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Chapter 88 Royal City Altdorf

After passing through the swamp, the endless rice fields and farms, the group finally came to the capital of the empire, surrounded by tall white walls, the largest and richest city in the empire.


Because General Pastor was by his side, Duanmu Huai did not encounter any trouble when he entered the capital of the empire. The soldiers returned to the barracks, while the warriors of the Chapter settled their final pay. Most people can't wait to go to this bustling city to eat, drink and have fun.

As for those dimensional stones, they were handed over to the court mages under the surveillance of the witch hunters—a group of people wrapped in robes, not even showing their faces, with the words "I'm suspicious" written at a glance guy. And they didn't seem to be aware of the tricks on the dimension stone, or they were so shocked by the huge fragment of the dimension stone on the carriage that they didn't have time to investigate the authenticity of the gravel, but anyway, these fragments are still He was taken away by the court mages for disposal.

At least that's what it says on the surface.

Walking out of the barracks, Duanmuhuai weighed the purse in his hands. According to General Pastor, the eldest prince will hold a grand banquet for them in the palace in fifteen days to celebrate their recovery of the stricken city of Mordheim. Cursed city. Duanmuhuai and other battle regiment leaders will naturally participate.

"Are you going back to the holy city?"

Duanmuhuai looked at Lorena and Melutie, the latter thought for a moment, looked at each other and shook his head.

"We want to wander around the city, my lord knight."

Looking at the surrounding buildings, Lorena seems to be very interested in this city. After all, this is another world, the capital of an empire, so Lorena also wants to take a look around.

"Nafia go with you, don't cause trouble."

Duanmu Huai didn't take it seriously, he wasn't worried that these people would have problems, if they were attacked, he would know immediately, and then summon them back through the card.

As for the court mages, the witch hunters had volunteered to investigate, and Duanmu Huai summoned two torture puppets to follow them to monitor their every move for safety reasons.

"What are you going to do, Master Knight?"

"I plan to go to the library to look for records and clues about the country of Manalia."

Nothing was found in Mordheim, so now Duanmuhuai can only see if there are any clues in Altdorf.

So next, Lorena and the others went shopping, while Duanmu Huai took Augis to the great library of Altdorf.

Along the way, Duanmu Huai discovered that this very wrong.

The whole Altdorf looks full of vigor and prosperity, with bustling crowds everywhere. However, Duanmu Huai discovered that this change was full of disorder and chaos. For example, it seemed difficult for him to find the right way on the street, or in other words, the road was there originally, but a strange force seemed to affect the city, making it very difficult for Duanmu Huai to tell whether he was on the right way.

It's like a person standing at a crossroads, originally planning to cross the road, but when a group of people are bustling through the intersection, that person suddenly finds that the intersection that was originally opposite him seems to have moved to the other side. It is easy for people to suspect that there is something wrong with their own eyes... or that there is something wrong with the city itself.

Duanmuhuai can be sure that he is definitely not a road idiot, so Altdorf's current situation is very intriguing.

Chaos of disorder, change—the mark of a deceitful god.

Looking at the city in front of him, Duanmu Huai looked dignified. As a royal city, Altdorf must have many nobles and high officials, which means that the city is full of intrigues and tricks, and Altdorf's Magic Academy---deceitful Almost all the elements and conditions for the coming of the gods are met.

To be honest, Duanmu Huai would not be surprised even if all the mages and high-level officials in this city are followers of the God of Deceit.

"Master, it seems very noisy here."

Augis followed Duanmuhuai, looked at the scene in front of her, and said in a low voice. And Duanmuhuai nodded——Altdorf is full of a special kind of noise, but this is not because of the excitement or the like. On the contrary, almost everyone who walks here looks hurried, whether they are civilians, Businessmen, mages or laborers, they acted as if someone was urging them with a whip waving behind them all the time, filling the whole city with a noisy and impetuous atmosphere.

To tell the truth, this place is not at all conducive to physical and mental health.

Duanmu Huai watched a carriage driver roaring and waving the reins, driving the carriage across the road at a high speed, as if suffering from road rage, wishing to kill all the people standing in front of him.

"Let's hurry to the library."

Altdorf's library is located in the Magic Academy area, and Duanmu Huai easily entered the library because of General Pastor's certificate.

He originally thought that he would get a moment of peace here, but what Duanmuhuai didn't expect was that even in the library, it would also make people feel upset and irritable.

Logically speaking, the library should be a quiet place where people can fall asleep quietly, but the fact is that a group of mages gathered around whispering, and from time to time someone got up quickly, trotted to the bookshelf, and picked up a book Shu walked back to his seat quickly... It seemed that if he was slower, his seat would be taken away by others.

This kind of low whisper and footsteps sometimes makes people feel more restless.

"I'm looking for some references."

Duanmuhuai came to the librarian and said in a low voice, but the librarian didn't even lift his head, just staring at the book in front of him, as if there were flowers growing in it.

"I want to know something about Manalia."

While talking, Duanmuhuai took out a few silver coins and threw them on the table. The jingling sound made by the silver coins touching the table finally made the librarian look up. He glanced at the silver coins on the table, then quickly stretched out his hand, Take it back with the speed of a professional pickpocket.

"Bookshelf No. 15, the legends and allusions of Reikland."


Duanmuhuai took out a few silver coins again and put them on the table, then turned and left. He followed the librarian's instructions and went to the No. 15 bookshelf, found the heavy book, and then——Duanmuhuai did not hesitate Open the portal and go straight back to the holy city.


Returning to the holy city with blue sky and white clouds, feeling the warm and comfortable atmosphere here, Duanmu Huai finally breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, the feeling Altdorf gave him was not good at all, even Duanmuhuai could feel an ominous sense of uneasiness, as if some threat was spreading around him, but he couldn't find any other The body is the same.

But now it's all right.

Duanmuhuai came to the central park of the holy city, sat down on a big tree, and began to read the books in his hand. And Augis sat beside him, staring at Duanmuhuai, or observing the crowds and animals around, which was considered a pleasure.

It didn't take much effort for Duanmu Huai to find the records about Manaria.

But...that was a fairy tale.

Legend has it that a long time ago, a war broke out on this continent. The evil dragon tried to destroy human beings, and human beings fell into crisis. But later, the princess of the human country stepped forward and led the soldiers to defeat the dragon and win peace. And that human kingdom is called Manaria.

That's all there is to it.

Not without clues, though.

"This story is widely circulated in Dunkelberg, and it is a well-known local fairy tale. Although it is impossible to verify its source, the author believes that this story is not just a superstition of rural people..."

Well, the next target has been found.

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