Start by pursuing a talented beautiful girl

Chapter 96: Remarks on the launch

It's going to be on the shelves!

The VIP coupon will be opened at 12 noon tomorrow, and I will upload the first chapter to the shelves at 1 o'clock.

Please pre-order!

To be honest, when I started writing, I didn't think that this book would perform so well.

Although I have written several books before, they were abandoned after tens of thousands of words because they were not signed, so this is my first signed book.

Because it is the first book, I didn't have too much expectations.

Therefore, at the beginning, my biggest expectation for this book was not how many first orders there were, or how much money I earned per month.

You may not believe it, but my biggest goal for this book is that Xixi and Yanbao, their character cards can have more than 10,000 likes.

Really, I won't lie to you, and I'm a puppy.

In terms of recommendation, I originally thought that as long as I didn't go out in the first round, as long as I could advance to the second round, it would be considered a success.

But I didn't expect everyone to be so powerful and push me all the way to Sanjiang.

I really thank you all for giving me such great support and tolerance as a new author. It is my great honor.

Then, about this book, let me talk to you briefly.

In my opinion, this book has many shortcomings in many places. The first few chapters are written in an average way. The writing style, structure, excitement, and anticipation are indeed worse than many authors.

The only outstanding part, or the only part that I am satisfied with, is the character creation.

That is, establishing the character.

I think this should be something I am good at.

I don’t know how other authors write books. Anyway, as for my style, everyone should be able to see after reading 200,000 words that many of my plots are actually for the character setting.

Other themes of novels, such as fantasy, fairy tales, etc., may distort the character setting to make the plot when the character setting conflicts with the plot, because their plot is more important.

But this love story of mine does not need it. I can abandon the plot for the character setting without hesitation.

Or to put it more simply, the plot is determined by the character setting, not the plot determining the character setting.

So when the character setting is established, many plots are actually no longer under my control.

For example, when Xixi left, some people said that my arrangement was very ingenious, and that this was the essence of harem literature, etc., and a series of compliments... When I saw this sentence, I was so embarrassed that I almost pulled out my three-bedroom and one-living-room.

Actually, I didn't want Xixi to leave.

Once Xixi left, I would definitely lose the number of readers and the data. I'm not stupid. At that time, I only had more than 100,000 words, and I was about to report various recommendations. Once Xixi left, my data would drop. What should I do if I can't be recommended?

I always say in the group that I don't have an outline, but in fact I do have an outline. In the original outline, Xixi wanted to leave, but because Wang Ge went to see her off, she finally softened and stayed.

Then she fought with Yanbao all the way to the end.

Wouldn't that plot be more interesting?

Xixi would also be more likable, and she wouldn't lose so many readers.

But when I wrote that diary, I suddenly felt that she had to leave.

Chen Yanxi had to leave.

No matter what, nothing could stop her from pursuing freedom.

So, whether it is likable or not is not important; whether it is not popular or not is not important.

She wants to leave, so I want to let her go.

So I threw away all the original outlines, and then there was that letter.

How should I put it? To put it nicely, the above process is to respect the character setting, and to put it bluntly, it is just me having fun.

If you are not careful, it will collapse completely and lose everything.

After writing it, as expected, I was scolded badly.

The concept of freedom in the letter is probably a bit ahead of its time, and many people don’t understand it.

Some people scolded how stupid it is to give up the college entrance examination, some people said it was hypocritical and crazy, and some people argued that there is no real freedom in the world, and to be free, you have to jump out of the Milky Way...

I don’t want to explain anything. There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people. I am just a storyteller. How you understand it is up to you.

Of course, many people also praised me, saying that I wrote well and inspired his thinking, and that the character of Xixi was well-shaped and vivid.

Thanks to all the friends who praised and encouraged me. I am a person who needs feedback. These good comments are the motivation to keep me going.

Well, I really don’t have an outline now.

Although I don’t need it.

According to my style, the plot is for the service of the character setting. Once the character is established, just follow the character setting.

Xixi and Yanbao are already living people in my heart. I will definitely not let them do things they don’t want to do for the plot.

In addition, a small complaint, in fact, I am trying some writing skills learned from other places, such as deliberately leaving blanks in some places to leave some imagination space for everyone, but everyone thinks that I have ignored and forgotten.

For example, the narrative adopts the third perspective to write, mainly in Chapter 64, which is the plot after the chapter that was forced to be rectified, but it was scolded by everyone as a running account...

Well, I still wrote it honestly and conventionally. I will try those writing skills after I have a little fame and a group of book friends who like my style.

This way, even if someone scolds me, there will be book friends who will scold me back, hehe.

Then, it should be time to move on to the thank you part, right?

This is my first time writing a thank you note. I have no experience, sorry.

First of all, I want to thank my editor, Juzi. My book was not accepted by the internal submission, but I had to publish it anyway. It was Juzi who saved me and gave me the opportunity to sign a contract. It can be said that without Juzi, there would be no book.

If you have the idea of ​​writing a book and want to submit it internally, please look for Juzi, the editor of Group 9!

Then, thank the two leaders:

[See you at sunset next time] (This big guy even bought an Android phone for reward. He is really, I am crying)

[Stupid and annoying]

Thank you two big guys for believing in me, a new author. I never thought I could have a leader before writing. I am crying.

I also want to thank my operation officer. Although he scolds me every day now, he really helped me a lot before, and I also received several chapters from big guys.

It is really my blessing to have such a good operation officer for the first book.

Well, because his name is vulgar, it was forced to become a combination of reader + number, so here it is changed to thank [the head teacher next door]!

Thanks to several big guys who recommended my chapters:

《Who asked him to cultivate immortality! 》The Whitest Crow

《Establishing a Millennium Family from King Wu's Conquest of King Zhou》Hua Fei Hua Yue Ye

《Hogwarts: Harry Returns from the Witch Hunter》Zi Jin Mei

《From Getting Married with the Queen of Heaven》Le Duo is a Cat

《Dragon Clan: I, Lu Mingfei, Don't Want to Be a Human Being》Jiang Hu Gu Ren Feng


I don't know if there are any more missing, I'll make up for it later.

Here are extra thanks to [Le Duo is a Cat] and [Jiang Hu Gu Ren Feng]. When I just signed the contract and didn't know anything, it was these two big guys who patiently helped me solve my doubts and answered all my questions. I'm really grateful.

Special thanks to Hua Zi, the manager of my book club, for helping me manage the group, helping me grind the game, and giving me advice when I was stuck. He really made me cry...Well, Hua Zi, I'm too lazy to type your ID, if you see it, please comment in this paragraph.

As for the rest, I still remember many names, such as [SKY Xinghe] and [Yae Shenzi×Ailishia] who always supported and encouraged me to vote for me when my book had only a few dozen collections and was unknown, [Tian Shang Ren Xia] and [See you next sunset] who voted for me, gave me suggestions, and found people to design pictures, the first relatively large reward [Cat Eats Apple], the first helmsman [Two Eggs a Day], etc., and all the book friends who have been following, voting, and reading here, I am really very grateful.

Without you, this book would not be what it is today.

I will try my best to write a better plot to repay everyone!

Because this is the first book, I don’t have much experience and can’t guarantee anything. The only thing I can guarantee is that it will never be abandoned.

Finally, I say it again, it will be on the shelves around 1 pm tomorrow.

Please pre-order!

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