from the chicken coop.

It seems to announce to everyone the rise of the sun and the arrival of day.

Under normal circumstances, this situation is basically impossible for farm-raised chickens.

Because chickens are raised on farms mainly for them to lay eggs.

Unable to lay eggs, they lose their greatest value.

But Lin Tianwei's farm is different.

In order to be self-sufficient and not be controlled by others.

There is still a certain number of roosters used for the breeding of the farm itself.

And it is these roosters that make the crow.

Under normal circumstances, they would just lie weakly in the iron cage and live a happy life lying flat.

But now they have changed.

His energy and spirit have made a qualitative leap.

Even the feathers become colorful.

Especially the extremely sharp beak.

It was flashing with cold light, and it looked like it was very powerful.

The head held high is even more proud.

Just like the rising of the sun, the coming of day is not a natural law.

And it is entirely their contribution.

There is no doubt that they have been infected by the blood of the Black Evil and have successfully undergone a second awakening.

They even spread their wings and tried to fly.

It's just an iron cage that focuses on them who yearn for freedom.

At first, they could still tolerate being locked up in a cramped iron cage.

However, the uncomfortable feeling of not being able to stretch their bodies for a long time soon caused their thoughts to change.

The sharp beak pecked towards the iron cage at lightning speed.

The iron cage is not strong.

Get pecked by these awakening cocks.

Immediately like a rotten branch, it broke every inch.

Let these awakened cocks regain their freedom.

They flapped their wings excitedly.

It actually flew up with a splash.

Judging from their ease and ease, it is obvious that they have acquired the ability to fly.

However, after flopping for a long time, they did not choose to escape directly.

Instead, he looked around.

He looked at the hens that were also locked in iron cages.

His eyes gradually became excited and perverted.

They flapped their wings and flew towards the hens.

In the breeding farm.

Moo sounds came and went.

In America.

Raising cattle is a very common thing.

The same is true in Lin Tianwei's farm.

It has an extremely terrifying number of cattle.

Corroded by the blood of the Black Evil, the cattle that had finally stabilized began to become restless.

It seems that the mania in the genes is ignited.

They panted heavily and were ready to start their own carnival feast.

However, at this moment, a louder cow moo sounded.

What followed was a figure covered in darkness.

Who is it if it’s not the Crazy Demon Cow?

As a terrifying behemoth that emerged from the Ismail Institute.

The strength of the crazy demon cow is much stronger than the strength of these ordinary cows.

Even after the second awakening.

The gap in their strength will only get bigger and bigger.

As the cows brayed, an exchange between cows began.


The restless cattle were calmed down.

They returned to their original positions.

Under the leadership of Crazy Demon Niu, he continued to do what a cow should do.

Seeing that the riot finally calmed down.

Crazy Demon Cow also breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, the gap between cattle and cattle is quite large.

As the most powerful cow, the Crazy Demon Bull also has a strong sense of the second awakening.

Almost at the moment of its second awakening, it noticed the changes in its body.

Every cell in the body is cheering.

It was a feast for cells, a carnival of life.

The feeling of powerful energy in his body directly made the Crazy Demon Cow moo in comfort.

Mad Demon Bull even had a bold idea in his mind.

That is to challenge Lin Tianwei, this hateful tiger.

The serfs turned over and sang.

Become the new owner of this farm in one fell swoop.

Let all the two-legged beasts become servants who serve you.

Let yourself be able to eat and drink well every day and live a happy life.

Thinking of that comfortable feeling, the sound of the mad cow's barking became louder.

He even raised his hoof and kicked the boulder in front of him.

Under the terrifying power of the Mad Demon Bull, the boulder was instantly kicked into pieces and turned into flying gravel.

However, as soon as the excitement of being strengthened passed away, the Mad Demon Bull calmed down.

It can survive quietly in the Ismail Institute.

And it maintains extremely high treatment, relying on its bull head with a high IQ.

Thinking back to my time at the Ismail Institute.

Especially the experience of contacting Lin Tianwei.

The devastating power immediately made the Mad Demon Bull tremble.

His expression changed dramatically.

Can't beat it.

I can't beat that nasty tiger!

My own strength is simply not as good as his!

Without sharp claws and claws, even with the same strength, it would be difficult to compete with beasts like tigers.

Not to mention that the strength is far inferior.

Mad Demon Bull was instantly discouraged.

The beautiful future is completely far away from me.

He is still the cow who must submit to Lin Tianwei.

It's really tough.

But then it laughed again and made an honest cow moo sound.

Stupid tiger.

You are no match for me at all.

It's just that Ben Niu is too lazy to manage such a large farm.

At the same time, he was too lazy to fight the intruders.

So too lazy to fight with you.

I reluctantly give you the title of owner of this farm.

It's delicious. Serve me well.

I will mercifully provide you with nutritious milk.

With the blessing of the spiritual victory method, Mad Demon Bull immediately felt that life became beautiful again.

As long as you lie down, you can be served by the two-legged beast and live comfortably every day.

So why should you fight?

Why work hard?

Isn’t the goal of your own struggle and hard work to obtain these?

Just when the Crazy Demon Bull suddenly became enlightened, he heard an angry cow mooing in the distance.

Listening to that voice, it was definitely one of his own race.

The voice of a fellow race that has been awakened and strengthened.

The most important thing is that they are actually plotting to start a riot.

Thinking of Lin Tianwei's terrifying power, Mad Demon Niu trembled.


You have to do something yourself.

Otherwise, you might be angered by that terrible tiger.

Didn’t he suffer an unreasonable disaster?

With the support of this idea, the mad cow hurried to the cattle farm.

Only then did the first scene happen, which was extremely interesting.

It's just that Lin Tianwei's farm has more than just cattle and chickens.

Ducks, geese, sheep, pigs,…

Even Lin Tianwei is not that picky about food.

As long as it's fresh enough and has strong energy, that's fine.

But Ouluo and the others didn't dare let Lin Tianwei eat the same food every day.

In order to satisfy the extremely picky appetite of Lin Tianwei in their minds.

They also bought all the livestock commonly available on the market and raised them vigorously.

Prepare food for Lin Tianwei in different ways every day.

This also resulted in an unusually large number of creatures awakening this time due to the erosion of the blood of the Black Evil.

With the support of terrifying numbers, small-probability events continue to occur, among which countless powerful awakened individuals are born.

This is undoubtedly a terrible disaster for the entire farm!

This is why the farm will be the hardest hit area in the early stages of the Second Awakening.

The huge number base makes it easier for powerful awakened beasts to be born in places where these creatures gather.

For a time, terrifying roars came one after another.

It was a creature that had gained great power and was venting its anger.

Enslaved rage.

It's not that they don't know their situation.

It’s just that I don’t have the power to resist.

In the villa.

Euro looked at the news obtained from the Internet with a solemn expression.

Don't know why.

The second round of more terrifying awakenings began to erupt.

The direct threat to life from this awakening can be said to be minimal.

For the awakened, it is basically impossible to fail in the enhancement of Beta genes.

You can even go to prostitutes directly to get all the attributes of your body enhanced, which is simply a matter of making money without losing money.


For the very few who fail to awaken.

The emergence of beta genes is also a nightmare.

Although the Beta gene is powerful, the weak body of an unawakened human being cannot withstand it at all.

The mortality rate is an even more terrifying 99%.

In other words, among a hundred people, only one lucky person can barely survive.

In addition, the upgraded version of the Black Evil Blood is even more powerful.

It is almost impossible to escape the fate of being eroded by it unless you isolate yourself from the rest of the world.

A great purge has begun again in the United States.

Of course this is not all bad.

The lucky one percent who survive will gain great power.

Receive the enhancement of gamma gene again.

Not only is the success rate one hundred percent.

There is also a greater probability of awakening abilities.

It is also stronger than a target that receives gamma gene enhancement first and then beta gene enhancement.

It can be regarded as a blessing and a curse.

But the indirect threat caused by the second awakening is more terrifying than imagined.

News of the birth of powerful awakened beasts broke out frequently in various places.

Among them, only a few have good intentions toward humans.

More awakened beasts will attack humans without hesitation.

For a time, except for areas with particularly strong power.

The entire United States is like hell descending, becoming extremely terrifying.

There were bloody and tragic deaths everywhere.

Their eyes widened.

There seems to be some confusion.

Why did the originally comfortable living environment suddenly turn from the world into hell?

Before Euro could recover from the shock of the world mutating again and the world turning into hell.

His subordinates began to continuously report to him the situation on the farm.

Everywhere animals are awakening, not only gaining powerful power, but also full of aggressive news.

Obviously, even with Lin Tianwei in charge.

There is no way to avoid the erosion of the blood of the Black Evil here.

Euro's eyes were serious.

He must find a way quickly to avoid the damage to the farm caused by this awakening.

It's just that he, who is weak in strength, how can he come up with a solution when faced with a huge gap in strength?

You can only look towards the center of the farm.

He could only pray for Lin Tianwei to take action.

It can destroy everything and completely solve this riot!

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