Start by pursuing a talented beautiful girl

Chapter 189 You are a very nice person

When I came out of Chen Yanxi's house, the rain outside had become much lighter.

Wang Ge put on his slippers, opened his umbrella, and rushed into the rain again.

It's impossible not to rush. I've been immersed in Xixi's gentle land for too long. If I don't hurry up, I'll be late.

The temperature in spring is not that high, not to mention that there is a heavy rain today, so the temperature is even lower.

In such weather, it is quite cold to walk in the rain wearing slippers.

Before leaving, Chen Yanxi wanted Wang Ge to put on her rain boots to resist the cold, but unfortunately, Chen Yanxi's rain boots were too small, and his feet were too big to put them on. He couldn't put them on at all. .

There was no way, because he had never lived at Chen Yanxi's house, so Chen Yanxi only prepared a pair of slippers for him at home, and there were no other shoes. He couldn't change them even if he wanted to.

It was too late to go to the supermarket downstairs to buy it now, so I had to hold on.

Fortunately, his seven points of physical strength ensured that he was in good health and could easily withstand the cold.

I hurriedly hurriedly and slowly arrived at the classroom before the bell rang.

Gu Panyan was already sitting in the last row of the classroom waiting for him.

"Yanbao, why are you here so early?"

Wang Ge sat down next to her and blinked.

Gu Panyan lay on the table and said lazily: "I don't have two boats, so I don't have to accompany the other one. Of course I came early."


Wang Ge was choked and tried to defend himself, "Why don't you trust me at all? Yanbao, I came late just because I slept in the dormitory and overslept..."

"Is it?"

Gu Panyan turned her head and glanced at him, focusing on his slippered feet for a moment, then shifted her gaze to Wang Ge's empty hands, and sneered: "You don't even bring a book to class, are you going to do it next?" Say, you were in such a hurry that you forgot?"

"……how do you know?"

Wang Ge looked surprised.

What a poor acting... Gu Panyan rolled his eyes angrily: "I can read minds."

"You finally admitted it! Hum, actually, I've seen it a long time ago..."

Gu Panyan raised her eyebrows slightly, and when he was speaking, she suddenly raised her head and her white nose twitched slightly.

Then he sneered: "If you sleep in the dormitory, where does the fragrance on your body come from? You have a woman in the dormitory?"


Why is there a fragrance? Xixi doesn't use perfume... Wang Ge's brain was spinning rapidly.

Could it be from Li Zhimeng? Among the girls I came into contact with today, this guy who loves stinking beauty is the only one who knows how to use perfume...

While thinking secretly in his heart, Wang Ge kept his mouth busy and made up random things: "This must have been done by my roommate. His feet are very smelly. He often sprays perfume in the dormitory to cover up the smell..."

He felt that the reason he made up was very good and seamless. Anyway, Gu Panyan didn't have Zhang Yongwen's contact information and couldn't ask him for verification.

But when he raised his head, he saw Gu Panyan looking at him with a half-smile.

There was a faint murderous aura in those beautiful peach blossom eyes.


Wang Ge was shocked and instantly understood that he had been deceived!

...Damn it, just saying that the time between myself and Li Zhimeng was so short, and I always kept a distance, how could I possibly be tainted by her fragrance!

Now there is no use for hindsight. Detective Gu Panyan has been able to 100% confirm that Wang Ge did nothing good today at noon.

Although she had said before that she wouldn't care what Wang Ge did at noon, as long as she saw him in the first class in the afternoon.

But no matter what happened, even though I had been mentally prepared, I still felt uncomfortable.

very uncomfortable.

At this time, the class bell rang, and the teacher of this class also walked into the classroom with books.

The noisy classroom became quiet, and Wang Ge shamelessly went to hold Gu Panyan's hand.

But Gu Panyan refused to let him lead and glared at him.

This glance probably means: don't touch me after touching Chen Yanxi.

Wang Ge scratched his head, thought for a while, borrowed paper and pen from the table in front of him, wrote a line of words, and moved the note to Gu Panyan's table.

Gu Panyan thought this guy was going to argue again, but when he picked up the note and looked at it, it read: "Yanbao, you look really good today."

I want to make a joke again...

She originally didn't want to deal with this scumbag, but as soon as her thoughts changed, she seemed to have thought of something interesting.

So he reached for Wang Singer's pen and asked on the note: "Am I better-looking or Chen Yanxi?"

Wang Ge: "..."

He took the pen and asked: "Yanbao, were you taken away from your body?"

Gu Panyan drew a question mark.

"It's not like you can ask such a childish question."

Gu Panyan said "ha" and found an excuse at random, "How normal. Doesn't the book say that people in love will become childish involuntarily?"

Wang Ge: "..."

Damn, the book also says that women in love will have lower IQs. You are almost catching up with Detective Moriarty. Do I think I will believe you?

"Stop talking nonsense and answer my questions."

Wang Ge thought for two seconds and tentatively wrote "du" on the paper.

Before I started writing the second word, I suddenly felt an extremely strong murderous aura coming from beside me.

He was so frightened that he quickly crossed out the word "du" and wrote very quickly: "You are good-looking, it must be you! In my heart, Yanbao, you are the most beautiful in the world!"

I’m sorry Xixi, I’m just trying to survive, you should understand me, right?

But what Wang Ge didn’t expect was that this life-threatening question was not over yet, Gu Panyan immediately asked on the paper:

“Who has a better figure, Chen Yanxi or mine?”

This Wang Ge could honestly say: “It must be Yanbao who has a better figure!”

Although he had not observed and felt Xixi’s figure up close, he often hugged her after all. Whether from the surface or from the touch, Yanbao’s figure was better than Xixi’s.

Xixi was only about 165cm tall, but Gu Panyan was 1.7m.

And she was a perfect body shape, she exercised regularly, her waist was slender, her front and back were curved, and she had a beautiful waistline. Wang Ge had never seen a few people who could compare with Yanbao in figure.

Speaking of which, Li Zhimeng seemed to have a good figure too…

… Damn, why did I miss her.

He shook his head and threw the little lunatic out of his head.

At this time, Gu Panyan asked a new question:

"Do I smell better, or does Chen Yanxi smell better?"

This time, Wang Ge wrote on the note without thinking: "It must be that Yanbao smells better!"

He was too lazy to recall and compare. It was meaningless anyway. He just needed to answer the absolutely correct answer.


Gu Panyan raised the corners of her mouth slightly and wrote on the paper: "So, you have smelled the smell of Chen Yanxi? And you are very familiar with this smell, otherwise there is no way to compare, right?"

Wang Ge:?

When he saw this sentence, his eyes almost popped out.

The absolutely correct answer was wrong.

Damn, I fell for it!

With a look of grief and indignation, he gritted his teeth and wrote on the paper:

"You are such a nice person. If you want to beat me up, you don't just do it, but you have to find a reason."

PS: It seems that many people don't understand the difference between the ending and the extra. The ending of this book must be a happy harem, which is beyond doubt. The extra can be a postscript after the ending, or it can be other content independent of the work, such as the story of the male and female protagonists in another parallel universe. This should be understandable, right?

So what kind of extra do you want to see?

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