Creator: Jiang Chen

World: Digital World, Reaper World, Saint Seiya World

World: Saint Seiya

Level: Level 8

Creative acquisition: 50000/day (750000/850000)

Creation points: 765,000 points

The data in front of him flickered, a message was directly presented in front of his eyes, fifteen days passed, and his creation points also reached 700,000 points, which can also be said to be the highest creation point.

The sheer number is almost dazzling.

Even Jiang Chen couldn’t help but touch his heart.

His gaze subconsciously touched the thick copy that had been sorted out in his hand.

“Ding, discovery creates the world.”

“The world level is in progress.”

World: Dragon Ball World (complete)

Level: Level 9

Required creation points: 660,000 points

The data flickered in front of him, and this was the world he chose to create.

Dragon Ball, a real sense of the ninth level world, and Saint Seiya is not actually a complete world, the Dragon Ball world, basically complete, from the first part of Dragon Ball, to Dragon Ball Z, to Dragon Ball GT, and Dragon Ball Super, he has been included in it, the only thing that is not included is just a fandom, but it is obviously already a minutiae, not so important.

And this relatively perfect ninth-level world, its creation point is naturally extremely impressive.

That’s 660,000, you know, the creation points spent by the Saint Seiya world are only 390,000, which is almost double.

“Let’s go!”

Speaking to himself, Jiang Chen’s eyes flashed with light.

The next moment without the slightest hesitation, he directly hooked his creative point, and at the same time, his voice also spoke out at this moment.


Since it has already been decided, then there is nothing to hesitate about.

“The world is being created!”

“Please later!”

The sound of the system next to the ear rises, and there is still no change.

Next, just like before, Jiang Chen only felt an invisible force wrapped in his palm, and the entire text directly began to distort, turning into a pitch-black void, directly forming a spatial crack.

The moment when consciousness is intertwined.

Jiang Chen only felt that he couldn’t help but fall into a trance.

It wasn’t until a moment that this trance quickly receded.

The surrounding scene has changed.

The world of nothingness, everything of nothingness.

The whole world is empty, you can’t feel time, you can’t feel space, you don’t even notice it.

In this kind of void world, there seems to be an invisible force intertwined in the entire surroundings, and everything that is empty around the whole surroundings begins to appear ripples one after another.

The power of the Source is sweeping.

One by one, the universe began to take shape.

And Jiang Chen’s creation points were also rapidly consumed.

In a short period of time, hundreds of thousands of creation points were swept away.

At the same time, the entire world level of Dragon Ball has also quickly stabilized.

Thirteen universes surround the entire world.

Compared to the Saint Seiya world, the current Dragon Ball world is obviously a little bigger.

Of course, this is also because the world of Saint Seiya is not really complete at present, but the world of Dragon Ball is basically complete.

Dragon Ball is a shōnen manga serialized from No. 51 in 1984 to No. 25 in 1995.

This work is a long manga about adventure, hard work, blood and friendship centered on the protagonist Monkey King, which tells the secret treasure of collecting all seven beads scattered around the world, and can fulfill any wish.

In terms of the first part of Dragon Ball alone, its level is not high, but when entering Dragon Ball Z, the level of the entire Dragon Ball begins to rise in an instant.

Cosmic Emperor Frisha, King of the Realm.

King of the Great Realm, God of the King of the Realm.

These levels have far exceeded the general world, and with the level of Dragon Ball Z alone, it may be said that it has almost reached the seventh or eighth level.

And after entering Dragon Ball Super, the entire world view can be said to be expanded again.

No matter how to complain.

But there is no doubt that the world view of Dragon Ball Super has begun to move from a single universe to a multiverse, even if this kind of multiverse is actually very thin, and the real multiverse cannot be compared, but it is enough to explain the world level of Dragon Ball.

Of course, Jiang Chen chose Dragon Ball, not only because he was sufficiently level, but also because Dragon Ball was his countless dreams when he was a child.

Saint Seiya has already come out, and naturally his first world is to think of Dragon Ball.

And for him, the complementarity of Saint Seiya and Dragon Ball also makes him really have an absolute capital in the high-end world.

How high is the level of the three thousand worlds, he doesn’t know, especially the ten heavenly realms, so far they are all mysterious, but the world of Dragon Ball plus Saint Seiya, he feels that among the thirty-six realms, he can definitely go sideways, even if he faces the entire thirty-six realms, no, now it has to be called the thirty-five realms, he is not vain.

This is confidence in Saint Seiya, in Dragon Ball.

One of the gods of Saint Seiya does not say.

Among the dragon balls, there are no fewer strong people.

Needless to say, Sun Wukong and Vegeta are the strongest, the twelve gods of destruction and heaven in the twelve universes, and they are forces that cannot be ignored.

Its level, not to mention much, at least the Lord God level is there.

And the Great Priest, the strength will only become more terrifying.

Above the imperial level, above the imperial realm, these no longer seem to be adjectives.

Creator: Jiang Chen

World: Digital World, Reaper World, Saint Seiya World

World: Saint Seiya

Level: Level 8

Creative acquisition: 50000/day (750000/850000)

World: Dragon Ball

Level: Level 9

Creation point acquisition: 60000/day (0/1200000)

Creation points: 105,000 points

In front of him, the world is completely formed, and the list of worlds belonging to Dragon Ball also appeared in front of his eyes, compared to the previous harvest, this time seems to be a little more clear, the creation point is only 1.2 million, proportionally less than before, or even less than twice, but can not support this time the base is large ah, even if the consumption is removed, it is also an income of 540,000 creation points, which can already get another Saint Seiya world out.



(Dragon Ball is out, and the other nine levels are not the highest, so there is no need to argue about anything.) )

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