Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 975: Encounter Jiansan Again

"Are you sure? To know that this enchantment is likely to contain danger, we should go back first to ensure our own safety." Xiao Xuan was very puzzled by Mu Qing's choice.

No matter how you look at it, staying here will be even more dangerous.

They didn't know that Mu Qing's parents' spirits were taken away by evil gods.

The eyes of Xuan Mu, Mei Sanniang and others also looked at Mu Qing.

They doubted Mu Qing's choice.

After Zi Jinyuan glanced at Mu Qing deeply, he remembered the words that Tiancai and others had told him before and allowed Mu Qing to leave the team midway.

He didn't say anything. Since Heaven Punishment said so, there should be other things to come to Mu Qing.

"We..." Zi Jinyuan said, just about to say something, but he heard a huge roar in the distance!

"There... is the place of the space teleportation array!" The little fat man reacted immediately and exclaimed: "Someone is fighting over there!"

Everyone was shocked and hurried over there quickly.

Mu Qing hesitated for a while, and immediately followed.

"Why are there people fighting at this time? There is a conflict between the Ruthless Hall and the Heavenly Court?"

"Something's wrong..."

Mu Qing made a series of speculations in his heart, but he didn't think Ruthless Hall would quarrel with the people of Heavenly Court at this time.

"Could it be..." His pupils shrank slightly.

The speed of the crowd was very fast, and within a short period of time they had reached the position not far from the beginning.

The place is already riddled with holes and pits everywhere.

Tianyin and others are fighting!

With a group of strangers!

Mu Qing's eyes condensed, and he shouted, "It's the emperor of the Holy Kingdom!"

Thirteen people, all of them are great emperors!

The strong of the holy country!

The headed person, Mu Qing, is even more familiar. He is the third sword, and his cultivation level has reached the tenth lower rank!

"Come and help!" Tianyin quickly yelled when he saw the people in Zijinyuan.

He gritted his teeth and couldn't hold on anymore.

Thirteen opponents, the weakest all have the strength of the lower emperor of Tier 3, the strongest is Jiansan, the pinnacle of the lower emperor!

Even though the seven of them are the arrogances of Heavenly Court, they are not opponents either.

On Zi Jinyuan's side, they watched from the sidelines, and no one shot.

Seeing this, Tianyin was so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

He wanted to yell at him, but he was asking for something right now, so he had to take back the vulgar language he was about to blurt out.


Next to him, Lei Ting was injured by a sixth-order lower emperor, and a pale color appeared on her delicate face.

When Xuanmu saw this, he was about to move, as if he wanted to make a move.

Xiao Xuan stopped him, and then looked at Zi Jinyuan.

Whether or not you want to make a move depends on what Zi Jinyuan says.

"These guys are from the Holy Kingdom. If you don't cooperate with us now, I'm afraid they will not be their opponents by then!" Tianyin shouted.

He hoped that these guys in the ancient immortal world would not be too stupid.

"Let's do it, Saint Kingdom's goal is all of us. If we don't join hands now, we won't be able to wait until later." Zi Jinyuan said solemnly.

He coughed a few times and took the lead in taking the initiative, with the goal of Jiansan!

This person is the strongest among the thirteen members of the Holy Kingdom, the pinnacle of the next great emperor, if he doesn't solve the opponent first, it will be difficult to continue fighting.

Tianyin, Lei Ting, and Shu Ling all attacked Jian San, while Hu Yibiao and the man in grey clothed them with a Lei Gong Tianjiao and Xie Gong Tianjiao against the others.

But even if Tianjiao's Tianjiao can achieve one-on-one without losing, but the gap in the number of people is too large, it is not an opponent at all.

Zijinyuan and Xuanmu directly attacked Jiansan, and two terrifying flames swept away, burning the surrounding space distorted.

"Brother Mu, I'll deal with other people with you, brother, Mei Sanniang, Liao Wu and Qiu Xiulan, you all be careful." Xiao Xuan said solemnly.

Mu Qing nodded, his face also very solemn.

Even if they join forces with Heavenly Court, it will only help Tianyin and the others to ease down pressure a little.

The gap between the Holy Kingdom and theirs is still very big!

The gap in strength!

Seven people in the heavenly court, eight people in the ancient immortal world, fifteen people in total!

But on the side of the holy country, just a sword three has the strength of the pinnacle of the next great emperor, and it needs five people, including Zijinyuan and Xuanmu, to intercept it.

Even five to one is not necessarily an opponent!

A silver-white giant wolf emerged behind Jian San, and a sword tore through the space, directly forcing Tianyin and Lei Ting back.

Tianyin's Jianguang and Lei Ting's Thunder Dragon were also directly shattered!

Nine times of tempering, comparable to the fourth-order lower emperor or the fifth-order lower emperor.

But the realm of Jiansan had already reached the tenth order!

"Damn it! Where are those guys in Ruthless Hall?" Tianyin's whole body turned into endless sword lights, and Jian San came head-to-head, but felt a terrifying counter-shock force coming, and the fairy sword in his hand trembled wildly. Spit out a mouthful of blood.

He whispered insults, but the people in the ruthless palace disappeared at the critical moment.

"Mo Sen, if you are peeping around and don't help, I will definitely let the very high-level high-level take action after I go back, and destroy your ruthless palace!" Hu Yibiao's temper was the same as his name, and he shouted directly.

"Add me to the ancient immortal world!" Zi Jinyuan and Xiao Xuan shouted.

Almost as soon as the voice fell, a chuckle came out of the void, and six figures emerged, it was the people in the Ruthless Hall!

"It's so special, I really hide by the side!" Tianyin cursed secretly.

Mawson didn't say much, and immediately led someone to take action.

He himself joined the ranks of Siege Sword III.

Jian San faced the siege of the six Tianjiao alone, but he did not lose the wind, and even dealt with it easily.

His gaze suddenly looked at Mu Qing not far away, and smiled: "The Lord Lord asked me to bring you a sentence. If you want to save your parents, sacrifice your body to Lord Lord, and he will stay. You and your parents have a life!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone around was shocked, and their eyes couldn't help but fall on Mu Qing.

Zi Jinyuan and others finally understood why Mu Qing was reluctant to leave before.

It turns out that Mu Qing's parents' spirits were taken away by evil gods!

"On my side, that guy doesn't have any credit at all." Mu Qing would naturally not be so stupid to believe the other party's words.

In the early days, the evil **** hid on him with a remnant soul, trying to make a bad plan. If he had not been lucky and had a big life, he would have been robbed of his body long ago!

Jian San's face became cold, and he shouted: "Kill him, whoever kills him will get the reward of Lord Holy Master!"

Suddenly, the faces of the other twelve people in the Holy Kingdom showed a touch of greed.


On the Heavenly Court side, a disciple of Thunder Palace was killed, and the opponent was a Tier 5 lower emperor!

The man's Holy Spirit is a big bear that hovered the thunder, and even swallowed all the thunder-type supernatural powers displayed by the thunder palace disciple. It's best to crush the opponent in one bite and swallow it together with the spirit!

A Tianjiao in the Heavenly Court fell in a blink of an eye!

On the other side, the disciple of the evil palace also screamed. The opponent was also a fifth-order lower emperor. The Holy Spirit was a poisonous snake, and the venom entered the body, and the soul festered at an extremely fast speed.

He seemed to know that he was about to die, and then a smile appeared on his face.

This evil palace disciple exhausted his last strength, took out a dagger, and pierced it into his chest.

Suddenly, the dense black incantations spread, and a mysterious force shocked!

His body turned into black power, rushing directly to the curse spirit.

The curse spirit got this black power, and a powerful aura rushed out of the body, and it was directly tempered ten times!

Among the many talents present, the first to achieve ten temperings! The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 975 meets the sword three again), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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