"Why do you suddenly ask such a profound question?"

Li Zhimeng's friends were puzzled, "Are you enlightened?"

Li Zhimeng: "Just asking out of curiosity."

Friend: "Guess whether I believe it or not."

Li Zhimeng: "...Oh, don't worry about so much, just answer me first."

Later, her friends answered her questions either with personal experience combined with personal insights, or with rational analysis using the biological principles of human hormone secretion, or with a simple "I don't understand either."

Different answers, but they all point to the same conclusion: love is something inexplicable, illogical, and unreasonable.

Li Zhimeng already believed more than half of this conclusion.

But she thought for a long time and decided to ask the smartest, wisest and most knowledgeable among her friends.

"Yan Yanzi."


"ask you a question."

"you say."

"That's right, I have a friend who recently fell in love with someone who has completely different criteria for choosing a mate than hers..." Li Zhimeng considered her words, "She thinks love is such an inexplicable and unreasonable thing. Well, I haven't talked about it. I really don’t understand these things about love, so I want to ask your opinion..."

"My point of view?"

Chen Yanxi put down the book in his hand, a little confused, "Why do you ask me for my opinion? It's not important."

"No, this is important."

Li Zhimeng said seriously, "Because my friend is not in love with a good person, and I want to persuade her, so I want to collect other people's opinions on love, so that I can better persuade her."


Chen Yanxi nodded thoughtfully.

Although she didn't think Li Zhimeng could persuade her friend, she still said: "In my personal opinion, I don't actually agree with the saying that love is unreasonable."

Li Zhimeng perked up and asked quickly: "What should I say?"

"Because no one can fall in love with another person for no reason or reason."

Chen Yanxi looked into Li Zhimeng's eyes and said in a calm voice, "To love someone, you must have a reason. This reason can be money, looks, a certain quality, a certain moment, it can be all kinds of weird. But it must exist.

Love must also have its own internal logic. "

"What logic?"

Li Zhimeng asked expectantly.

Chen Yanxi answered simply: "I don't know."

Li Zhimeng:?

"I've only been in love once, and I don't know much more about it than you do."

Chen Yanxi shook his head, "This is the only conclusion I can determine, there is nothing else."

"Since you don't know what the internal logic of love is, why are you so sure that it must have an internal logic?"

Li Zhimeng asked doubtfully.

Chen Yanxi thought for a while, but did not answer the question directly, but said, "I remember, when I was in kindergarten and just learned arithmetic, I asked my kindergarten teacher why one plus one equals two and not other numbers. , my kindergarten teacher answered me, there is no why, no reason, no logic, one plus one equals two.”

In Li Zhimeng's confused eyes, she continued: "But if someone asks me this question now, I will explain to him Peano's arithmetic axioms and the following Goldbach's conjecture."


Li Zhimeng was confused.

"I am not saying this to show off how knowledgeable I am, what I want to express is..."

Chen Yanxi looked at her and said, "Everything in this world has its basic logic and operating rules. My kindergarten teacher told me that one plus one equals two. There is no reason. There is no logic because he does not understand the corresponding knowledge. We feel that love has no The logic is that our understanding of love is very limited.

Just like before Newton discovered universal gravitation, everyone thought that apples would fall from trees because they were born that way and that was the way they were supposed to be. There was no reason or logic.

I don’t know whether love is logical or unreasonable. I just guess that it should exist, just because the Newton in the field of emotion has not yet appeared - or it has already appeared, but it has not been recognized by the public and has not been given to love. Summarizing axioms and laws makes love seem illogical. "

"Oh, I probably understand..."

Li Zhimeng thought thoughtfully, "Just like whether aliens exist or not, just because people haven't seen them doesn't mean they don't exist, right?"


Chen Yanxi considered his words: "It's almost the same."

"Hehe, I'm really smart. I understand such profound truths."

Li Zhimeng was proud for a while, then seemed to think of something again, and suddenly asked, "Yan Yanzi, you say that you need a reason to love someone. So, what is the reason why you love Wang Ge?"


Chen Yanxi thought for a while and said, "There are many reasons why I love him. There are so many things about him that attract me and are worthy of my love."


Li Zhimeng scratched his head, lowered his head again, and said with a little disappointment, "I always feel that compared to you, my view of love is so childish."


Chen Yanxi sounded questioning.

"Actually, I don't know much about love. Although I sometimes long for love, I rarely have the idea of ​​trying to fall in love."

Li Zhimeng whispered, "My understanding of this kind of thing is very superficial and limited to the cartoons I watched when I was a child."


"Yeah, it's the kind of thing where in the finale, the protagonist is beaten to the ground by the villain, but when he thinks of his beloved other half, he suddenly becomes full of strength and stands up again to defeat the villain."

Chen Yanxi: "..."

She asked tentatively: "So, you think love is something similar to a miracle?"

"Yes, yes, that's it, you understand me so well, Yan Yanzi!"

Li Zhimeng nodded fiercely, as if he had met a close friend.

Then she seemed to think of something again and asked, "Yan Yanzi, have you seen Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit?"

"Have seen a little bit."

Chen Yanxi said, "What's wrong?"

She watched it on TV when she was a child, but because the time she was allowed to watch TV was very limited, she watched very little. She only knew that it was a martial arts cartoon, and the protagonists all had justice in their hearts and good intentions. A hero with extraordinary skills.

"There is an episode where Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit were misunderstood by others. Hong Cat originally wanted to clarify, but Blue Rabbit was thrown off the cliff. Hong Cat thought Blue Rabbit was dead and went crazy. He always insists on justice. He is even a bit like a holy mother, and he actually said, 'Now that the blue rabbit is dead, I have no intention of explaining right and wrong.' He wants to use the trick of 'Heaven and earth live together' to die together with those people..."

Li Zhimeng held her chin with her small hands, her eyes full of yearning but also a little confused, "This is what I imagine love to be like. Two people share the same hatred, live and die together, and live forever... It is very romantic and important, and it can make a person Abandon all principles for another person, even give up your life..."

Why was it that when Wang Ge said that he wanted to support her, the condition she put forward was "your life"?

Because the love she imagined was one in which she could entrust her life to the other person.

"I said everything I could think of. It may be a bit confusing, don't mind..."

Li Zhimeng scratched his head in embarrassment.


Chen Yanxi shook his head slightly and smiled.

Should I say it's her?

Although it does sound like a child's view of love, when it comes to Zhizhi, it feels surprisingly normal.

"There is actually no right or wrong in this kind of thing. The key lies in what you think." Chen Yanxi said.


Li Zhimeng was confused.


Chen Yanxi nodded, "If you firmly believe in this concept, then it is correct for you; if you waver, it may become wrong at any time."

PS: Don’t hesitate to say it, please listen to it. It’s just one family’s opinion. It’s for reference only.

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