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Chapter 66 Cursed City

After that, Duanmuhuai came to the main camp located outside the city of Mordheim—judging from the atmosphere of this camp, there used to be many people here, but now it is desolate, although it is not There were no soldiers, but it didn't take long to tell that morale wasn't particularly high here.

As a battle group, Duanmuhuai got a camp as a supply point, of course, strictly speaking, this thing is useless to them. Because Duanmuhuai can open the door to go back to the holy city at any time, and then enjoy delicious food and soft beds there, instead of starving and freezing here.

However, before everyone had a good rest in the camp, the messenger called Duan Muhuai to the camp to start the next attack plan.

"Well, I know you have a lot to complain about, and so do I."

General Pastor Roland was blowing his beard, and his thin face looked abnormally dull. I don't know if it was because of the weather or his mood.

"But the order has been issued from above, and His Majesty the Emperor is very, very, very dissatisfied with our progress. So he sent me another army. Next, we will learn from the mistakes of the last operation and rearrange the plan!! "

Amidst the noisy complaints of others, Duanmu Huai finally figured out the cause and effect of the matter.

It turned out that part of the reason why the first recovery operation against Mordheim City failed completely was because they were really unprepared, and the other part was the general's problem. At that time, the person in charge of leading the army was an aristocratic faction who was close to the First Prince, and the arrogance in his bones obviously did not make this guy take the recovery of such a dilapidated city seriously. So the orders given by this simple-minded person were also very simple.

The army marched in directly and completely occupied the entire city.

And then it's over.

Because they spread the army too far in one breath, they were soon attacked. As I said before, the city of Mordheim is full of rat people, all kinds of heretics, and alien races including vampires and necromancers. And these guys directly launched a surprise attack before the army had time to gain a firm foothold, completely dividing the entire army.

Under such circumstances, the imperial army can't do anything at all, not to mention that the first prince sent here is only a reserve army. Where has he ever seen such a terrifying and evil battle, so the imperial army, fighting on its own, collapsed immediately. Most of them were wiped out on the spot, and only a handful of people escaped with the help of mercenaries.

Fortunately, the short-circuited nobleman also died in it. As for who did it—well, let's just assume that he died in battle unfortunately.

This is good for everyone.

Those who are here now, apart from mercenary groups like Duanmuhuai, are members of some organizations within the empire. Such as Battle Priests and Templars from the Church of Sigmar, Witch Hunters, and Priests of the Wolf from the Church of Ulric. The rest are the people of the imperial army. This General Paster babbled a lot. In the final analysis, the general idea is that we must learn the lesson of the last pig's sudden advance, and this time we must fight steadily. Therefore, you chapters must charge forward and fight with the enemy as much as possible. They will divide each area into a piece of the battlefield and hand it over to different chapters. Then wait until the warband has stabilized the front line before the army moves in, starting the "steady" cannibalization and building from the rear.

After all, in urban street battles like Mordheim, the army's superiority in numbers could hardly be brought into play, and it would be easier to achieve the goal by relying on a small number of elites.

Everyone has no objection to this point. After all, those who come here are all mercenaries who are paid to do things, and they still know what to do.

But then something went wrong.

When General Pastor said that he had contacted the nuns in the city and would get their assistance, the representatives of the Sigma Church immediately jumped up and loudly expressed their opposition.

The reason given by the Church of Sigma is very speechless—the Sisters are a church organization in Mordheim that also believes in Sigma. Perhaps because of the blessing of the god Sigma, the Sisters suffered the least from the twin-tailed comet disaster. But this made the Church of Sigma think that the nuns are heretics, and demanded that they be wiped out...

Well, to put it bluntly, because the other party didn't suffer, he thought the other party was a heretic... Duan Muhuai also didn't understand how the stupid logic of the Sigma Church came about.

Fortunately, General Pastor was very persistent in this regard. They now have no extra soldiers to recover Mordheim, so they need a lot of reinforcements. As believers in Sigma, the Sisters are also native residents. They are familiar with Mordheim, and their political loyalty is acceptable. As for the internal affairs of your church, it is your internal affairs. The fact is that we are not in a position to pick and choose now. So working with the nuns is a must.

In the end, the representative of the Sigma Church was so angry that he walked away. Although the other people present did not speak, judging by their expressions... it was obvious that they were also very helpless.

However, the combat meeting will continue. In the next meeting, General Pastor also gave the battle groups their respective tasks.

From the map, Mordheim is an oval city surrounded by walls, divided into east and west parts by a river in the middle—well, it looks like a butt.

Among them, the northeast is the market area, and the southeast is the slum area. The northwest is the aristocratic area, and the southwest is the military area.

The east and west areas are connected by bridges, and overall, it is a closed city.

Among them, the place where the twin-tailed comet fell is the poor area, which is also the most dangerous place in the entire Mordheim area. It is full of all kinds of twisted creatures and cannot be approached at all. But that doesn't mean other places are safe...

"Your mission is simple."

Pointing at the map in front of him, Pastor shouted loudly.

"You have to enter from the gap in the east wall, recover the Temple of Sigma and the City Hall, and then the market square! Open a passage for the follow-up troops! Remember to clear all threats, including those monsters hidden in the ruins, and the evil god believers There are vampires and other messy things! The nuns will send a team of battle nuns to work with you to remove the evil curse from the Temple of Sigma! Then, the battle group whose name is read next will participate in this battle !"

While talking, Pastor picked up the list.

"Imperial Eagle, Talon, and..."

Having said that, Pastor looked at the list and suddenly stopped. He stared carefully at the parchment in his hand, as if there were flowers on it.

"...Pink Bunny?? Who is Pink Bunny??"

"it's me."

Duanmu Huai stood up, and seeing Duanmu Huai, Pastor opened his mouth, looked at the list, and then looked at the burly and huge armored warrior in front of him...

"It's up to you! Do it well!!"

In the end, Pastor didn't say anything, maybe he didn't know what to say.

After the meeting was adjourned, the three battle groups that had been named also assembled immediately.

The Imperial Eagles are a warband of Imperial mercenaries, most of whom are fighters. And Black Claw is a team led by witch hunters. Besides witch hunters, there are also priests from the Church of Ulric and the Church of Sigmar.

But no matter what, these people looked like battle-tested veterans, and with their aura and attire, they looked like a capable battle group.

On the contrary, it was the four beautiful girls in fluffy clothes behind Duanmuhuai—well, to be honest, they didn't look like they were here to fight at all.

"Hey bro, it's up to us to get closer and closer to each other."

The captain of the Imperial Eagle was a very cheerful and outgoing mercenary, he greeted Duanmuhuai with a smile, and Duanmuhuai waved his hand in response. As for the witch hunter next to him, he didn't say a word, just stood there silently, like a shadow.

"Then, let's get to work."

Everyone is professional, and there is no need for pleasantries, and there is no scene of sneering at each other before starting the action-everyone knows that this is a dangerous task, either complete or die. So it's pointless to talk nonsense at a time like this. Carrying their weapons on their backs, they quietly passed through the cracks in the city wall and entered Mordheim.

This cursed city.

Just stepping into it, a sense of gray oppression rushed towards him, Duanmu Huai raised his head and looked in front of him. Everything here looks dilapidated at the moment. The whole city is in fragments, almost all the houses are dilapidated, and even a complete house cannot be seen.

Not only that, on the ground and walls, you can also see some rotten meat pieces covering them, and there are even eyes moving left and right in the middle of those meat pieces.

"Maybe some of you are coming here for the first time, so I want to remind you first."

The captain of the Imperial Eagle turned his head, looked at the others, and said in a low voice with a serious expression.

"Don't underestimate this city, anything here may kill you..."

As he spoke, he pointed to the things on the ground that looked like pieces of rotten meat.

"Like these things, don't step on them, don't get too close to them, they will spit nasty and ugly poisonous fumes at you, and turn you into a mentally insane idiot. And those wooden planks... ..."

While speaking, he raised the long sword in his hand again and pointed at the broken wooden board placed beside a carriage in front of the road. From the surface, it seemed that it was just a piece of broken wooden board leaning there... There was nothing on it. If the text is weird, it doesn't seem very eye-catching.

"That's a Ratman's trap. If you accidentally trigger it, then you can only pray for your luck—after all, Ratman is not a kind thing."

"... Excuse me, what are these?"

Looking at those ugly creatures that covered the walls and hung under the eaves, Lorena asked in a low voice, while the captain of the empire shook his head.

"I don't know either. All in all, they seem to be the corpses of the residents of this city. Under the influence of the forces of chaos, they turned into this ghostly appearance. As for what they are now... I'm afraid even they themselves don't know. .”


This time, no one spoke, but looking at everyone, the captain of the empire smiled slightly and opened his hands.

"Okay, everyone, hell."

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