Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 856: Nirvana sea

In the endless pitch black void, a beehive of the heart demon floats, heading for unknown places.

Mu Qing's complexion was complicated. Although he hadn't seen the end, it was conceivable that Princess Moon River was probably killed by Heavenly Court now.

"Master Demon Lord, where are we going?" Jian San asked.

A smile appeared on the face of the Demon Lord, and said: "Go to the Paradise of the Heart Demon, which is the most suitable place for our survival, and at that time, we will wake up the evil god!"

His expression was full of enthusiasm.

The next thing the demon master needs to do is to completely revive the remnant soul of the evil **** in Mu Qing's body. Then he will also be rewarded by the evil **** and break through to the supreme realm!

"Strange... I don't know why, there is always a bad premonition." The demon master touched his chin, and he suddenly frowned.

With a twitch of his eyelids, he looked at Mu Qing.

I saw a mark on Mu Qing's chest, and it bloomed with a dazzling light.

The face of the demon master suddenly changed, and a series of extreme positions suddenly burst out of his body, covering Xiang Mu Qing.

However, on the imprint of that day, a touch of moonlight brilliance appeared, covering the entire imprint of the tribulation, and it exploded in this instant!

A terrifying thunder and lightning power burst out, that is the power belonging to the imprint of the tribulation!

You must know that the strength of the original Heaven Punishment was at the supreme level, and the power contained in this Heavenly Tribulation Mark would not be weaker than the Demon Lord.


The shocking power exploded, and the extreme position was shattered, but the imprint of the celestial calamity was transformed by Princess Yuehe. Under the influence of the moonlight brilliance, she actually retreated to the defense and directly wrapped Mu Qing’s. whole body.

"call out!"

The energy of the imprint of the tribulation envelops Mu Qing and turns into a beam of light, breaking through the power of the demon master, breaking through the air in an instant.

"Do not!"

The pupils of the Demon Lord shrank, and he condensed a monstrous giant hand, but he failed to catch Mu Qing back.

The energy in the Imprint of the Tribulation was extremely turbulent. Under Princess Yuehe's transformation, all these forces protected Mu Qing and fled.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Mu Qing was wrapped in the power of the blazing white tribulation, broke through the void and disappeared.

The demon lord was mad, his eyes were red, and a wave of terrifying power swept away from his body, and his palm prints and fist prints blasted all around.

He was venting, even tearing apart the void and chasing up, but unfortunately, he didn't have any clue at all. The Heavenly Tribulation Mark broke through the void and left, and he didn't know where he was heading.

For a whole number of months, the Heart Demon Hive stayed in place, and countless Heart Demon rushed out, searching in the depths of the void.

At the same time, the celestial realms of the ten realms of the universe.

Here is a world occupied by top races such as the Celestial Race, and on this day, the major top races headed by the Celestial Race came forward to announce that they would offer their loyalty to the supreme power Heaven and become their subordinates.

As soon as the news came out, all the creatures in the heavens were shocked. In the eyes of most creatures, the top races such as the Celestial Race were already at the dominance level.

These top races have lowered their arrogant heads towards one power, which is the existence called the supreme power, named Heaven!

Supreme forces, this concept is generally only known to creatures of higher races and above, but on this day, news spread to every corner of the heavens.

After that, a lot of news came out. In fact, the heavens were already under the control of the heavens in secret, but now the heavens are officially appearing in front of all the creatures in the heavens.

The entire celestial realm was completely controlled by the heaven for the first time, and then issued a reward order to capture Mu Qing alive!

The creatures in the heavens are boiling, because the rewards are too rich. As long as you provide information, you can immediately get the support of the heavens, become a member of the heavens, and give an imperial weapon!

And if you catch Mu Qing and take him to the Heavenly Court, the reward will be even more generous, and you will directly gift ten imperial artifacts, and even the Heavenly Court will make him an emperor!

You know, the realm of the Great Emperor is the supreme existence in the eyes of all living beings.

Just by catching one person, you can reach the realm of the Great Emperor with the help of Heavenly Court. What an amazing reward is this?

In a short period of time, the celestial realm was unified, becoming an affiliate of the celestial court, and becoming the second force in the ten realms of the universe that completely unified the entire realm!

But just that was not over yet, and then Heavenly Court sent a large number of people to Taining Realm!

Originally, Buddhism was the first existence that ruled an entire world. However, Buddhism has not yet developed a few steps. Seeing that it touched the corner of the supreme power, it was led by the demon lord to destroy a large number of demons.

Now a large number of strong men from Heavenly Court have entered the Taining Realm, but they have directly taken over this session.

Regardless of the collapse of Buddhism, most of the creatures in this session are still relatively strong, and the resources are also numerous.

Heavenly Court's actions were too domineering and powerful. There were many supreme forces observing in secret, but they did not dare to offend Heavenly Court.

Heavenly Court has become a behemoth in a short time, and under its attachment, there are two realms!

"I heard that Heavenly Court is fighting with a mysterious force called Ancient Immortal Realm. Where is the battlefield?" Someone asked.

"It is rumored that there is the most mysterious place in the universe. Except for the Heavenly Court and the Ancient Immortal Realm, no one knows it. It seems to be called the sea of ​​nirvana..." Someone uttered a voice, but only inquired from the grapevine.

Many creatures know about the battle between the Heavenly Court and the ancient immortal world, but more specific news is unknown.


There are many rumors in the ten realms of the universe, and it is one of the most mysterious forbidden places.

It is said that the Sea of ​​Silence is located at the junction of Dongyang Realm and Hunyuan Realm, where the living environment is harsh and there is nothing.

The reason why this sea of ​​nirvana will become the most mysterious place is because the sea of ​​nirvana contains a power of nirvana, and any creature that falls down will die.

Someone reported that there was a terrifying heritage in the sea of ​​nirvana, but all the strong men who entered the sea of ​​nirvana had died, even the emperor.

Gradually, some people began to question, and then no longer believed in what inheritance existed at the bottom of the nirvana, but from time to time astonishing visions spread out from the bottom of nirvana, as if they were tempting people to enter.

Heavenly Court and Ancient Immortal Realm chose this place as a battlefield, it seems to have no other intention, just because it is suitable as a battlefield, after death, the creatures don't even need to spend a lot of time to deal with, directly fall into the sea of ​​silence, and their bodies are decomposed and corroded.

Somewhere in the sea of ​​nirvana, there is an island here. The sky and the earth are dark everywhere, and blood flows into the river everywhere on the island, as if after a great war, there are ruins everywhere.

At this moment, in the woods on the easternmost side of the island, a void crack stretched out, accompanied by the power of moonlight and lightning, a figure fell down. The starry sky dominates the latest chapter address: starry sky dominates the full text reading address: Dominates the txt download link: starry sky dominates mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 856 Silent Sea), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Master of the Stars", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! ! (

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